Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Now I'm Done


This is for all of you out there, that say their life is full of s**t.  I have often thought the same thing about my life, but today s**t was defined differently for me, and not in a good way.

Getting out of bed, I put my right foot (yes, the dead one that has no grip) on one of the dogs' bones, lost my footing and went down like a ton of bricks, into, and I couldn't make this up - a pile of s**t!!!😖 The good news?  Only my right foot, and I'm glad it was only a foot, landed unceremoniously in the mess.  I know you're asking yourselves why do we keep these dogs around?  Well, they're very good when they're sleeping!!  And, if I wasn't so clumsy, then my morning would have started off better.  The trouble with my falling, is that sometimes, such as this morning, I can't get myself back up.  I managed to crawl to the hope chest at the bottom of the bed, and was in the process of trying to haul my sorry ass up, when help arrived.  And, yes, Jeff came into the room, and helped me get upright.  So, that's how my day started.  How's your day going?

After stepping in "s**t", the rest of the day can only go uphill, as far as I'm concerned.  All my pre-op testing was completed today.  Saturday, I'm getting my hair cut and Monday, a pedicure.  Tuesday, I go to sleep - not permanently I hope - just for a bit. And, after the surgery the real fun begins.  Getting out of bed, going to the bathroom, and walking down the hall, will all be required activities for me.  Oh, and somewhere in there, "some" amount of pain will be involved.  

Today's test was a fasting one, so other than some crackers and apple slices, I'm beginning to run on empty.

Stop by tomorrow, if for no other reason, than to check on how my day is going.


1 comment:

  1. First of all, thank you for reading my blog. It's nice to read comments on my blog posts. You have the right idea about today. It's warming up, the windows are open, and I have two days with nothing to do!! (smiley face here).


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