Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Oh What A Beautiful Morning....


Some of you, if you're old enough, will recognize those words as the beginning of a song in the movie Oklahoma.  It's a wonderful song, and singing it really makes you smile, and feel  happy and positive.  

Yesterday morning, during what is normally my quiet time (i.e., coffee and toast), I watched with Benjamin a movie with Woody the Woodpecker appearing as a cartoon figure.  Woody's job, apparently, was to annoy the people in the movie, who were bent on building a large home and cutting down his tree.  Well, friends he wasn't having it.  Benjamin loved the sound of Wood laughing, and practiced it several times during the day.  I strongly suggested that his Mom and Dad would probably not get too excited about hearing the laugh.  MomMom's know about these things, because I was a parent once, just a long time ago. By the time, a person gets to be a grandparent, they get a whole new flood of patience!  I know I did, because how many times have I sat watching "Shrek" movies - argh.

I've been watching the Olympic games, but on mute, most of the time!  The talking heads just annoy me.  I really don't care about each little thing that a skier or skater does.  And, I for sure don't want to hear their comments after someone has fallen.  

Jeff is continuing to walk the dogs around the block each night.  Bella is pretty good on a leash, but Daisy still pulls.  And, both dogs would rather sniff the "daisies" than actually just walk.  I haven't tried walking either of the dogs, because I have this absolute fear of falling down.  Even though it's on the cool, okay maybe cold, side, it would still be a good day to ride in Jeff's car with the top down!

I'm going to spend a little time, one hour to be exact, tomorrow getting my head "shrunked", and yes I know that's not a real word.  Jeff and I have bought chocolate truffles to give to Dr. H tomorrow.  And, I know, that people eating out tomorrow night, will have to brace themselves for a long wait, which makes eating eggs and toast pretty desirable!

Since I've already done a major pick-up in one of the spare bedrooms, I need to turn my attention now to the spare bathroom and the other bedroom.  It is amazing to me, and perhaps you as well, that things hidden behind a closed door, don't "really" exist.  That is, until you open said door.  After the door is opened, you have to make a decision whether to go in unarmed with only a black trash bag, or just sit among all the items that need a home, besides the floor!

Ada's coming to clean today, so I have a "few" things I need to pick up. I know I'm not alone, when I say I'm going to do this.  You sort out the junk mail, but stack up the mail on the table in your office to shred "someday" !  Well, that someday is here now, and I'll shred all the useless mail we receive.  These days, there are really only two kinds of mail people receive: junk mail and bills.  Pretty much that's it.  I can't tell you when I received an actual letter and getting a notice about certified mail, makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up.  It's a shame that most of us believe that nothing good comes in a certified envelope!

Have a wonderful day - go outside and sit in the sunshine for a few minutes.


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