Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Be Still My Beating Heart!


Today is a made-up Hallmark card-giving day, according to Jeff.  It's a day filled with love, mushy sentiments, sometimes a gift and/or dinner out.  Of course, because it's Valentine's Day, the weight in a restaurant will be lengthy.  So much so, that a person might be driven to skip steak, and head for McDonalds!  They make incredible french fries!

Statistics for today regarding chocolate: $22 Billion, and yes you read that right.  On average, the typical American consumes nearly 12 pounds of chocolate a year.  But, if you spread that number over the course of the year, it doesn't sound so horrendous.  Experts say that eating 1 ounce a few times a week is reasonable.  And, then there are folks like me who have chocolate running through their veins, probably eat more than 1 ounce of chocolate (any kind of chocolate will do), at a time!  Just saying.

Here's a helpful hint for all you gents out there - I don't believe you go wrong if you buy jewelry.  Think of diamond stud earrings, bigger is best. But, in reality getting any kind of diamond jewelry will make you a hero.  But, for me, I like emeralds just as much as diamonds.  But, Jeff knows never ever to buy me any red (garnet, ruby) jewelry, simply because I don't like that color.  I like, and look good, according to me, wearing red clothing, just particular about jewelry.

The history of Valentine’s Day–and the story of its patron saint–is shrouded in mystery. We do know that February has long been celebrated as a month of romance, and that St. Valentine’s Day, as we know it today, contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition.  Now, I don't know about you, but if the folks in ancient times, had a whole month of romance, then we women, are being cheated by only having one day!

In honor of this special made-up day, I'm sporting a bright red sweater.  I also decided to put on a pair of my "going somewhere" pants!  It's far too easy, when you stay home 99% of the time, you begin to look like a very slovenly person.  And, it's not a good look for me or for most other folks as well.  Since, I'm going to the psychiatrist this morning, I decided to "dress" up a bit. I actually think you feel a bit better, when you are sporting your best look, as far as you personally are concerned.  Besides, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and since I can't see without my glasses, I know I look good!  😉

So there you have it - Valentine's Day in an easy to read format and typed up in "Cliff Notes" if you will.



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