Sunday, February 11, 2018

Strawberry Sunday


Hi, my name is Ben, and today I am a guest blogger on Mom Mom's blog for the evening.
Today we watched four cheesy movies. one of the movies was about a girl who went  camping with these strangers that she didn't know, but in the end, she became friends with all of them.  I also today, learned about my Mom Mom's blog.  I enjoyed reading the blog, so I wanted to learn how this works.  I went to my friend's house, and played Pokemon and traded cards.  In the end, I didn't win the game.  After that, I went to my Auntie Kim's house to visit her family.   We had fun talking about my chickens and how they are now laying eggs.  I almost forgot, I have chickens in my back yard, and I LOVE them.

My chickens love running around in my back yard.

Remember all, this week is Valentines' day  make sure you get something for your favorite valentine. 💟  speaking of which my dogs are in LOVE. 🐕💋🐕   I can't show you now but I can tell you they are very cute one of my dogs is named Zoey, Gus, and our new puppy, Piper.  Piper is very shy, but loving.  Gus, is more of a hunter and eats the other dog's food!  This does not make him popular.  😋  Zoey, was our first dog, and she runs everything as far as the other dog's worlds are concerned.  Zoey is very protective with her family, and needs some time to accept "outsiders" of her immediate family.  All my dogs are very loving, just in different ways.  But, none of our dogs, can come close to being "lovey" as Mom Mom's dog, Daisy!  She is the best snuggler ever.

Mom Mom says I have to close because it's time for me to go to bed.  I'll see you on part two of Strawberry Sunday.



  1. wow!
    Nicely done. I enjoyed your guest blog today

  2. Great blog! I hope you continue writing Benjamin.

  3. Benjamin, wow, what a great guest blogger you make. I really enjoyed what you wrote about the chickens and especially what you told us about your dogs, Gus eating all the food and not being too popular because of it. We have two dogs, so we know how different each one can be. Keep up the good blogging job!

  4. Benjamin, you see people do read my blog. You're a good writer. Love you MomMom


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