Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Digging Out Warmer Clothes


The oak tree in the front yard, has dropped a minimal amount of leaves in the yard. In past years, it would take several of those brown recyclable bags to capture the leaves. But, since the oak tree is dying, it's going to be relatively easy to keep the front yard clean.

For me, I think it's time to sort out my warmer clothes.  I am a fair weather girl. I'm either too hot, and then I'm too cold. Practically, never happy.

I will sort out my cooler weather clothes and will toss out any things that are now to big. What a horrible situation! Jeff has promised me that if I bag up my larger clothes in bags, he will then take those bags into the basement. I don't want to have to take any clothes from those bags, but nothing is certain or guaranteed in life. 

I have since last year really working on losing pounds and I think I've been really successful. Depending on the day, I've lost 30 plus pounds. And, I'm so proud of me. It started out with eating high protein snacks, etc. Oh, and protein water too. By the way, some of the flavors of protein water are very, very good. And, they are filling.

I haven't had to really use those special foods in a long time. I do, however, when we go out say to, let's say Hopkins, I bring along a bar or two just in case, I do get hungry. Luckily for me, most of my clothes are either too big, or are just on the edge of being too big. What a problem to have.

The days are getting shorter, which means I have a greater chance of being "down in the dumps". Whenever I am at my desk, I always have the "Happy Light" on, which does help, a bit.

I don't really like winter weather, particularly snow and ice. Unlike all the years I was working, I no longer have to wonder if the office was going to be closed or a delayed opening. Nope, I normally don't even set my alarm clock! Believe me, when it's time to get up, the girls become restless - they want their food - and they want it now! Luckily for me, Jeff gets up early so that after his breakfast, he can return to his office, and work through any problems. And, there is always a problem!

Television watching isn't too good right now. I keep reminding Jeff that the new season of shows we like, as well as new shows, begins later this month. Because I'm a television "nut", I have written down the names of the new shows and their premiere date. I'll also check on our returning shows that we both like - Bull, Chicago anything, The Good Doctor, etc. It's not always easy to be in charge of the remote! While I like "junk" shows, Jeff does not. So, to be fair, I watch my shows when Jeff is not around. And, this solution makes us both happy. We're definitely doing the Mars/Venus thing, which works for both of us.

 Image result for picture of television watching


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