Tuesday, February 6, 2018

A Free Day!


Yesterday, I had my pre-op with the cardiologist to make sure that my heart is fine.  And, yes it is, which didn't really come as a surprise to me.  However, in the spirit of being thorough, I'm supposed to have a nuclear test in a week.  I guess the test will more accurately show how my heart is doing, and the doctor assures me that the surgeon will appreciate this extra test. 

The month of February has me going for tests, doctor's appointments, dentist appointments, and then ultimately my surgery.  I wish my social calendar was as full as the "must do" things that need to be done this month. 

The movie "Winchester" is out in theaters right now.  The lead actress is Helen Mirren (however you spell it) and if you know nothing else about the movie, it's enough that she's the lead actress.  I'm not expecting the film to be a block buster, and that matters nought to me.  What is important, is that on our honeymoon in 1974, Jeff and I took a tour of the Winchester mansion.  It was a very interesting house, steeped in superstition.  The lady that lived in the house, was the heir to the Winchester fortune (rifles).  We found on our tour, that some steps actually just led to a wall.  She had a "thing" for the number 13, so she had 13holes in her drains.  She changed bedrooms frequently, and almost nobody ever saw her.  She put the capital "R" in recluse.  In one room, there were shelves of fabrics that she had purchased and never used  Few of us get to revisit any or some of the places we've been.  I know the movie will be scripted, and I'm okay with that.  What's important to me is that Jeff and I were young and enjoying stopping at places along our way to San Francisco.  For me, it will be as if Jeff and I were in a time machine!  Can't wait.

I'm trying to read a book before the next gathering on the 22nd.  Trouble is, I'm not all that interested in the book.  If I were picking a book to read, this one wouldn't even hit my top ten.  But, I'm trying to plow through anyway.  

Jeff and I don't read the same books, but because he's going to be spending so much time waiting around during my appointments, I have bought several books for my Kindle and then delivered those books to him.  Will he enjoy them?  Hard to say, but once I've purchased a book on my Kindle, I'm free to deliver that same book to another device.

In case, you're looking for television shows worthy of binging, I have two suggestions.  One show is "Mosaic", a thriller of sorts, but very much worth watching.  The other is "The Son", set in the West and goes back and forth between let's say 1849 and 1915.  Jeff and I have enjoyed watching "The Son" and again, as I said before, definitely a must to watch.

The only thing I have on my "to do" list, is to make an appointment for Stacey and I to get pedicures and some face waxing.  Now, I know that the doctor and nurses, will not look at my feet, and be shocked.  But, I'll know that I didn't indulge in this much needed service.   Since I can no longer really reach my feet, having somebody scrub and put nice smelling lotion on my feet and legs, is really wonderful.  I have seen men getting pedicures when I've been in the salon, so at least a few men out there, also feel the need and probably enjoy pedicures as much as we women do.

And, because I'm having surgery the day after getting "beautiful" (insert laugh here), I know it might be a long time before my next beauty appointment.

We're supposed to get some kind of wintry mix late this evening, which will mess with the morning commute.  Jeff is taking one of his mandated "furlough" (which means the non-paying kind of day off), days off tomorrow.  I'm having the start of an implant procedure tomorrow, and since we now have cordless phones, I can communicate with Jeff, if I need him.  But, I'm going to try and be a good patient, and keep my whining down to a minimum.  

My dental appointment is early tomorrow morning, so there won't be a blog tomorrow, but expect one on Thursday.



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