Monday, February 5, 2018

Post Super Bowl


You may have noticed my absence yesterday, but I was busy being a slug.  And, everyone knows that slugs don't write or type for that matter!

Growing up, my Dad loved to watch college football.  He found these games more exciting than watching the pros.  And, I as a teenager, had better things to do with my time, then watch grown men crashing into each other.  Mind you, all these many years later, I have absolutely no idea what I was doing to occupy myself, perhaps reading.

Fast forward many years, and while Jeff and I don't watch football games during the season, we do watch the Super Bowl.  We didn't have a favored team playing, but just because we didn't actually have a "favorite", picked the Patriots - who lost.  But, it was a good game.

I have always thought that the commercials during the Super Bowl, are for the most part, really good.  I noticed several commercials for Intuit, which I've never seen before.  A frosty commercial with Morgan Freeman, but my favorite commercial always, is the Annheiser (however you spell it) Busch commercials with their wonderful Clydesdale horses.  Beautiful horses, and their commercial about putting water (labeled as such) into cans and then sending them down to victims of hurricanes.  Nicely, nicely done.  

We had a bit of ice last night, and when Jeff went out to get the paper, nearly fell.  Luckily, the sun is out and temperatures are rising.

Jeff did make chili, and it was very, very good.  There's enough leftover for dinner tonight. Jeff has been making some truly wonderful dinners, and I appreciate it very much.

When Jeff and I made our weekly shopping trip, he bought a cordless phone for the house.  I will always prefer our land line telephone, but with this cordless phone, can call Jeff, like a walkie-talkie, if I need help with something.  With this phone, it also stops the getting out of the chair, answering the phone and find out that it's either: wrong number or somebody selling something.  Maybe out answering machine message should be something like: "if you're trying to sell or give me something", please hang up.  When you think of it, most people don't really get too many calls from friends and/or family.  So, whatever the dude is trying to sell, or asking me to donate money, I'm so not interested!

Jeff and I are heading up to Johns Hopkins for my EKG test, which needs to be done before surgery later this month.  Expecting no problems with the test.  Still cold out, which means that the girls will probably stay in the basement, while we're gone.

That's the news from the Bassett Estate this morning.  I hope it's sunny and warm wherever you are.


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