Wednesday, February 28, 2018

After surgery update

Guest blogger here today.

Patti did just fine in the surgery, and the doc told me that he was very pleased.
He repaired the herniated disc, with a plastic type of "cage" (as opposed to the titanium cages that she had previously in another location in her back).  He indicated that he DID free a pinched nerve - and found that the next disc - looked to have a previous older injury that also had a pinched or impinged nerve - he was able to free this second nerve as well, and he told me that this was somewhat of a bonus, because this one was NOT showing on the films - He stated that it most likely WOULD have been seen had there been an MRI instead of the old style mylogram  (SP?)  (xray) with contrast.

The surgeon indicated that Patti's blood pressure was up and down during surgery, causing the anesthesia doc some concern, however, it was all good.

Patti did NOT recover well - and was in recovery the remainder of the day - Initially the indicated a couple of hours, but she remained until 6:00 when the finally took her to a room on the fourth floor. 

Apparently, she was not breathing deep enough to maintain her O2 saturation to the level that the nursing staff wanted to see.  She was instructed to breathe deep, and even given additional oxygen most of the day. 

Because of this long recovery, she missed lunch and dinner - and when I was there at 7:00 last night, she was fussing about food.  The night staff indicated they didn't have anything, and the kitchen was closed.  They finally brought some Jello, and chicken broth - but she was ready to simply take a pain pill and go off to sleep. 

The good news, while she was not running any races, she did get up and walk to the bathroom a couple of times - they REALLY wanted her to do some laps up and down hall to prevent stiffness, but that will happen today hopefully.

That is the story for today - More when I know

Monday, February 26, 2018

Twenty Fours To Go


Benjamin came yesterday afternoon, and he and I watched some movie that he picked out.  I am always willing to watch any age appropriate movie with him, even when I think the movie in question, is not to my liking.  That's just what grandparents do.  

We had chicken, peas and pasta for dinner.  Initially, Benjamin turned up his nose at the chicken, but after eating a few bites, wanted more and more.  I keep telling him that I have no time in my life for eating "yucky" food, like brussels sprouts!

After dinner, Jeff made Knox Blox, which when set, you can cut into block-size pieces and eat them with your fingers.  I made coconut cream pudding, which was a success for all of us.  Another movie, then off to bed.  Rather than sleeping in the guest bedroom, he wanted to sleep in our room, because we always have music playing softly.  He took the sofa cushions off, put them on the floor, piled up some blankets around him, and was out before I could even get myself settled in bed.  With two dogs, logistics is an evening ritual.  It's better if Jeff and I get into bed first, staking our claim like the alpha "dogs" we are.  Then Bella and Daisy have to figure out who's getting the sweet spot between us, at least initially.  With my night time medicine, I sleep quickly and deeply.  So the dogs maneuvering throughout the night, doesn't bother me at all.

This morning, Benjamin had frozen waffles, with syrup warmed up in the microwave.  Unfortunately for Benjamin, everyone he wanted to visit today was either at school or work.  He took Daisy for a walk behind some houses that have a woody area beyond their yard.  He brought Daisy home and told me that she had rolled in some poo.  With a warm rag, and a death grip on her collar, I scrubbed at the area.  I don't think it's all gone, but most of it is.

Pedicure, waxing and one more blood test today, and then I'm done.  I've already started to feel anxious and I'm trying to tamp down those feelings.  It would be better if I could just sleep all of today, and then magically wake up tomorrow morning in time to shower and get dressed.  We have to be at the hospital at 6:00 am, and once we arrive, it will be a hurry up and waiting game.

I've got nothing good and/or positive rolling around in my head, just dread I guess you could call it.  Questions keep popping up: how long and painful will my recovery be, and other Negative Nancy thoughts.

This is my last blog for at least tomorrow and perhaps Thursday.  When Jeff is taking a break from nursing, perhaps he'll write a short blog for me.

Talk to you later my friends.


Sunday, February 25, 2018

What's With the Weather?


The rainy weather today, continues to make the backyard a sloppy mess.  This kind of weather makes ducks and geese particularly happy. It's Sunday and the second day of nearly constant rain.  I hate rain, particularly if I have to go outside.  Luckily for me, I don't have anywhere I need to go today.  Jeff is leaving for the weekly shop, and then will pick up Benjamin.  Benjamin is going to stay the night, and while Stacey and I get our pedicures, he can stay here and play or watch movies.

Benjamin likes to pick a movie that he wants to watch.  Actually, most of the time, he sort of watches, but the rest of the time, he's dancing around and singing.  This behavior doesn't bother me at all.  Over the years, I have built up a lot of patience.  I believe, this is a trait of mothers of boys!

I went to the salon yesterday, and had my hair cut short.  I told Angie, who has been cutting my hair for nearly 30 years, that I wanted her to cut it short, so that after it's washed, I can just shake it in place.  I'm also trying not to have "bed head" while I'm not able to shower.  I don't even care if my new "do" doesn't do anything for me, I'm just getting all my ducks in a row before Tuesday.

Jeff bought me some special soap that I'm supposed to use on Tuesday before going to the hospital.  And, I'm not supposed to shave anything below the neck.  Bummer, because I don't like hair on my legs, but I'm going to follow the instructions.  I don't want any hiccups on Tuesday.

I'll probably do laundry today and when Benjamin comes we might make Jell-o jigglers together. Jigglers is fun to eat.  Because of the gelatin that you add to the flavored jell-o, you get fun finger food!

Even though I won't be home on Tuesday and/or Wednesday, I have recorded the week's television shows to watch.  We do have a television in our bedroom, and if I'm not feeling too good, could rest in bed, and privately bid on items on the Price Is Right!

My ability to relax is a real problem now.  It's the fear of what's coming, that is making me mentally a mess.  I'm trying to practice my hmmms and nummms (I don't know how to spell those words, but you get the idea.

I hope it's sunny where you are.



Saturday, February 24, 2018

Not An Early Morning Post


You may have noticed by absence this morning.  Obviously, I didn't write anything, or I wouldn't be sitting her this evening writing.  Can you say duh?

Today, I went to the beauty salon (or beauty shop as I still think of it as) to have my hair cut.  Correction - have my hair cut by a professional!  For many, many years I kept my hair short and had a standing 6-8 week appointment with the same stylist.  This went on for 30 years.  After 2013, I decided that since I was home 99.9% of the time, I would "do" my hair myself.  My way of keeping my hair under control, was to get out my little scissors, and hack (I mean cut) away unwanted hair.  It didn't look too bad, and even if it had, I'm not sure I would have cared.  My hair has now been cut short, which is easier to maintain and will let me be like a dog - get the hair wet - and shake it all around!  

Jeff and I were watching television, quality television I assure you - "Swamp People".  And, before you know it, recliners are put back in "resting" mode, and many z's filled the air.  The dogs are always ready to nap, and we had the fireplace on, so the room was pretty warm, and then we fell asleep.  Jeff woke up before me and now it's 7:00 pm, and time for dinner.  Dinner isn't the big deal it once was.  When the boys were still at home, I cooked dinner and it was served at 6:00.  Now they're gone, and we don't, most of the time, cook very much for dinner.  Jeff still makes one pot wonders, and they are always delicious.  But, I could be very satisfied with a frozen waffle, piece of toast, or tonight as it happens to be, a pot pie.  There are two kinds of pot pies, in case you needed to know this.  There are the cheap ones, that has very little meat inside, but is dirt cheap.  Think broke food.  And, then for more money, and more taste, you can buy a pot pie, from say Marie Callander (or however you spell her name), which actually has meat you can see and taste!  Tonight, I'm microwaving the broke food kind of pot pie.  Jeff and I remind ourselves, that when we eat, it's only food (we learned that when we were dieting for our gastric surgeries) and that we don't need as much food as we think we do.  Tummy not growling, then chances are you're not hungry, or at least not really hungry, and you can afford to wait to eat.

The only thing remaining on the calendar is having Benjamin spend tomorrow night with us.  Stacey will come in the afternoon, and we'll go have pedicures.  I don't want ugly feet when I go into the hospital.  What's that song, which goes something like this, "you're so vain, you probably think this song is about you".  

On Tuesday, we have to be at the hospital at 6:00 am, so I won't be posting anything that day.  I may have to ask my guest blogger (Jeff) to cover me for a day or two.

See you tomorrow.


Friday, February 23, 2018

What A Week It's Been!


This week has been "action" packed for Jeff and I.  Thinking about it, I don't think action is the right word to use.  Let's just say we had three doctor appointments this week.  Today, is the dentist and tomorrow is the hair salon, for a much needed haircut.  Monday, Stacey and Benjamin are coming to the house so that Stacey and I can have pretty feet!
Oh, and reduce the hairs on chinny chinny chin.  Men, can pull off a mustache, women not so much!

In between all of this, there are that need doing in the house.  Problem is, I don't want to do anything.  My anxiety level has shot way higher than a "10", and I'm doing my best to relax.  Being relaxed is very hard for me, on a regular basis, much less the added stress and/or dread I'm feeling about Tuesday.

We have discovered that if we take Bella with us, Daisy doesn't bother anything.  She's not tall enough to reach anything on the counters, and she is a very laid back dog.   Leaving Bella in the house alone, would be a whole other matter.  I guess someday we will have to see if Bella is left in the house, if the house will still be here when we return!

On Sunday, Jeff and I are going to the townhouse that Andy owns, but is getting ready to put on the market.  I can't wait to see how good it looks, with fresh paint and new carpeting.  The tenant did a lot of damage, that needed fixing.  For me, going there might be emotional, because Benjamin was a toddler when he lived there, and I have so many good memories that will probably play in my head.

Other than to possibly play with the little boy next door, I selfishly want to have me time with Benjamin.  I recently found an old Tom Hanks movie "The Money Pit" and I loved it, even though I've seen it before.  I believe Benjamin will enjoy collapsing ceilings, and stairs collapsing!  It will be a good day, and will give me much needed relaxation.

Talk to you tomorrow.


Thursday, February 22, 2018

Weather or Whether


Mother Nature is fickle, I've decided.  For two days, I brought out my "shorty" pants (i.e., pants that don't need shortening!  Ah, but the honeymoon appears to be over.  Yesterday, we had windows open, and today we're closing them.

Rain is predicted for the next couple of days, which means more muddy paws and wet fur.  That much rain, will once again, render the backyard to once again return to "Bassett Lake".  On some level, I'd actually prefer snow.  Why?  It, keeps dog paws clean, but wet.  "clean wet", is easy to deal with.  Muddy wet, not so much.

I don't know if I should read or watch the news these days.  Let's put it this way - the news is very depressing.  Arming teachers with guns?  Um, I can imagine a lot of things that could go wrong if this becomes our new reality.


Jeff and I were teenagers in the 60's.  There was Woodstock, and hippies in San Francisco.  I'm sure there were other stand out moments during that time, but I'm drawing a blank.

Here's what I do know.  We walked to school.  Only the kids, who lived on farms, rode on a bus.  There wasn't any fear of being harmed, at least in the small town I lived in.  I know that Jeff, who I think, walked to school also, wasn't looking over his shoulder to see if there was a "bad guy" walking behind him.

In those long ago days, I don't remember people owning guns, other than rifles for shooting birds, etc.  I don't know whether everyone should keep a gun in their house.  There is a lot of talk about whether these men who gun down children, or anyone else for that matter, are mental.  I, for one, am "mental", and I've never even thought for a minute of physically hurting someone else.  It seems, and it may be true, that these gunmen, suffer from some kind of mental disorder.  I do believe, that in the moment, these people cross over the line between sane and mental (because I hate the word insane).  I also believe that stricter gun laws should be put in place (please don't send me hate mail, this is just my opinion). 

As some people say, guns don't kill people.  People kill people.  And, how does one get their hands on these assault weapons?  Jeff and I don't want to keep a gun in the house, and that's our choice. When Benjamin come to visit, said gun would have to be locked up somewhere, where he couldn't find it.  So, if a burglar comes into your home, you will have to unlock the safe (or equivalent), get the gun out, put bullets in, and so and search for the burglar.  Each person has to decide whether or not, to have guns in the house.  Frankly, I think if you could get close to the burglar, a hit on the head with my very heavy flashlight, might get him to rethink whether or not, our house is worthy of pillaging! I'm thinking not, because when anyone visits the house or walks out in the street, Bella becomes very, very vocal.  Whether or not Bella would actually bight someone, is unlikely.

I feel sorry for today's children, and their parents, because we now live in a scary world.  When the boys were going to school each day, the thought that they might not come home, never crossed my mind.  But, if they were in school today, I would worry for their safety.  Whether to own guns, or not, is at the end, comes down to a personal decision.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

A Free Day!


An update about moving around the bedroom in the morning.  This morning, I didn't fall (yeah) and more worthy of yeahs, is I didn't fall into or step on anything that wasn't supposed to be in my path.  Three cheers for this kind of morning.
Jeff and I have had various doctor's appointments the last few days.  We took his car both days, but thought better of putting the top down, because it was drizzling.  Yesterday, though, it was 65 (or maybe faster) down the highway, the wind blowing in our hair.  Oh, correction, my hair!  

We've had enough rain recently, that our backyard, which is not the finest by a long shot, turned into a mud pit or swamp.  The landscaping company will be coming to overhaul the yard, trees and bushes sometime in March.  I have bought a plan with Stanley Steemer, that allows me to have 3 carpet cleanings during the year.  I'm going to wait until the weather really changes, before having them come out.  For now, I'll live with a few muddy paw prints.  At least when they track in mud, I know that they've actually been outside!

While I'm anxious about having surgery, by this time next week, I'll be on the mend. Of course, I have my fingers crossed that the "mend" will be more short term, rather than a longer drawn out one. Time will tell.

I'm experimenting with my new cordless phone, and  I'm a loooooong way from being even considered a "techy".  I now know how to answer and receive calls.  But, haven't been able to master how to hear saved calls.  I'm pretty sure it's just a one, two thing, but it is that thing that eludes me.

Jeff has bought a lot of jell-o boxes, and wants those boxes to eventually turn into jigglers.  It's been a long time since I've made jigglers, so my first batch, wasn't very successful.  So, if at first you don't succeed, try, try and try again.  At the moment, I'm still in the "trying" stage.

Friends, I'm logging off now.  I need to get my coffee and toast over to my favorite chair, and watch some mindless TV.  


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Now I'm Done


This is for all of you out there, that say their life is full of s**t.  I have often thought the same thing about my life, but today s**t was defined differently for me, and not in a good way.

Getting out of bed, I put my right foot (yes, the dead one that has no grip) on one of the dogs' bones, lost my footing and went down like a ton of bricks, into, and I couldn't make this up - a pile of s**t!!!😖 The good news?  Only my right foot, and I'm glad it was only a foot, landed unceremoniously in the mess.  I know you're asking yourselves why do we keep these dogs around?  Well, they're very good when they're sleeping!!  And, if I wasn't so clumsy, then my morning would have started off better.  The trouble with my falling, is that sometimes, such as this morning, I can't get myself back up.  I managed to crawl to the hope chest at the bottom of the bed, and was in the process of trying to haul my sorry ass up, when help arrived.  And, yes, Jeff came into the room, and helped me get upright.  So, that's how my day started.  How's your day going?

After stepping in "s**t", the rest of the day can only go uphill, as far as I'm concerned.  All my pre-op testing was completed today.  Saturday, I'm getting my hair cut and Monday, a pedicure.  Tuesday, I go to sleep - not permanently I hope - just for a bit. And, after the surgery the real fun begins.  Getting out of bed, going to the bathroom, and walking down the hall, will all be required activities for me.  Oh, and somewhere in there, "some" amount of pain will be involved.  

Today's test was a fasting one, so other than some crackers and apple slices, I'm beginning to run on empty.

Stop by tomorrow, if for no other reason, than to check on how my day is going.


Unfinished .....


Hello everyone.  I'm just blogging this littlest bit for now, because I'm heading out for another pre-op test this morning.  I'll write more later.


Monday, February 19, 2018

Shark Tank and New Products


I don't know how many of you watch Shark Tank, on basically a regular basis.  Over time, Jeff and I have seen some amazing products.  Amazing enough that we were intrigued and bought those products.  Some of the inventors come on the show, and it's a snooze fest for both the sharks as well as ourselves.

Scrub Daddy was one of those products, and it works as advertised.  Another product was Third Wave Water, which is something that you put in your container of water and ultimately in your coffee pot, Keurig, etc. This product also works very well, and we like it enough, that we have reordered!  And, as advertised, it does make coffee taste better, and who wouldn't like that?

This morning, while I was watching the show, two sisters came in with a product called "Hugo's Amazing Tape".  The tape was invented by their father, who has since passed away.  I have to tell you that the tape, as demonstrated on several different things, books, power cards, etc., was impressive.  Mark Cuban and Lori Greiner, of QVC fame, offered to buy the company from the sisters for $100,000.  The sisters took the offer and the money, and kept on going.  I don't think the sisters actually knew what to do with their father's legacy, so in the end, it probably was a good deal for them.

As I mentioned above, I like to buy the occasional new product I see on the show.  And, today, I bought a roll of "Amazing Tape".  Once it arrives, I'll give you my critique.  If the tape did nothing else but keep the electronic cords nice and tidy, it would definitely receive an A+ in my book.  The tape sticks to itself and when you remove the tape, there is no sticky residue.  

Some of the products I've seen, while interesting, are priced just too high for me.  After all, you're buying a, for the most part, new product and keeping your fingers crossed that the money you spent doesn't immediately go down the drain! It's like gambling in a way, you go all in, and hope for the best.

We're not interested in off-the-wall products, or the ones that are super duper expensive.  But, for $20.00 and free shipping on the tape, I'm willing to give it a try.

It's not a very nice day in the neighborhood.  The forecast for tomorrow looks very good, and it will probably be a top down kind of day.


Sunday, February 18, 2018

A Bit Of This And A Bit of That


Yesterday, it snowed!  Not a big snow, but definitely snow.  We haven't had much winter weather this year, so watching the snow fall seemed cause to celebrate.  And, it's warmer today, so the snow that was on the ground, has already melted.

On Sunday, as per my regular schedule, I sit down with the TV Week and circle all the shows that I/we (but mostly I) want to watch this week.  Most of our favorite shows are reruns, probably because they didn't want to compete with the Olympics.  That sounds like a good excuse.  But, the less we have to watch, means the more Jeff and I will have to talk!😉

Oh, where was I, oh yes the TV schedule.  While I was browsing looking for shows to record, I came across one that just the sound of it, made me shudder!  The show is called "Dr. Pimple Popper".  Really?  Ugh.  I can't imagine sitting around in the den, and eating popcorn, while that show was playing.  GROSSSSSS!!!!!!  What executive even thought up a show like this?  We have now officially fallen to a new low.

As much as I'm trying to keep my anxiety level down, I've not been successful.  There are three doctor appointment this week, plus a trip to the beauty salon to have my hair cut rather short.  When I can't shower for some period of time, my hair gets yucky, which makes me feel bad.  And, the day before surgery, Stacey and I are going to get pedicures.  Jeff doesn't understand what a very relaxing a pedicure is.  I know that the doctors and nurses won't give my feet a second thought, but I'll know if my feet aren't up to "my" standards!

Having a pedicure, brings to mind that when I was really pregnant, I wanted/needed my legs shaved.  I wasn't able to do this, there was a large tummy in the way.  Jeff was a sport and while he didn't like it, made sure that I was presentable every day!  Heaven forbid, if a doctor or nurse talked smack about me.

Since it's President's Day tomorrow, some of you may have an extra day off.  So enjoy sleeping in for one more day.


Saturday, February 17, 2018

Westminster Dog Show


While this show might be a snooze fest for some, I find it interesting to watch.  I am particularly fond of the terrier group, partly because a "Westie" is judged.  Jeff and I over the years have had several Westies and they make wonderful pets.  But, they are stubborn.  By the time old Sam was 15, he had mellowed into a wonderful lap dog.  Some of his behaviors in the early years when we rescued him, wasn't so pleasant.  Think junk yard dog!  Sam, initially wouldn't let Jeff get into bed without a tussle, silly stuff like that.

One of the dogs being judged was a Rat Terrier.  Daisy has very similar markings to that breed.  Unfortunately, that dog didn't make it to the top four.  However, the Westie did.  Even though we no longer own a Westie, I was part of the couch crowd silently cheering him on.

In the hound group, there were several dogs that bore some resemblance to Bella.  The rescue group told us that Bella was part Labrador, and we don't believe that to be true.  Bella doesn't look much like a Lab, but we're convinced that she's definitely a hound of some sort.

When Jeff and I went earlier in the week to have my monthly check-in appointment with my psychiatrist, we took Bella with us.  After her initial sniffing everything, she then just laid down on the floor.  Jeff and I were very impressed with how good she was.  While we were gone, we left Daisy have the run of the house.  When we got home, there was no sign of destruction or wet spots on the carpet.  Daisy did have access to the doggy door in the basement.  Now, if we left Bella alone in the house, I'm pretty sure that when we got back we might find the sofa in our den, which was used for puppy teething, might be torn up a "bit" more!  One of these days, we're going to have to leave Bella in the house while we go out.  We could stay away 30 minutes or so, and see how things look like when we return.

Not much on my chore list.  Okay, not much on my chore list that I want to do.  For me, putting away laundry is right up there with emptying the dishwasher.  No rationale for my adversity to these two things, it's just me being me.

Happy Saturday


Friday, February 16, 2018

Best Valentine Gift Ever!


Jeff and I do not really celebrate what has become a Hallmark event on the calendar.  Flowers die, chocolate adds weight to your body, and I already own all the jewelry I want.

So what's left you ask?  My gift came the day after, but was okay, because Jeff had the landscaping company come out to the house, and in March, there will trees cut down, trees pruned, boxwoods pulled up and new ones planted.  Most of the lawn will be separated by an orange plastic "fence" to keep the girls off what will be a newly seeded and fertilized lawn.  For me, I appreciate and love big gifts.  Gifts that are practical is what I prefer.  And this year, Jeff knocked it out of the ballpark!!!

The girls, whose names I shall not mention here, have absolutely destroyed the backyard.  The only thing missing from the debris field back there, is a dead body.  Remanents of a potholder, one sock, fluff from any number of plushy animals, and the items they like best: paper plates, paper towels and paper cups.  I was actually embarrassed to have the lawn guy go into the yard.  We didn't discuss what was going to be planted in what will become a major bare area back there.  I think we're going to plant new Leland Cypress trees back there, keeping mind that the trees should be cut at the top before they become as large as the ones we're taking out.  I can hardly wait for the work to begin. Eventually, once the yard catches on in the majority of the yard, then we'll have to do something with the small piece of yard that the girls will have access to.  Exercise will be very important once the girls are confined, so Jeff will be taking them out for walks, and/or we go out to Andrew's house and let the girls run free for several hours.  

Jeff continues, even after all these years, to surprise me.  Over time, he's bought us power recliners (the only way to go), a huge television that I can watch without my glasses, and someone who comes in every week to clean the house.  Jeff takes really good care of me, and I'm very fortunate to have him as my husband and best friend.  I know I try his patience almost, nah scratch that, every day, because my brain short circuits all the time.  But, I do try my best to retain what I've been told, such as what he did at work, for example.

Lately, I've been misplacing my glasses constantly.  I put them down somewhere, turn around a few times, and then draw a blank on their whereabouts.  Solution?  I have finally succumbed to an eyeglass holder that I wear around my neck.  How old lady-ish (nope, that's not actually a word), I feel now.  I did find, a woman who makes very stylish eyeglass holders.  I actually don't think that's what their called, but you get the idea.  So, I'm now sporting a very pretty yellow "gold" and beaded holder.  If I have to get old, and apparently I do, then I want some part of me to be a "bit" stylish.  Wearing this around my neck, should and will solve my problem of misplacing my glasses, which I need all the time.

It's Friday, and I hope all of you have wonderful weekend plans.


Image result for picture of eyeglass holder

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Our Street, Etc.


Thirty years ago, Jeff and I moved the boys and our Westie, from the west coast to the east coast.  It's true that we didn't cross the country in a covered wagon.  Nope, we flew across the country, but if that sounds relaxing, I can assure you it was not.  Jeff and I had to wrangle: three boys, one dog, luggage, hand luggage, which held, among other things, important documents, that we couldn't afford to lose.

We were all younger (duh).  Jeff and I were still in our 30's and ready for a great adventure.  There was one similarity - we lived on a cul-de-sac in California, and our new in Maryland is also on a cul-de-sac. And, that's pretty much the only thing that is/was familiar to us.

When we moved into our present house in 1986, the street literally screamed young parents and young children.  Since we live on a hill, a favorite past-time, when it snowed, was to sled down the hill.  Okay, before you jump in, yes we knew that wasn't overly safe, but we had cautioned the boys to stop before the end of the street.  In all the years of sledding, not one child was injured.

Some of our neighbors, had children the same ages of Scott and Andy.  The boys always had someone to play with.  Bicycles went round and round the circle in front of the houses at the top of the hill.  Basketball hoops were erected, and during the summer, our street was lively as well as loud!  But, we loved every minute of it.

Our street today, has changed.  There is only one young boy living on the street.  Most of the couples, are retired now.  The street is quiet.  There are no loud teenage parties and no cars speeding up and down the street.  Our neighborhood, is highly sought after, mostly because of the high school, and the closeness to stores and the major highways.  I suspect that we'll stay put, until they take us out in a pine box!  Or, a beautiful urn!

Fast forward to 2018, Jeff and I are older, as are the boys.  But, where did the time go?  Scott's going to be 40 this year - impossible.  With each birthday the boys have, Jeff and I have one too.  The difference is that the boys are in the prime of their lives, while Jeff and I are slowing down.  I know that some of you who are our age, are not slowing down, but due to many physical issues of mine, we have had to make adjustments.  Getting me in and out of the airplane, for example, has now become difficult.

Jeff and I thrive on the boys' successes, and we are their biggest cheerleaders.  This makes me wonder, if my parents, in particular, were proud of me as an adult.  Some of the changes in our lives started in 2013, and I now suffer from irrefutable damage, mentally.  It's been 5 years, and my short term memory has not gotten significantly better, and probably never will.    

So, where were you 30 years ago?  


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Be Still My Beating Heart!


Today is a made-up Hallmark card-giving day, according to Jeff.  It's a day filled with love, mushy sentiments, sometimes a gift and/or dinner out.  Of course, because it's Valentine's Day, the weight in a restaurant will be lengthy.  So much so, that a person might be driven to skip steak, and head for McDonalds!  They make incredible french fries!

Statistics for today regarding chocolate: $22 Billion, and yes you read that right.  On average, the typical American consumes nearly 12 pounds of chocolate a year.  But, if you spread that number over the course of the year, it doesn't sound so horrendous.  Experts say that eating 1 ounce a few times a week is reasonable.  And, then there are folks like me who have chocolate running through their veins, probably eat more than 1 ounce of chocolate (any kind of chocolate will do), at a time!  Just saying.

Here's a helpful hint for all you gents out there - I don't believe you go wrong if you buy jewelry.  Think of diamond stud earrings, bigger is best. But, in reality getting any kind of diamond jewelry will make you a hero.  But, for me, I like emeralds just as much as diamonds.  But, Jeff knows never ever to buy me any red (garnet, ruby) jewelry, simply because I don't like that color.  I like, and look good, according to me, wearing red clothing, just particular about jewelry.

The history of Valentine’s Day–and the story of its patron saint–is shrouded in mystery. We do know that February has long been celebrated as a month of romance, and that St. Valentine’s Day, as we know it today, contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition.  Now, I don't know about you, but if the folks in ancient times, had a whole month of romance, then we women, are being cheated by only having one day!

In honor of this special made-up day, I'm sporting a bright red sweater.  I also decided to put on a pair of my "going somewhere" pants!  It's far too easy, when you stay home 99% of the time, you begin to look like a very slovenly person.  And, it's not a good look for me or for most other folks as well.  Since, I'm going to the psychiatrist this morning, I decided to "dress" up a bit. I actually think you feel a bit better, when you are sporting your best look, as far as you personally are concerned.  Besides, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and since I can't see without my glasses, I know I look good!  😉

So there you have it - Valentine's Day in an easy to read format and typed up in "Cliff Notes" if you will.



Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Oh What A Beautiful Morning....


Some of you, if you're old enough, will recognize those words as the beginning of a song in the movie Oklahoma.  It's a wonderful song, and singing it really makes you smile, and feel  happy and positive.  

Yesterday morning, during what is normally my quiet time (i.e., coffee and toast), I watched with Benjamin a movie with Woody the Woodpecker appearing as a cartoon figure.  Woody's job, apparently, was to annoy the people in the movie, who were bent on building a large home and cutting down his tree.  Well, friends he wasn't having it.  Benjamin loved the sound of Wood laughing, and practiced it several times during the day.  I strongly suggested that his Mom and Dad would probably not get too excited about hearing the laugh.  MomMom's know about these things, because I was a parent once, just a long time ago. By the time, a person gets to be a grandparent, they get a whole new flood of patience!  I know I did, because how many times have I sat watching "Shrek" movies - argh.

I've been watching the Olympic games, but on mute, most of the time!  The talking heads just annoy me.  I really don't care about each little thing that a skier or skater does.  And, I for sure don't want to hear their comments after someone has fallen.  

Jeff is continuing to walk the dogs around the block each night.  Bella is pretty good on a leash, but Daisy still pulls.  And, both dogs would rather sniff the "daisies" than actually just walk.  I haven't tried walking either of the dogs, because I have this absolute fear of falling down.  Even though it's on the cool, okay maybe cold, side, it would still be a good day to ride in Jeff's car with the top down!

I'm going to spend a little time, one hour to be exact, tomorrow getting my head "shrunked", and yes I know that's not a real word.  Jeff and I have bought chocolate truffles to give to Dr. H tomorrow.  And, I know, that people eating out tomorrow night, will have to brace themselves for a long wait, which makes eating eggs and toast pretty desirable!

Since I've already done a major pick-up in one of the spare bedrooms, I need to turn my attention now to the spare bathroom and the other bedroom.  It is amazing to me, and perhaps you as well, that things hidden behind a closed door, don't "really" exist.  That is, until you open said door.  After the door is opened, you have to make a decision whether to go in unarmed with only a black trash bag, or just sit among all the items that need a home, besides the floor!

Ada's coming to clean today, so I have a "few" things I need to pick up. I know I'm not alone, when I say I'm going to do this.  You sort out the junk mail, but stack up the mail on the table in your office to shred "someday" !  Well, that someday is here now, and I'll shred all the useless mail we receive.  These days, there are really only two kinds of mail people receive: junk mail and bills.  Pretty much that's it.  I can't tell you when I received an actual letter and getting a notice about certified mail, makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up.  It's a shame that most of us believe that nothing good comes in a certified envelope!

Have a wonderful day - go outside and sit in the sunshine for a few minutes.


Monday, February 12, 2018

Thank You


I just wanted to shout out to those of you who viewed Benjamin's guest blog and for the comments as well.  I will be sure to share those positive comments with him.  He started another blog today, but couldn't think of anything to say.  I assured him that some days when I sit down at the computer, I suffer from "brain fog", which I told him meant that I didn't what know what I was going to write about either!  I also told him, that some days when I suffer from a much bigger "fog", that I will type "This page is intentionally blank", so that my followers know I haven't forgotten them that day.

Thanks again.  It means the world to me and Benjamin as well.

You guys are the greatest!


Helping Benjamin and Valentine's Day!


Yesterday, Benjamin took an interest in my blog.  He wanted to know if I blogged everyday, and I told him that as a rule, I did.  I told him that even on days when I have "brain fog", I will post something like "This page is intentionally left blank".  

Benjamin was a guest blogger yesterday, and I thought he did a really good job.  Today, though, he claims he has nothing to write about.  I pointed out several things that he could blog about - caulking at the house (and he did a wonderful job with that), his chickens, field trips, the dogs, etc., just to name a few.

At the moment, he's enjoying his Pop Tarts and chocolate milk - a very nutritious breakfast - and having control of the television remote!  These are all good things to a young boy.  And, nobody ever said that food at MomMom's house had to be healthy!  Just saying.

Stacey is coming to pick Benjamin up this afternoon.  While I know he enjoys being here, I think he likes being home much more.

Hint for all you fellas - Valentine's Day is fast approaching.  I don't know too many women who aren't excited about the made up Hallmark Day!  Valentine's Day was celebrated long before Hallmark was in business.  There are certain gifts that are on the top of gifts well received.  Candy, jewelry (I prefer diamonds if anyone is interested), and of course the old stand-by flowers and mushy cards.  For me, I'd be happy with going out to dinner to eat steak. However, if we were going to do that, and I'm pretty sure we're not, there is no way we'd go out on the 14th,  Nope, the 13th and 15th are better days to have a much shorter wait for a table!  I guess, I'm just not that romantic!

In one spare bedroom, I have literally dumped my spring and summer clothes on the bed and floor.  Today, I'm taking one of those black trash bags and stuff it with the clothes.  You know that if something/anything is behind a closed door, then the mess that's taken over the room, just doesn't exist!  At least, that's what I tell myself.  (insert happy face here)

Well my dears, the morning clock waits for no one, least of all me.

Happy Monday.


Posting Later


Hey guys.  I'm going to post later in the day, but have a favor to ask.  Benjamin posted a blog yesterday and did a very nice job.  However, by the time he went to bed, he didn't have any followers, and I explained that people don't always immediately read your blog.  

I have a favor to ask.  If you have time, could you please leave Benjamin a comment on yesterday's blog?  It would mean the world to him and me as well.

Thanks so much.


Sunday, February 11, 2018

Strawberry Sunday


Hi, my name is Ben, and today I am a guest blogger on Mom Mom's blog for the evening.
Today we watched four cheesy movies. one of the movies was about a girl who went  camping with these strangers that she didn't know, but in the end, she became friends with all of them.  I also today, learned about my Mom Mom's blog.  I enjoyed reading the blog, so I wanted to learn how this works.  I went to my friend's house, and played Pokemon and traded cards.  In the end, I didn't win the game.  After that, I went to my Auntie Kim's house to visit her family.   We had fun talking about my chickens and how they are now laying eggs.  I almost forgot, I have chickens in my back yard, and I LOVE them.

My chickens love running around in my back yard.

Remember all, this week is Valentines' day  make sure you get something for your favorite valentine. 💟  speaking of which my dogs are in LOVE. 🐕💋🐕   I can't show you now but I can tell you they are very cute one of my dogs is named Zoey, Gus, and our new puppy, Piper.  Piper is very shy, but loving.  Gus, is more of a hunter and eats the other dog's food!  This does not make him popular.  😋  Zoey, was our first dog, and she runs everything as far as the other dog's worlds are concerned.  Zoey is very protective with her family, and needs some time to accept "outsiders" of her immediate family.  All my dogs are very loving, just in different ways.  But, none of our dogs, can come close to being "lovey" as Mom Mom's dog, Daisy!  She is the best snuggler ever.

Mom Mom says I have to close because it's time for me to go to bed.  I'll see you on part two of Strawberry Sunday.


Rain, Rain, Go Away!


If, and that's a big IF, I were a duck, I'd be loving this weather.  But, since I'm not a duck, the rain yesterday and again this morning, just makes me feel cranky.  There's another word to describe me, which starts with a "B", but we won't go there today!

Benjamin stayed over last night, so he and I watched some movie that he wanted to see.  Dinner was eggs - he loves Jeff's eggs (and who doesn't), and had popcorn.  We stayed up late, probably too late, but once he got in bed, fell asleep almost immediately.

Fast forward to this morning.  His breakfast, which is always the same, when he's here, was a PopTart.  Nutritious?  Not hardly, but when you're at MomMom's house, the rules are bent a "little" (okay, perhaps more than a little).  Benjamin and I watched a Woody Woodpecker movie, which was a first for me.  Growing up,Woody was shown at the beginning of a movie.  The movie, which had a lot of slapstick comedy (people falling into cement) for instance was fun.  I, did recommend, that Benjamin not start making woodpecker sounds at home, because a little goes a long way!  Benjamin is now watching a Pokemon movie, and I've bowed out to get dressed and start my day.

Jeff went to the airport yesterday to put in that part I think I blogged about.  Afterwards, a quick trip through WalMart, and then he came home.  While, he can't fly at the moment, he still enjoys (actually he loves) being around the plane.  He's been walking the dogs at night, and is building up stamina, and the girls love the exercise. For all sorts of reasons, I don't go on walks.  I could take my rollator I suppose, and walk a little and sit a little. But, that doesn't seem to make much sense to me.

I have paid for I think 3 carpet cleanings from Stanley Steamer, but don't want to have the carpets done for now.  No point in cleaning up muddy paw prints, only to have the girls go back outside into what was once a backyard, but now just a muddy bog!   

Jeff made a large pot of sweet 'n sour chicken the other night, and it's super yummy and probably will be dinner tonight.  But before, we can warm up dinner, yours truly, has to wrangle the kitchen into some kind of order!

My right foot, still numb by the way, is swollen and no longer fits into any of my regular shoes, clarification, shoes that need to be tied up.  So, I bought a larger than my size shoe, and I also bought that shoe in a wide size.  The new and wider shoes, doesn't squeeze my toes on my right foot in the toe area, but are a bit sloppy when I walk.  Compromise, compromise, I guess.

Signing off now, because I have a "soft" rule that I should/must be showered and dressed before lunchtime!  And lunchtime is coming around the clock fast.

Enjoy your day.  Not actually our backyard, but you get the idea!


Image result for picture of a muddy yard

Saturday, February 10, 2018

And, Now It's Later .......


Okay, when I blogged early yesterday morning, I really thought that "later" would actually mean later that day - and then it didn't happen!

It's Saturday morning, and Jeff has left to go to the airport to put a new starter (I think that's right) in the plane.  One of our plane partners is going to join him, and I know that anything aviation related, is a happy place for him.

Dental appointment was fairly long yesterday, and after getting the Novocain shot, you leave the office, looking like you had done a round or two with a boxer.  It takes awhile for your face to return to "normal".  

It's supposed to rain later today and tomorrow.  I, obviously, have put off having the carpets cleaned, until there is more of a dry spell.  I'll just have to live with muddy paw prints at the moment.

All this dental work I'm having at the moment, is getting expensive.  Jeff will have dental insurance starting in April, but I can't wait months to fix this gap in my mouth.  I don't think of myself as vain, but having said that, really want the implant process to begin.  I'll have my last appointment with the oral surgeon probably in July, so I'll just have to learn to live with the gap!  My dental bills are on the rise, unfortunately.

Benjamin is coming to spend the night.  Stacey and Andrew are going to a dinner or something like that, where little people can't go.  I'm sure that Benjamin and I will find things to do.  This morning, I watched men's figure skating, but more than one skater fell down after a triple axle.  I felt sorry for these men, because you know they spent more hours than I can count, working on their program.  And, through the beauty of all things Tivo, I can simply fast forward through the commercials and the "talking heads". In doing this, watching skaters etc., is much more enjoyable.

Jeff has been taken the girls out each evening for a walk around the block.  Bella does very well on a leash, but Daisy, who hasn't had as much time walking, tends to pull a bit.  But, slowly, she's getting better.  Our backyard is pretty small.  When we selected this lot to build a house on, we opted for more frontage.  Daisy is a smaller dog, and most of the time is a couch potato, kind of like her owner!

Happy Saturday everyone.


Friday, February 9, 2018

Just Stuff


It's pretty scary when a blogger sits at her desk, and fiddles around with things.  Would the little clown look better on that shelf?  Or, perhaps somewhere on my desk.  Decisions, decisions.  

Wednesday, I had part one of the dental implant procedure.  Jeff thought that if I was given some sleepy time anesthesia, would be best.  All I know is that there were several people bustling around me, and then I wake up completely unaware of what had happened.  Perfecto!  I only had to take one pain pill that afternoon, and have taken nothing sense.  I'm such a brave buckaroo!

Guys, I have to end my blog here since I have another dental appointment in 20 minutes. Once I'm back home, I'll sit down and type about basically stuff about stuff. It makes sense in my head, I don't know if it does to you.



Tuesday, February 6, 2018

A Free Day!


Yesterday, I had my pre-op with the cardiologist to make sure that my heart is fine.  And, yes it is, which didn't really come as a surprise to me.  However, in the spirit of being thorough, I'm supposed to have a nuclear test in a week.  I guess the test will more accurately show how my heart is doing, and the doctor assures me that the surgeon will appreciate this extra test. 

The month of February has me going for tests, doctor's appointments, dentist appointments, and then ultimately my surgery.  I wish my social calendar was as full as the "must do" things that need to be done this month. 

The movie "Winchester" is out in theaters right now.  The lead actress is Helen Mirren (however you spell it) and if you know nothing else about the movie, it's enough that she's the lead actress.  I'm not expecting the film to be a block buster, and that matters nought to me.  What is important, is that on our honeymoon in 1974, Jeff and I took a tour of the Winchester mansion.  It was a very interesting house, steeped in superstition.  The lady that lived in the house, was the heir to the Winchester fortune (rifles).  We found on our tour, that some steps actually just led to a wall.  She had a "thing" for the number 13, so she had 13holes in her drains.  She changed bedrooms frequently, and almost nobody ever saw her.  She put the capital "R" in recluse.  In one room, there were shelves of fabrics that she had purchased and never used  Few of us get to revisit any or some of the places we've been.  I know the movie will be scripted, and I'm okay with that.  What's important to me is that Jeff and I were young and enjoying stopping at places along our way to San Francisco.  For me, it will be as if Jeff and I were in a time machine!  Can't wait.

I'm trying to read a book before the next gathering on the 22nd.  Trouble is, I'm not all that interested in the book.  If I were picking a book to read, this one wouldn't even hit my top ten.  But, I'm trying to plow through anyway.  

Jeff and I don't read the same books, but because he's going to be spending so much time waiting around during my appointments, I have bought several books for my Kindle and then delivered those books to him.  Will he enjoy them?  Hard to say, but once I've purchased a book on my Kindle, I'm free to deliver that same book to another device.

In case, you're looking for television shows worthy of binging, I have two suggestions.  One show is "Mosaic", a thriller of sorts, but very much worth watching.  The other is "The Son", set in the West and goes back and forth between let's say 1849 and 1915.  Jeff and I have enjoyed watching "The Son" and again, as I said before, definitely a must to watch.

The only thing I have on my "to do" list, is to make an appointment for Stacey and I to get pedicures and some face waxing.  Now, I know that the doctor and nurses, will not look at my feet, and be shocked.  But, I'll know that I didn't indulge in this much needed service.   Since I can no longer really reach my feet, having somebody scrub and put nice smelling lotion on my feet and legs, is really wonderful.  I have seen men getting pedicures when I've been in the salon, so at least a few men out there, also feel the need and probably enjoy pedicures as much as we women do.

And, because I'm having surgery the day after getting "beautiful" (insert laugh here), I know it might be a long time before my next beauty appointment.

We're supposed to get some kind of wintry mix late this evening, which will mess with the morning commute.  Jeff is taking one of his mandated "furlough" (which means the non-paying kind of day off), days off tomorrow.  I'm having the start of an implant procedure tomorrow, and since we now have cordless phones, I can communicate with Jeff, if I need him.  But, I'm going to try and be a good patient, and keep my whining down to a minimum.  

My dental appointment is early tomorrow morning, so there won't be a blog tomorrow, but expect one on Thursday.



Monday, February 5, 2018

Post Super Bowl


You may have noticed my absence yesterday, but I was busy being a slug.  And, everyone knows that slugs don't write or type for that matter!

Growing up, my Dad loved to watch college football.  He found these games more exciting than watching the pros.  And, I as a teenager, had better things to do with my time, then watch grown men crashing into each other.  Mind you, all these many years later, I have absolutely no idea what I was doing to occupy myself, perhaps reading.

Fast forward many years, and while Jeff and I don't watch football games during the season, we do watch the Super Bowl.  We didn't have a favored team playing, but just because we didn't actually have a "favorite", picked the Patriots - who lost.  But, it was a good game.

I have always thought that the commercials during the Super Bowl, are for the most part, really good.  I noticed several commercials for Intuit, which I've never seen before.  A frosty commercial with Morgan Freeman, but my favorite commercial always, is the Annheiser (however you spell it) Busch commercials with their wonderful Clydesdale horses.  Beautiful horses, and their commercial about putting water (labeled as such) into cans and then sending them down to victims of hurricanes.  Nicely, nicely done.  

We had a bit of ice last night, and when Jeff went out to get the paper, nearly fell.  Luckily, the sun is out and temperatures are rising.

Jeff did make chili, and it was very, very good.  There's enough leftover for dinner tonight. Jeff has been making some truly wonderful dinners, and I appreciate it very much.

When Jeff and I made our weekly shopping trip, he bought a cordless phone for the house.  I will always prefer our land line telephone, but with this cordless phone, can call Jeff, like a walkie-talkie, if I need help with something.  With this phone, it also stops the getting out of the chair, answering the phone and find out that it's either: wrong number or somebody selling something.  Maybe out answering machine message should be something like: "if you're trying to sell or give me something", please hang up.  When you think of it, most people don't really get too many calls from friends and/or family.  So, whatever the dude is trying to sell, or asking me to donate money, I'm so not interested!

Jeff and I are heading up to Johns Hopkins for my EKG test, which needs to be done before surgery later this month.  Expecting no problems with the test.  Still cold out, which means that the girls will probably stay in the basement, while we're gone.

That's the news from the Bassett Estate this morning.  I hope it's sunny and warm wherever you are.


Saturday, February 3, 2018

The Saturday Before Super Bowl


Let the food shopping begin.  People eat pizza, hot dogs, chips, nachos are merely an example of the kind of food that is consumed during the game.  Jeff is going to make chili and perhaps corn bread for our evening meal.  

I don't "do" football.  I know what a football looks like, and that's pretty much it.  Oh, I can also recognize a goal that's made, but all the discussion about yards and penalties is truly lost on me.  I watch, because most of the time the commercials are so good.  I really look forward to Anheiser (didn't spell that right) Busch commercial with the beautiful Clydesdale horses.  

During the game, I'll be drinking either water, juice or diet coke.  No beer for me.  Truth be told, I've never even tasted beer.  My mother always told me that ladies didn't drink beer and they didn't smoke either.  

I will "watch" the game, up and until my eyelids close for a bit.  Just telling the truth.
I have a book I have to read for the book club, so perhaps I'll do some reading.  Or not.

This is short today - apologies.  Just some days, when I sit down to write, I literally stare at an empty screen.  That's me today.

I hope you're team wins tomorrow.


Image result for picture of super bowl food

Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...