Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Another Day


Yesterday, was both Benjamin and Elly's first day of school. Last night, I had a very excellent conversation with Benjamin, about his first day. In a word - excellent. He likes his teachers, and has already made a few friends. Unlike schools that I knew, and you probably do too, the children have to bring an electronic device (can't remember if it's a laptop or some other other electronic device. Certain apps have to be loaded into the electronic device, and homework is finished electronically as well.  Benjamin informed me that the school was trying to reduce it's "foot print"!

The short answer for Benjamin's first day was excellent. He was going to sign up for cross road? training. But, all of his friends are going to play soccer, so he did as well.  

Carpet cleaning AGAIN today. I swear I should put Daisy in doggy diapers. With all this frequent cleaning, we are simply going to wear the carpets out! It would be cheaper, in the long run, to replace the carpet in the hallway with some kind of fake wood product!

Have to run now. Carpet cleaners are scheduled for noon to five. I'm betting around noon, so I need to put some things away in the bedroom.

More tomorrow.



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