Tuesday, September 24, 2019

I Confess!


Don't get all excited. I haven't murdered anyone, stole from anyone, etc.

What I am confessing about, is I'm not sitting in the backseat (not literally). I have been a mother for 48 years, and up until the boys became men and married, I was the "sun" if you will, of their universes.

I was the Mother Hen, and protected them as best I could, from some of the harsh realities of life. Mothers, all over the world, do this too.

Now, back to the backseat. Scott and Andrew have both married amazing women, and I'm happy for them. Truly I am. I have no control, nor should I, of the decisions they are making now.

I have been the matriarch (and I guess I still am) of the family. I was, in a few words, the person they came to when something in their life was going south.

What I'm grappling with is that I'm no longer in charge - of anything. Stacey and Wendy have taken over the reins, if you will. Basically, I'm told where and when to be somewhere. On one hand, that should make me happy. I've cooked countless meals and desserts in 45 years. I did a quick check, and over those years, have made approximately (give or take) about 17,000+ meals. That's a lot of cooking. I no longer have a yen to cook or bake anymore. My apron has mostly been put in retirement. 

Now, as it should be, the next generation has taken over. One of the things I'm having trouble with is, that I'm no longer the center for Scott and Andrew. 

Both Stacey and Wendy, are wonderful women and I'm so happy for the boys. You know what they say - behind every great man - is a woman standing behind him!

Perhaps it's time for me to just sit back and relax. I think I've earned that right. Now all I have to do is actually sit back and relax. The girls have everything in hand. No worries.


  Image result for picture of mother letting go of her children

1 comment:

  1. You have definitely earned the right to sit back and relax!!! I imagine every mother eventually has to go through this. Thankfully, for me I have the perfect role model to learn from. Thank you for raising the man I dearly love. The quote should say, "Behind every great man there stands two amazing women, his wife and mother. I love you!-Stacey


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