Saturday, February 10, 2018

And, Now It's Later .......


Okay, when I blogged early yesterday morning, I really thought that "later" would actually mean later that day - and then it didn't happen!

It's Saturday morning, and Jeff has left to go to the airport to put a new starter (I think that's right) in the plane.  One of our plane partners is going to join him, and I know that anything aviation related, is a happy place for him.

Dental appointment was fairly long yesterday, and after getting the Novocain shot, you leave the office, looking like you had done a round or two with a boxer.  It takes awhile for your face to return to "normal".  

It's supposed to rain later today and tomorrow.  I, obviously, have put off having the carpets cleaned, until there is more of a dry spell.  I'll just have to live with muddy paw prints at the moment.

All this dental work I'm having at the moment, is getting expensive.  Jeff will have dental insurance starting in April, but I can't wait months to fix this gap in my mouth.  I don't think of myself as vain, but having said that, really want the implant process to begin.  I'll have my last appointment with the oral surgeon probably in July, so I'll just have to learn to live with the gap!  My dental bills are on the rise, unfortunately.

Benjamin is coming to spend the night.  Stacey and Andrew are going to a dinner or something like that, where little people can't go.  I'm sure that Benjamin and I will find things to do.  This morning, I watched men's figure skating, but more than one skater fell down after a triple axle.  I felt sorry for these men, because you know they spent more hours than I can count, working on their program.  And, through the beauty of all things Tivo, I can simply fast forward through the commercials and the "talking heads". In doing this, watching skaters etc., is much more enjoyable.

Jeff has been taken the girls out each evening for a walk around the block.  Bella does very well on a leash, but Daisy, who hasn't had as much time walking, tends to pull a bit.  But, slowly, she's getting better.  Our backyard is pretty small.  When we selected this lot to build a house on, we opted for more frontage.  Daisy is a smaller dog, and most of the time is a couch potato, kind of like her owner!

Happy Saturday everyone.


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