Monday, February 26, 2018

Twenty Fours To Go


Benjamin came yesterday afternoon, and he and I watched some movie that he picked out.  I am always willing to watch any age appropriate movie with him, even when I think the movie in question, is not to my liking.  That's just what grandparents do.  

We had chicken, peas and pasta for dinner.  Initially, Benjamin turned up his nose at the chicken, but after eating a few bites, wanted more and more.  I keep telling him that I have no time in my life for eating "yucky" food, like brussels sprouts!

After dinner, Jeff made Knox Blox, which when set, you can cut into block-size pieces and eat them with your fingers.  I made coconut cream pudding, which was a success for all of us.  Another movie, then off to bed.  Rather than sleeping in the guest bedroom, he wanted to sleep in our room, because we always have music playing softly.  He took the sofa cushions off, put them on the floor, piled up some blankets around him, and was out before I could even get myself settled in bed.  With two dogs, logistics is an evening ritual.  It's better if Jeff and I get into bed first, staking our claim like the alpha "dogs" we are.  Then Bella and Daisy have to figure out who's getting the sweet spot between us, at least initially.  With my night time medicine, I sleep quickly and deeply.  So the dogs maneuvering throughout the night, doesn't bother me at all.

This morning, Benjamin had frozen waffles, with syrup warmed up in the microwave.  Unfortunately for Benjamin, everyone he wanted to visit today was either at school or work.  He took Daisy for a walk behind some houses that have a woody area beyond their yard.  He brought Daisy home and told me that she had rolled in some poo.  With a warm rag, and a death grip on her collar, I scrubbed at the area.  I don't think it's all gone, but most of it is.

Pedicure, waxing and one more blood test today, and then I'm done.  I've already started to feel anxious and I'm trying to tamp down those feelings.  It would be better if I could just sleep all of today, and then magically wake up tomorrow morning in time to shower and get dressed.  We have to be at the hospital at 6:00 am, and once we arrive, it will be a hurry up and waiting game.

I've got nothing good and/or positive rolling around in my head, just dread I guess you could call it.  Questions keep popping up: how long and painful will my recovery be, and other Negative Nancy thoughts.

This is my last blog for at least tomorrow and perhaps Thursday.  When Jeff is taking a break from nursing, perhaps he'll write a short blog for me.

Talk to you later my friends.


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