Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Keeping Ourselves Busy


Because I don't believe it's good for Jeff and I to have too much time on our hands, I try to keep our calendar as busy as possible.

Yesterday, was the doctor's visit. Today, the carpet cleaning people are coming out AGAIN to clean the carpets upstairs.  Will we ever get Daisy potty trained?  She does use the towels I put on the floor each night, but every now and again, she wanders off the towel.  Sort of a "walk about" for her, and this causes issues on the carpet.  Thank goodness, for Stanley Steemer.  You may scoff at their bright yellow trucks, but I can tell you that the guys who have come to the house more than once, leave the carpets amazingly clean. I highly recommend them.

Tomorrow is house cleaning, which only requires me to put things away.  Absolutely not necessary, but if you surveyed women who do have their house cleaned, you would find that I'm probably not alone in doing so.  So, basically, you clean your house, before your house gets clean! 

Friday, the new fence is being installed. Jeff and I will have to contain the girls while work is being done on our side of the adjoining fence. I absolutely love having people come and work in or around the house. I guess my life is so dull, that a break in the routine is cause for excitement.

Sunday (at least I think it's Sunday, Jeff and I with at least one of the dogs, are going to the airport for a cook out. The men will be washing and waxing the plane, while we women watch.  Perfect.  Then, we'll have the usual cook out foods - burgers, etc.

Speaking of carpet cleaning, I need to get up to the bedroom, and pick up a few things.

Have a happy day.



Monday, July 30, 2018

Forget About The Sun


Remember that yesterday when I wrote I said it was sunny outside.  Okay, that was like a flash in the pan.  Today, it's dark and raining. Good for everything that grows outside, but not so good for me.

After hacking for the last two weeks, and taking an entire box of Mucinless (I know that's not the right spelling, but you get the idea), and not physically improved, I used one of my "emergency doctor visit" cards! It's not really a card, but I think of it as a "get out of jail free" card from Monopoly.  My doctor is very nice and accommodating, but I don't like to call her often crying "the sky is falling".  But, today, Jeff took me to see her. Luckily, I don't have pneumonia, just a persistent case of my yearly bronchitis. At least once a year, my voice sounds like I drank whiskey and smoked cigarettes!  Some would describe it as sexy, but it's pretty bad when the caller isn't sure if you're a man or a woman!

This afternoon, Daisy and I took a short snooze while I was "watching" something on tv.  I guess I'll have to start the show back up, and see if it's something I want to re-watch. 

My poor neighbor next door has been trying for weeks now, to get a new deck and patio built in his backyard.  Mother Nature is making the progress very slow. I'm sure it will be beautiful when the job is finally done.

I know this is a boring job, but for those of you who read my blog every day or so, I didn't want to let you down.



Sunday, July 29, 2018

Sunny Sunday


The sun is out for the second day in a row. Wow, a gal could get used to this. But, I fear there is rain in the forecast - good for the grass - but not much good for anything else.

Our beautification of the backyard continues. We have asked our HOA (pain in the butt), for permission to cut down the 32 year old, and dying Leland Cypress trees in the backyard.  Pretty sure I don't need their permission, but in this area, where neighbors can be petty, it's best to be on the safe side. You wouldn't think our neighbors would care, but we've done some other minor things in the backyard, and we were turned into the dreaded "HOA Police"!!!

Now, what to put in their place, is causing us to think about options.  One side of the fence faces nobody close, so I think we're going to just leave that area empty. What we do want is to block our view of the neighbor behind us - our kitchen windows - line up perfectly. This does not make me happy.

And, there's the neighbor on the other side of our house, who hates Jenny the Generator.  But, before installing Jenny, we received permission from the HOA to do so.  Is she ugly? Um, yes. Is she big? Um, yes. Will we need her sometime in the future? Hopefully.  

Said neighbor is building a new deck and is putting up lattice on the side of the deck that faces our backyard.  His house sits higher than ours does, and I can appreciate that for the past two years, he hasn't enjoyed looking out and seeing bits and pieces of things Bella has taken out of the doggy door.  To be sure, this doesn't make me happy either.

I long for the days when we lived in California, and mostly everybody had a 6 foot tall cement block fence.  Sturdy for sure, and allows all the neighbors to live peacefully in their own yard.

Oh, and that neighbor is also replacing the fence around his property. Since we share a common piece of the fence, we have already paid our share. When Daisy was younger, and thinner, she made it a mission to jump into the neighbor's yard. These days, she can't clear a fence, and since she's no longer a puppy, doesn't feel the need to do so. 

Jeff is going to spray weed killer along the fence line, because he discovered that among the weeds, was also something poisonous - ivy or oak. Really doesn't matter, just need it to stop growing.

Jeff went to Scott's house yesterday. I stayed home and watched crappy television. My chest feels like there is a huge weight sitting on it. I hope I get better soon.

Enoy your hopefully sunny Sunday.



Saturday, July 28, 2018



Once again, Cuzilu finds herself unable to accomplish something that must be relatively easy to do.

I bought stainless steel measuring cups and spoons.  I am quite delighted with my purchase and ready to put my plastic measuring cups in the back of a drawer.

The problem with the cups and spoons is that they are connected by some kind of clip ring.  I wish to separate them. I know this can't be rocket science, but for me, it might as well be. I can't begin to tell you how many things I buy that require some kind of assembly.  Taking the cups and spoons apart is probably (actually the word should be really) easy to do.  And yet, the removal is more of a challenge to me.  Sad really.

Unfortunately, Jeff has to come to my rescue time and time again.  I try and want to be a "big girl" and handle some things for myself.  I either can't understand the directions, get the product out of it's box, and these days follow a recipe.  I guess you could say that I'm a hot mess.  And while I do screw up pretty much everything that I touch, I so want to be useful.  My intentions are always good, but the follow through isn't.

For 40 plus years, Jeff has taken excellent care of me.  And, for most of those years, I was working, had a fully functioning brain, and was earning a respective salary.  Now, I'm not any of those things. I can't work because my brain has been compromised (all my fault) and while my Social Security monthly benefit check helps out, it can't compare to my working salary. 

Some days I just want to sit in my chair and be and do nothing.  I feel, and Jeff may disagree, that I bring very little "to the table", so to speak. I still read, a longtime love affair I have with books.  But, these days, as soon as I have left a page, I can't tell you what the previous page was about. If I watch the evening news without Jeff, I can only remember bits and pieces of the news. I can't begin to describe how much I hate my brain, or what's left of it.

It's been 5 years since I messed everything up. And, the fallout continues be with me/us. I do jigsaw and crossword puzzles as well as other brain "games", and sadly there is no improvement.

My doctor is going to have me do cognitive testing in the fall. She says the tests are long, and not easy.  But, even knowing that, I want to do the tests, so that I and my doctor can see how well (or not) my brain is doing.

I personally suffer, but Jeff, an innocent bystander, and my best friend, has to put up with a rather constant barrage of questions he has already answered.  And, for this I'm very sorry.  But, I can only apologize so much. I really am very tired. And, I'm pretty sure Jeff is as well.

When Jeff comes downstairs, he'll be able to separate the measuring cups, probably in less than a minute.  I don't know what I would do without him.


Friday, July 27, 2018

Dog Training 101


Ever trained a dog? Ever "tried" to train a dog? I've done both.  In my first life, Klutz (my first husband) and I owned a German Shepherd.  Our dog's name was Fang - don't ask my why.

We spent many hours taking Fang to obedience trials.  He did well except for standing, no matter how hard we tried, he wouldn't stay standing. And, this is a problem in obedience trials.

Fast forward to my current life. Jeff and I have owned multiple dogs in our 40+ years together. We once did a group class for one of our dogs, and passed with much success.  This is also where we were told that you had to use a correction word, other than the word no.  I don't know if the trainer suggested it, but we use "Fooey" for bad behavior.  I think the rationale behind the use of a different word, is you want the dog to associate his/her bad behavior.  So, if your go-to word is "no", then the dog will hear this work in normal conversation.

We've had Bella and Daisy for two years. The chewing on furniture, trees, and digging vast holes in the backyard have, for the most part, no longer a problem.

But, we're having absolutely making no progress in getting Daisy to go outside, rather than the basement floor!  Trust me, we've tried everything. Product after product and many days scrubbing with a brush.  All of this is to no avail.  

We have never used a personal trainer for our dogs before.  But, I think we've reached our breaking point, with Daisy.  The counter surfing by Bella, while a big problem, doesn't smell - thank goodness.  Of course, we have to go into the backyard to pick up any treasures you has taken outside. Most of the company's offer a free evaluation at the house. I assume, that personal dog training here at the house will have a high price tag.  But, if a dog trainer is successful, particularly with Daisy, it may well be worth the money.


Thursday, July 26, 2018



I'm happy to report a rare sighting outside.  Yes, it's the sun.  Makes you want to go outside and hug Mother Nature - of course I have no idea how that would work!

I may go outside in the backyard and sit in my lawn chair, and just soak up the sun.  In doing that, I can assure myself that Daisy will pee outside, as long as I'm out there with her.

 Since I don't really have any housework to do, or let's say, want to do, I'm going to continue my work in the spare bedrooms. One bedroom has a very high wire shelf, and those shelves are full of outdated, unwanted and unneeded papers.  I am sorting that paperwork into two boxes: one box which has no identifiable names, addresses and things like that.  The other box, needs to be either shredded or put in Andrew's fire pit.  Those documents are identifiable.  For instance, I have a box of folders for each driver we have ever had. I'm going to have to check to see how long we have to keep personnel records. It has been five years, since we closed the doors on our battery business, and I stall because I don't want the IRS, for instance, to come back and want some documentation.

I've been storing in a box all of our paid bills.  It's time to toss them into the fire as well.  If a paid bill was disputed, Jeff has proof of payment through our electronic bill paying system.

I understand why we (meaning me) hang onto sentimental things, but those things are memories for me. And, in case you're wondering paid bills just don't get me all excited!  Just saying.

For the remainder of this week - Friday - and the weekend, Jeff and I have nothing on our calendar, doctor wise. That can't be said for the week of August 6th! I wish I could wave a magic wand over me and take away all the aches and pain I currently have!

Jeff and I both have individual goals.  Jeff needs to get his medical back from the FAA.  And, I need to be able to get into the airplane, with as little pain in the left hip as possible.  It's good to have goals.


Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Rain Again?!


While driving to Baltimore for a doctor's appointment, we had the top down for the first part of our trip.  On the way home, the rain was more than a little tinkle, so we had to put the top up. I enjoy riding in Jeff's car, pretty much only when the top is down.  I mean, anybody who would buy a convertible in January, in Washington, has to be nuts.  But, that was us, and we have never regretted our decision.

We took Bella with us yesterday, for more outside of the house training.  She was, flawless. She now gets into the car willingly, and once inside a doctor's office, etc., pays no attention to all the things going around her.  

The other nice thing about taking Bella with us, is that we don't have to "Bella Proof" the house.  Daisy causes no destruction, other than the occasional peeing in the house, because she wants to!  As you know, when Bella is left alone in the house, when we return it looks like a tornado came through. And, unfortunately, we can't predict what things, she'll want to get into.  Last time, it was new shirts for Jeff out through the doggy door, along with several boxes of crafts for Benjamin and I.

Since we've had so much rain, the grass as well as the weeds, have grown and grown. Luckily, for us, we don't do our own mowing anymore.  However, weed pulling is on us/me.

Many years ago, Jeff and I celebrated a bonus he received from IBM, with friends on the Queen Mary.  It was a wonderful evening, and because of my imagination, could swear that the boat was moving -, but it wasn't. I watched a show called "I Want That Wedding", and the first episode showed a wedding on the Queen Mary.  Loved it.

There is deck building going on next door. Most of the time, the comings and goings, don't bother the dogs - but, every now and then it does.  To prevent that from happening this morning, the basement door is closed. When Daisy sits on my lap, which is often, I can ALMOST forgive her for not using the doggy door.  Notice, I said almost. Went down there yesterday, and did some floor cleaning. I'm really not able to get on my hands and knees to do deep scrubbing. This job, like so many others, has to be done by Jeff.  And, he already has too many "to do's" on his list.



Tuesday, July 24, 2018



Perhaps some of you watch this rather ridiculous and I imagine heavily staged reality show.  And, perhaps some of you don't.

I like sappy shows, even when I believe in my heart that there is some kind of script for the players, if you will.  And, there are clearly staged moments, when someone is looking out a window, or draped around a column.  But, knowing all of this, doesn't keep me from watching.  As a little girl, I of course, dreamed about marrying a Prince Charming, live in a castle, and when I began an adult, I added eating bon-bons!

My Prince Charming did arrive in a white "carriage" of sorts.  It was a car, but it was white, and Jeff carried me away in 1974, and I was lucky and got my forever after

So this morning, I decided to see what it would cost to be a glamorous bachelorette (sp?). I added up just some of the clothes Becca wore and just the sum of SOME of the clothes she wore cost $1,973.00.  Mind you, this only adds up some of the clothes she wore.

Then there is/was jewelry, again just the tip of the ice burg - $485.00.  

There has to be someone who does her hair and make-up and in her sleep-overs, she always has her false eyelashes on.  For sure, this is staged. She goes to bed glamorous and wakes up also glamorous. I guess if I had a squad of people to work on my hair and face, I'd look pretty (that might be a stretch of my imagination)!

The show is winding down, and there are only two bachelors left. Neil Diamond, has I'm pretty sure.  several diamond ring options for the bachelor to choose.

Becca will obviously say yes.  The question is - can they take their relationship, into the future.


Monday, July 23, 2018

What's In A Name?


The title of the blog says it all.  What's in a name, and I was curious what were the top girls' names in 1949.  Spoiler alert for those of you much younger than me, no dinosaurs were roaming the earth at that time!

The top four names in 1949 were: James, Robert, Linda and Mary.  Where did my name appear on this magical list - 230 (clearly, not a very popular name).  But, Jeff's name came in at 245. So, my name was just a tad more popular than his.

Fast forward to today.  For the 8th year running, Sophia has been the top girls' name. That's a normal sounding name. And, then names become odd (to me, so don't send me hate mail), Pasley, Apple, Blue Ivy (why not green ivy?), Birdie Joe, Ever Lee Wilder, Wisdom.  And, the list just goes on and on.  

When giving a name to a child, you need (and you know this), that the child will have said name for the rest of their life.  We named our middle son, Scott.  We thought it was a strong name, and not much chance of his name being called out incorrectly in class. We knew that if Scott became a rocket scientist, or the President, for instance, his name would be hard to mispronounce, and easy to remember - Dr. Scott Bassett!

Which brings us to Andrew, our youngest son.  He is named Andrew Todd. We knew that as a child, he would be called Andy, and he was. But, we also wanted to give him a name (Andrew), for probably his adult years. Andrew is named for my Grandfather, whose name was Andy, and my Uncle named Todd.For reasons this many years later, when we were looking for an appropriate name, we knew that merely naming him Andy, it wouldn't be a good sounding professional name.  You know, like introducing him, as let's say, Dr. Andy Bassett.  

I think I was the last person to start calling Andy, Andrew.  The name Andy no longer seems to suit him, as he goes forth in his career. I guess I am still thinking of him as Andy, and perhaps I always will.  

So there you have it: Patti, Jeff, Scott and Andrew!


Sunday, July 22, 2018

Saturday Fun


Yesterday, Mother Nature served us up rain.  Not a bit of rain, but the kind that comes down hard and fast.  Just as we set off for the movie, the heavens opened up.  And, just getting from the car into the theater, Benjamin and I got wet.  But, as Jeff always says, that since I'm not out of sugar, we won't melt!

First, you buy the tickets - $22.00, and then you just HAVE to go to the concession stand.  They have a deal where it's a little box and it comes with a small amount of popcorn, a drink and a bag of gummy-like candy.  Since I'm not supposed to eat anything with nuts, I opted instead for m&m's, which I knew I could melt. By the time we were seated, I had spent an equivalent amount of money for a down payment on a car!  Not really, but you get the idea.

The theater wasn't crowded, and Benjamin and I had a wide selection of seats to choose from. We watched the preview of movies coming, and for the most part, Benjamin wants to see ALL of them. 

Hotel Transylvania was funny, and both of us enjoyed ourselves immensely.  When the movie was over, Jeff was waiting at the curb. Instead of going home, he remained in the area of the theater, and had his Ipad with him.

After we got home, Jeff went to his office to do some work. Benjamin and I watched some silly movie.  Actually, he watched the movie, and I did some reading.  I have books, upon books, to read, both the paper kind and the Kindle kind.

After dinner, Benjamin and I watched the movie "The Greatest Show on Earth", which I didn't realize was somewhat of a musical.  Benjamin loved the music, and so he swirled around and around.  I am not bothered by the television being on, and Benjamin either dancing, singing, or playing with his cars. I guess that's a MomMom thing!

This morning, for breakfast, Benjamin had chocolate frosted flakes. I ate one, and it was really good.  I'm going to send Benjamin home with a bag of cereal, and I'll keep some here as well.

I have a part of our dining room table, and I know it has a name, but for the life of me I can't remember.  Anyway, yesterday, Benjamin took that wooden piece, propped it up on a chair, and it made a most excellent way for him to race his cars. 

Rain is predicted for today, but at the moment, it's sunny and bright outside. The rain will come this afternoon, and it looks like we will have rain all week. This is good for the grass and ducks, but if I have to be out in weather, I prefer snow to rain.

I'm off to do the shower/get dressed/make the bed stuff.


Saturday, July 21, 2018



Apologies for yesterday.  When Benjamin comes here, my time is spent watching movies and/or television shows, that he likes very much.  While he's entertained, I sit in the room with him, reading a book.  So quality time, but not actually doing the same thing.

In the afternoon, Benjamin and I played with these little plastic stick together balls. Benjamin made a "pizza" out of his balls. The pizza had black mushrooms, white cheese and something that was purple, but I don't know what it was supposed to be. Better to not ask!

The little boy next door was able to play with Benjamin in the late afternoon.  They like to play with "swords", sticks they find around in yards. They seem to have a good time, but I have cautioned Benjamin, until I'm blue in the face, to not actually hit one another.

Today, Jeff is dropping Benjamin and I off to see the movie "Hotel Transylvania".  Since I'm unable to eat things like popcorn, nuts, and things like that, I'll only be buying popcorn for Benjamin. If there is something soft, like chocolate, I might buy that for myself. 

I have made a grocery list for Jeff, he'll do the grocery shopping, while we're at the movies. Since I really can't eat hard stuff, like meat, pizza, etc. I have asked him to go to the baby food section, and buy me some jars of fruit.  I have some fruit cups in the refrigerator, but in order to eat the fruit, I will have to mash all the fruit up.  This is actually a good way to lose weight, but I don't recommend it!

It's raining outside, so after the movie, Benjamin can try another art project. Unfortunately, unlike his Mother, I am just about all thumbs when it comes to reading and understanding directions. 

I made a cake yesterday. After I cut my slice, I then pour milk all over it.  Reason?, the milk makes the cake soggy and easy to eat. It's unfortunate I think, that the foods that are easier to eat, are not healthy.

Jeff made Jello Knox-Blox yesterday.  He slices the set jello into pieces, and those are easy for me to eat.

Happy Saturday.




Friday, July 20, 2018

Thursday Post-Op


Yesterday afternoon, Jeff took me to the oral surgeon to have two teeth pulled.  I was under the impression, and I was wrong, that I would be lightly sedated.  Ha.  Nope, just going to bite the "silver bullet" (just a figure of speech), and with both sides of my face numb, the surgeon got to the business of doing his job.  I wasn't in actual pain, but the pressure needed by the surgeon to take the teeth out was unpleasant, to say the least. I would yesterday's experience, right up there with delivering a baby the natural way!

Jeff brought me home, before going out to get Benjamin.  I took a pain pill and put ice packs on both sides of my face.  I also turned on some mind numbing television show.  I tend to nap better, if I fall asleep watching television.  

When Jeff got home, he made me scrambled eggs, which I was able to eat, because they are a soft food. This morning I had waffles, also pretty soft and an extra benefit, tasty too!

By the way, Benjamin loves the new chair we bought.  We turned it to face the television, so that he wouldn't get a crooked neck. Pop Tarts, lightly toasted, for breakfast, along with milk (the white kind).  

Today, will be a day of rest for me. I can read a book while Benjamin is watching a movie, and/or fall asleep, which is always a bonus!

Hopieng (feels like a spelling error) to take Benjamin either tomorrow or Sunday, to see Hotel Transylvania.  Jeff will have to drive us to the theater and then pick us up.  There's no way I'm going to be able to drive, at least for the time being.

The neighbor whose house sits above ours, is redoing his deck.  This doesn't excite me much, but what does excite me, is that he is putting up lattice on the side of the deck, facing our house. When, he's barbecuing, it makes me feel uncomfortable, if I'm in the backyard for one reason or another.

Ultimately, I think the plan is to take out all of the Leland Cypress trees, which are 32 years old and super tall.  Once the trees are gone, then we can decide, with the help of an arborist, or some other company, to put new trees, shrubs, etc. in their place. I may not have all the facts straight, but I think that's the goal for the backyard.


Thursday, July 19, 2018

Things on Thursday


Well, two things are going to happen today, one more enjoyable than the other!  Part one of my afternoon, is a trip to the oral surgeon, to have two teeth taken out.  Since both teeth are on the bottom, chewing some food might be interesting.  A good diet anyone?

The other part of my day is Jeff picking up Benjamin to stay with us until Sunday.  Jeff's trip scheduled for this weekend has been canceled, so it's possible that Jeff could drive Benjamin and I to the movies. Who doesn't love a movie, popcorn, soda, and generally milk duds (for Benjamin).  

Benjamin is going to love the new chair in the den. It's super comfy and he will probably sprawl in it, while he and I watch numbing movies.  Shrek anyone?  I've seen Shrek movies so many times, that I swear I could repeat the dialogue. Benjamin and I play the same game whenever he comes to stay. He goes to the bookcase, looking for a movie to watch. I "scream" lightly, that I'll watch anything but Shrek. Benjamin, of course, pulls out a Shrek movie.  It's a game that he and I love playing. It isn't necessary for me to actually watch the movie with him, I just have to been in the den with him. Oh, the things we grandma's will do for their grandchildren!  Truly blessed to have Benjamin in our lives.

At breakfast, we watched Steven Cobert (sp) show that was recorded last night.  His monologue was great and right on point.  Of course, some of the things that have happened in our world lately, could cause a person to be nauseated!  Anyway, it was very entertaining. Just saying.   

Maybe on Jeff's way home with Benjamin, he might stop and buy me a milk shake. I'll be an "invalid" this afternoon, and the sick should be comforted. 😋 

Off to get dressed and to make sure that Benjamin's bedroom is ready.  He like to have his stuffed animals, his light-up globe and today I'll put a flashlight in his bed, because he likes to read before he goes to sleep.  And, the reading before sleeping, I understand.

I might not be around tomorrow, I'll just have to see.

Image result for picture of milkshake


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Simply a Wednesday


Yesterday, I continued to be a good "citizen" and continue sorting out reams and reams of paper. Unfortunately, if any piece of paper has a name on it, it becomes an immediate shred item.  And, my box of shred is filling up much faster than papers that can safely be put in the garbage.

Also, yesterday with a sudden burst of energy (this is rare, but sometimes just happens), I went through my clothes that I wear 99.9% of the time. I put my clothes into actual drawers!  I know, that does sound scary, even to me.  What it did do is to put in real time, how many clothes I actually have. So, my telling Jeff that I have nothing to wear, rings negatively.  This does not mean that I will stop buying the odd pair of shorts, etc.  As I've explained before, it's just something women do. And, most men will never understand this. 

I also went down into the basement, which is a really scary place, and started the process AGAIN of cleaning up puddle spots from Daisy.  Why, she can't/won't go through the doggy door is beyond my comprehension!  Truth be told, it's getting quite old.  I have over the past two years, bought product after product that is SUPPOSED to clean the concrete and make said concrete not a place Daisy will no longer use.  Um, that's not working so well.  

I did put some kitty litter (why not) on the spots that needed to be cleaned and then "broomed" it around.  Used vinegar and pine sol (but not at the same time) on the floor.  Daisy is a great dog in so many ways, but using the basement floor, is not one of her good ways)!

Tomorrow is oral surgeon day.  Yeah 😟 Who doesn't enjoy going to a dentist to have teeth pulled out?  At least, they give you some sleepy medicine, which is a good thing, because my heart will really be thumping.

Benjamin is coming to stay with us starting tomorrow.  I'm probably not going to be much fun tomorrow, but hopefully by Friday, I'll be up and around and just being my usual crazy self. 

Jeff's trip scheduled for this weekend has been cancelled.  Since Jeff and my psychiatrist don't really want me driving, perhaps he can drive Benjamin and I to the movies. And, then sometime during his visit, we can tackle an art project of some kind together.

Time to close - I've got things to do - and any number of excused why I don't get them done!



Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Amazon Prime Day


I am a HUGE lover of all things Amazon.  When I think about it, who isn't?  I don't think brick and mortar stores can even compete, with a website that sells virtually anything, all with just a click on your keyboard. And, this can certainly become a PROBLEM for some people.

Yesterday, was Amazon Prime Day, where they offered special deals all day long.  Okay, I went to Amazon to check out some of the deals.  I actually found very little (you're welcome Jeff) that interested me. The only thing that I bought, and that will be useful, is another set of stainless steel measuring cups. I have used plastic products for years for pretty much everything from dog dishes, mixing bowls, food storage and anything else that I can and have thought of.  

When I switched the dogs' watering bowl to metal, I discovered that it was super, super easy to clean. We have also switched to metal food dishes for the dogs - again, so simple to clean.

I checked out fashion deals, but found very little that met my criteria: (a) I had to like the item; and (b) it came in my size.  Jeff, will be happy to know that I didn't find many clothes that met my criteria.  But, I sure do like looking at clothes, shoes, purses, etc.  Clothes in my size - not so much.

Jeff took me for my "head shrinking" appointment yesterday.  When I go to my psychiatrist appointment, I always have a paper where I have written down all the good and bad things I want and/or need to talk about. Yesterday, I'm happy to report that their were more good things on my list than bad ones.  Problem was that the bad ones, unlike the good experiences, needed more time to talk about.

Jeff's trip to Kansas scheduled for Saturday and Sunday has been canceled.  This means, that if Benjamin and I find a movie to see, Jeff can drive us back and forth. Yours truly is not very steady on my feet, and just a day or two ago, fell again. The good news about falling, if there is such a thing, is that my physical therapist had taught me how to get back up.  I remembered the instructions, and they worked, just like I had  practiced.   

The house is being cleaned today, which means that after a quick swipe through the kitchen, I can turn my attention back to going through old documents, and boy do I have a lot of documents to look at.

Have a good Tuesday.


Monday, July 16, 2018

Monday Stuff


It's Monday (duh) and everyone I know is going to work.  Jeff may work remote, but even he is upstairs, in his chair and doing what he gets paid for (I actually don't know what he does, but I know he does it well).

Scott came up with the truck yesterday, and thankfully the leather chair that I had seen on the neighborhood bulletin board, was still for sale. The seller's house is on the market, and he was only asking $25.00; but, the chair when we went to pick it up, was too big for an SUV.  Of course, as soon as we left the house, it started to rain.  It wasn't a downpour, but just enough to have to use the wipers.  When we picked up the chair, the seller asked if we wanted to put a tarp around the chair.  We were only going about 7 miles to the house, and once we got it home, a quick rub down with a towel, and the chair was as good as new! I'm very, very pleased with this purchase.  What I didn't want, was to put a sofa or loveseat back in the den.

Saturday afternoon, Jeff and I went to Costco and WalMart.  And, yes if you're wondering, I rode around in those stupid little electric carts. It was a quick shop, as we really didn't need that much. We did buy a pizza from Costco, and it made a most excellent dinner.

Today, is Andrew's first day of his new job with Microsoft. He'll get his badge, orientation and then he'll do other things, I just don't remember what they are.  Stacey is flying out to Seattle, I think tomorrow, and will do some touristy things. I think she, and perhaps Andrew, are going to take a whale watching boat ride. But, I could be wrong about the boat ride.

The forecast for this afternoon is thunderstorms. I'm getting my head "shrunk" at noon, so chances are that Jeff and I will be back home, before it starts raining.

I might work in one of the spare bedrooms. I'm taking most of the battery business paperwork, and have put them in a box for either commercial shredding, which would be super easy, or continue to take boxes of paper out to Andrew's house for the fire pit.  Because I don't want to throw out any piece of paper that identifies the battery business.  Naturally, this type of sorting takes time. Oh, I remember know that I have lots of free time!

Well, my friends I have to get things done around the house.  Being retired doesn't actually mean that you get to sit around and do nothing.  Nope, there is still laundry and dishes to do.  And, after nearly 40 years, I've become quite good at doing!



Sunday, July 15, 2018

Furniture - Old and New


If you remember, and it's possible that I never wrote about it, but the girls over the past two years have literally chewed one arm of our leather sofa to the wood!  Not a good look, and not a piece of furniture that could be sold, and probably not even given away!

Enter Scott to the rescue.  Maybe two weeks ago (and Jeff I may not have that date right), Scott came up with the truck and told Jeff to pick up one end of the sofa.  No fussing about keeping the sofa. The sofa went to the dump, where it was tossed in the area where things that can't be recycled go.

I decided that once the sofa was gone, I didn't want to have a sofa or love seat in it's place.  Simply, a chair.  Our neighborhood has a website, where people can post things for sale or free.

I stumbled along (actually I was actively looking) for a chair to put in the den.  And, I found one.  The seller has his house up for sale and was selling a beautiful, off white leather chair that looks very comfortable.  We exchanged emails back and forth, because there was no way that the chair could be moved without a truck.

Enter Scott again. He's coming up with the truck this afternoon, we'll go to the seller's house and get the chair.  Oh, I failed to mention that the cost of the chair is only $25.00.  He simply wants it gone - now! Buying a chair sight unseen, can sometimes be risky, but for such a low price how can I go wrong.  Besides, the majority of the time, I'll put a blanket or towel on the seat of the chair, so that the dogs can get up and take one of their many naps during the day.  And, when somebody comes to visit, which is pretty rare, all I have to do is remove said towel/blanket, and it turns into a human chair!  The things that we'll do for our dogs. Because of all the nonsense got into on Friday, we'll have to put the girls in the basement.

I think (and Jeff can correct this) that we are removing all of the Leland Cypresses in the backyard.  They are all too tall, and dying. They've been in place for 32 years, so it was very good run. We'll get new plant suggestions from both our local landscaping company, as well as from the arborist (sp).  Maybe we want to plant something new, perhaps an arborvitae or two.  Once the trees are removed, our neighbors will be in shock and ah.  In doesn't make sense to me to plant anything along one side of our yard.  Our neighbor is putting in a new fence in a couple of weeks. After the new fence is in, we can then contemplate, with professional help, what plant/tree makes the most sense along the fence line.

Happy Sunday.


Saturday, July 14, 2018

Bella vs. Art Supplies


Yesterday, Jeff and I went to the dealer to pick-up his repaired car.  I was gone for oh let's say 30-40 minutes.  In the big picture, not very long.

When I got home, I could see that someone (Bella) had a good time while we were gone.  She took two DVD's out of the book shelf.  Those DVD's were apparently not "her cup of tea".  I had a bag on the floor and inside were the projects I had bought for Benjamin and I to do this weekend, while Jeff is away. I noticed that the red bag was empty, except for the clay. While Bella didn't take any of the boxes outside, she got them out of the bag, and munched on the cardboard boxes. She did enough damage to each of the boxes, that I had to tape them up! Perhaps, there is something missing in her diet! (insert smiley face here). I also noticed that the shirts I had bought for Jeff, were nowhere to be seen.

I didn't need to be Sherlock Holmes.  I knew exactly where the shirts were.  If, you guessed in the backyard, you're a winner!!  Now that you are feeling lucky, I suggest that you buy a lottery ticket.

I retrieved the shirts, which Bella didn't try to destroy, thank goodness. Jeff and I were very disappointed in her.  The last few times when we have left her alone in the house, she hasn't taken and/or destroyed anything.  So, I don't know what was going on yesterday.

I know that you can't punish a dog after they've been bad, but the urge to do so, was very strong.

Changing subject: I continued my work in the spare bedrooms.  Yesterday, I took out the binder that held our contract from AAA.  I took each piece of paper out, and made two piles.  Any document that had our name on it, went into the burn pile.  Other pages were put in a box going to the garbage.  Unfortunately, I have many more binders and folders to process.  But when I am done, I will feel a lot of satisfaction for a job well done.

Happy Saturday.



Friday, July 13, 2018

Cleaning, Sorting and Donating


Yesterday, I took my lazy butt up to one of the spare bedrooms.  Ugh is the best word to describe how much I wanted to do this!

You know this kitchen drawers that are filled with random buttons, useless magnets, old eye glasses and other stuff like that?  In the kitchen, I have two of those drawers and they are full to the edge.

But, I have a bigger problem than those drawers.  There are two spare bedrooms upstairs, and for far too long, I have given absolutely no thought or care about just throwing things into those rooms.  I have tossed clothes that are too big (not many of those I confess), and clothes that are too small (not many of those either)!  Books I've read sit on a dresser along with company notebooks that are filled to bursting with old filings - state tax, IRS filings, and other important papers.

But, I've been on a tear this week to go inside those rooms, and get started.  In one of the spare rooms, there is a little bookcase, and on the top shelf are books for Benjamin.  Armed with a black trash bag (and you know you're serious about the job, if you bring out one of those bags), and got to work.

Over time, I bought all of the Berenstain Bear books that I found for sale.  After doing some research, I don't own nearly all of the books. The business was started in 1962 and there are 300 books in the series!  Benjamin loved listening to me read these books.  So, when it came time to look at the books on Benjamin's shelf, those books were kept.  Who knows, maybe another generation will like them just as much.

What I did put in the black trash bag, were books that Benjamin had definitely outgrown.  These books will hopefully find their way to another child.

I started putting clothes into the donate bag, but I still have some more sorting in the closet.  Looking at the heap (oh, how I hate that word) of clothes that I've put aside for me to try on, it comes to me, and every other woman I know, that I simply don't have anything to wear!  The truth is, that women like getting new things, whether it be clothes, shoes or jewelry.  It's just in our DNA.

After I finish blogging, I'm going upstairs with renewed energy to again spend some more time cleaning, etc.  There are, of course, some clothes that I'll never give away.  When we were in Maui, I bought a yellow terry-cloth like top with the words Maui Aquarium written on the front side. The top doesn't exactly fit me, at least right now, but I'm never going to give it away.  Just looking at this bright top in the closet, carries me back to Maui, where Jeff and I had a lovely vacation a long time ago.  And, if you know me at all, then you know I'm big on memories - both the sad and happy ones.  It's just who I am. I also know that when I'm long gone, Andrew and Scott, will not be sentimental over sympathy and anniversary cards.  Or, Benjamin's tiny, tiny little Crocs! But, in a glass case downstairs, is a pair of tiny, tiny felt shoes that I wore as a baby.  And, nobody will want those either.

Some of my friends think I'm nuts, and I probably am, to keep all of this stuff, i.e, junk. But, as much stuff of a different kind that Jeff hangs onto, I keep my memories in a hope chest in the bedroom. Once I can no longer close the chest, and I'm getting pretty close to that, then I'll simply buy another chest, and start filling it up.  I bet you men, and perhaps some of you women, don't understand why I am more or less possessed to keep pretty much everything given to me.  On the back of cards, I put the date they were given to me.  My memories make me happy, it's as simple as that.


Thursday, July 12, 2018

Arborist Visit


When we moved here, 32 years ago, we planted two Pin Oak trees.  As you can image, the trees have grown significantly since then.

Our first autumn here in 1986, our little Pin Oak in the front yard, blew down half a dozen or so of leaves. Coming from California, we happily picked up these leaves.

Okay, fast forward to 2018, that Pin Oak is now a big, big girl. And, the amount of leaves that fall to the ground now, requires a leaf blower and a number of recyclable bags.  In other words, she is no long quite as cute as she was 32 years ago.

Jeff examined the tree and found some bugs or pests on the trunk.  And, we have some dead branches as well.  Jeff didn't want to call a tree service company to merely cut off the dead branches. Because in doing so, that only removes part of the problem.

The arborist (I think that's spelled right), came out to the house to not only examine the ailing Pin Oak, but looked at all the trees, which included numerous Leland Cypresses in the backyard.  When we planted these Cypresses, their growth was slow but steady.  We planted the Cypresses in the first place to act as a barrier ("fence" if you will) from our neighbors.  When we lived in California, we had, as did most of our neighbors, a 6 foot cement wall fence, which was perfect.

Alas, living in an HOA we know would prohibit us from having this kind of fence - darn!  Basically, we were trying to obtain some level of privacy.  We have a very large kitchen window, as does the neighbor behind us.  When the trees were small, if I was at the window washing dishes, our neighbor would wave at us.  This was only a problem at night, because we had to turn on the kitchen lights to see.

Jeff really liked the arborist that came out. He has sent us several proposals of things he can do immediately, and other projects that can be done down the road.  One of his proposals, was to plant new Leland Cypresses in front of the old ones, and then remove the old ones, after the new ones grew up a bit. Or, because of my limited memory, put bigger trees in.  Jeff tells me all these things, and I try very hard to keep hold of the information, but even as early as last night, could only remember just a few things he said.

Of the Pin Oak in the front yard, a soil sample was taken, to see what the ground tells us. It would be catastrophic if the results come back telling us that the tree cannot be saved, and should or must come down. This is a really big tree and removing it would leave a big hole, not only in the ground, but in our hearts as well. We have a picture of Scott actually standing in the hole, shovel in hand.

Another thought.  Jeff picked up my car from the body shop yesterday, and the outside of the car looks brand new.  They do beautiful work.  But, and for Jeff and I, there seems to always be a but, Jeff noticed something wrong with the left mirror.  I think he said that the mirror would not let him know when there was a car in the next lane.  Back to the body shop it goes.  

Disclaimer: all my thoughts about the last few days are based solely on my memory, and we all know that's not good. This picture is not a picture of our tree now, but it's a good representation of what our tree looked like when it was healthier.


Image result for picture of pin oak

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Monday, Monday


Yesterday morning, I had an early appointment with a gastroenterologist, or as I commonly refer to them as "butt and gut" doctors.  Stacey, was kind enough to take me to the appointment.  For most of my appointments, I need someone else to go along to actually remember what the doctor said.  And, sure enough by the time we got home, I could only remember some of the things discussed.  Stacey, is a very good daughter-in-law to me. And, I equally try to be a good mother-in-law!

After, the appointment we made a quick stop at the repair shop we use for stuff like: oil changes, brakes, etc.  When Jeff sold Wendy's BMW, the carpet that goes into the trunk, somehow ended up in our garage.  You might remember, or perhaps I didn't even say, but when the car was out of the garage, I was on a cleaning frenzy.  I swept, and organized (only a little).  When it came to doing something with this carpet, I put it in the back of Stacey's car, and we made a quick stop to drop it off at the repair shop.  

After both of those things were done, we headed out for lunch.  Our usual place - McDonald's.  Keeping mindful of my food issues, I didn't finish my lunch. Good for my issues, and good for the scales!  A win-win.

Next stop was a trip through Michael's, which is a wonderful place to go and generally spending some significant amount of money there. Because, Benjamin is coming next week to spend 3 or maybe 4 days with me, I wanted some "to do" activities, for both of us.  To that end, I was successful.  A round disk, that you put sand in, and then the sand moves around, when you're finished.  I know most of you know what I'm talking about.

A growing crystal kit, as well as several other hands on things to do. If, we stay home, and that seems likely, we'll have something to do besides watching television - go Shrek and Sponge Bob!

After we got back to the house, Stacey hung up a wind chime for me, which was a want, not a need. (Sorry Jeff, but shopping/buying is part of every woman's DNA).  Jeff fixed a microwave dinner for both of us, and then we watched several more episodes of Goliath, which is on Amazon.  This is a very addictive show, so don't start binge watching, if you only have time to watch one or two episodes.  We're far enough in with this show, that we tell ourselves we are going to just watch one more episode.  That's simply a joke.😏😏

My car is ready at the body shop, so sometime today, Jeff will pick it up and return the rental.  So, if you're once again keeping score, we're one car up, and one more to go!  I believe that if Jeff didn't have bad luck, we wouldn't have any luck at all. Our summer isn't starting off positively, but hey if you're at the bottom, you can only go to the top.

The house is being cleaned today, but like all women out there (back to possibly that DNA thing), feel the need to tidy up a bit.

Happy Wednesday.

 This isn't my car, but is a fair enough resemblance to the damage I did to my car!

     Image result for picture of a damaged car

Monday, July 9, 2018

How I Spent Sunday


Jeff and I always start Sunday mornings slowly. After breakfast, we sit in the den.  Jeff reads the paper and I program the shows we want to watch for the week. And, we might watch something on television and/or Jeff takes a much needed nap.

A bit later in the day, Jeff headed off to Andrew's house with Bella in tow.  Jeff mowed the lawn, while Bella ran around and dispersed a lot of energy. After leaving Andrew's house, Jeff went by our regular stores to pick up a few items.  Before he left, I was very clear about what not to bring home, because we had a small stash of: crackers, cookies, cream of anything soup, sour cream, etc.  My suggestion was that we should try and eat out of the big freezer downstairs and our pantry, simply because both of them are almost filled to overflowing.  In case of a major disaster, the boys should head to our house!

While Jeff was gone, and the garage was empty, I took sometime cleaning, i.e., sweeping the floor.  And, boy was there a lot of crap on the floor. Leaves, boxes that hadn't quite made it to the recycling bin.  A pile of things that I cleaned up were the things that Jeff took out of Wendy's car, when we sold it.  I found a small box, and put everything in there, for sorting out later.  The box went into a cabinet, and likely will remain there for, oh I don't know, maybe forever?

We bought our large television in 2015, and still had the box in the garage.  I'm pretty sure that the television is well past it's warranty date, so I flattened it and intend for it to be recycled this week, (and Jeff don't freak out, it's just something that needed doing).

To get the garage floor really clean, Jeff would need to use a blower to get around the places where a broom won't fit.  Stuff, like cords, tool boxes, and other manly things. When I get into my side of the car, there was very little space to open the door.  I managed to push a bit further back the things that were in the way of my opening up the door fully.  

While Jeff probably and likely, will not appreciate my efforts, I stood in the garage yesterday, and felt real satisfaction of a job well done.  And, it's the first thing, in a long time, since I felt that way.

Now, all I have to do, is get my clothes under control, even though I complain that I have absolutely nothing to wear.  I may start a bag for clothes to donate to a charity.  Notice the word "may"!



Sunday, July 8, 2018

Television To Watch


Last night, Jeff and I watched an Amazon show called "A Very English Scandal".  This show is based on a true story.  Hugh Grant plays a high ranking member of Parliament. He is very successful in his career, but enjoys the "company" of young men.

The show starts with Jonathan Thorpe (Hugh Grant), befriending a young man, and I am sure you all know what I'm talking about.

After the relationship is over, at least for Thorpe, the young man simply won't go away quietly.  He wants to be heard, and throughout the series, makes every attempt to get in touch with Thorpe.  Not to spoil the show, which was excellent, Thorpe engages in various ways to make the young man go away.  This included a botched murder attempt, among other things.

Eventually, Thorpe is brought up on charges. And, I'm not going spoil the ending for you. You'll have to watch it for yourself.

As with many series, if you wait too long to watch the next episode, you, meaning me, have trouble remembering where we left off.  This is why a lot of people binge watch.  Jeff and I were enjoying the show "24", but a lot of time has passed since we watched it.  To continue to watch the show now, will mean that we'll have to find the episode we last watched, just to jog our memory.

This afternoon, I will record the week's television shows to watch.  Some of the recorded shows, won't be ones Jeff will want to watch - cooking shows for example.  I love these shows, but try and watch them when he's occupied somewhere else. I'm such a good wife! (insert smiley face here).

Watching television and reading, are two things that I can do, without the help of others.  Walking and standing - not so much.  

When I was at the book warehouse, I bought myself a kit to make beaded bracelets.  I might today, get out the kit and see if I can follow directions (always a challenge for me), and make something, not necessarily beautiful, but perhaps cute.

Have a great day.




Saturday, July 7, 2018

A Cooler Saturday


Temperature outside is much cooler than it has been.  But, my theory is that once you start with a/c, you might as well leave the house closed up.  And, by doing so, our electricity company simply LOVES us!

If you've been reading about all of our car mishaps, then you should know that is: 2 for cars and 0 for Jeff and I.  At least, Jeff has a rental car, because while my car was promised for yesterday, the body shop was still waiting for parts.

I don't know exactly how long Jeff's car will be at the dealers, but I suspect for a few days while they put his beautiful car back together.  Oh, and put four new tires on.  The tires needed replacing, and this time seemed as good as any.

My friend, "Auntie Kim" (which is what Benjamin calls her), came up yesterday afternoon for a visit while we sat on the porch.  It seemed and felt like everything that came out of mouth was unhappy news.  Jeff and I have been through enough s**t lately, that there must be a pony inside there somewhere!

When Stacey and I went to the book warehouse, I bought myself a kit for making beaded bracelets.  I may, open that box today, and see if I can make heads or tails out of the instructions.  I've long been known for my inability to follow directions and/or instructions.  Another words, I can screw things up quickly; and, for the most part I always have good intentions.

The neighbor next door is having a new deck built.  I have closed the basement door, so that the girls can't go outside and bark and bark.  When I let them outside, I'll probably go downstairs and be able to control their "freedom of speech"!

I have no plans for the weekend, and I don't know if Jeff is going out to Andrew's house to do some mowing.  

Starting on the 18th, I will have Benjamin for four days.  Jeff is traveling that weekend, so I'll be on my own for entertainment.  An afternoon at Chuck E. Cheese might be a possibility.  I can zone out, while Benjamin hops from one game to another. There is always the water park or a movie. Sometimes, Benjamin just plays with his cars and racetrack in the den, while listening more and watching less a movie.  I have watched Shrek so many times than I could probably read the script.  Of course, once Benjamin is here and he's thinking about a movie, we ALWAYS go through my shrieking - no Benjamin anything beside Shrek.  Guess what?  To no surprise to me, he always picks Shrek movies.  Grandmas everywhere put up with this kind of stuff every day.  It's just what Grandma's do.  



Friday, July 6, 2018

Catching Up


After looking over recent posts, I apologize for the one with a title of "powden" or something.  Clearly, I wasn't feeling well, and probably should have skipped that day too.

So, let's catch up shall we?  We had dinner with Andrew et al on the 3rd for a taco dinner and to watch the fireworks that their little town puts on.  I'm beginning to wonder if I have lost my "wow" factor when it comes to fireworks.  Nothing I saw that night, took my breath away.  

On the 4th, on our way to Scott's house for a late lunch, we had some car trouble. We're in Jeff's car and in the backseat were the dogs and Benjamin.  While we were driving on the beltway (interstate to some of you), Jeff and I heard a flop-flop sound.  Jeff pulled over, thinking we had a flat tire.  Nope, what we had was a plastic trash bag (I assume) that he had driven over.  Jeff tried to pull out the bag, but it was wrapped tightly around the tire and other things as well.  (Jeff would be able to tell you more accurately about the bag).

Now, remember it's the 4th of July.  Jeff went over to the slow lane, and we limped our way off at the next off ramp. We drove (sort of) around one way, and saw nothing.  But, when we returned back, heading hopefully to a gas station, and there it was!  An open Shell station who was doing a brisk business of fixing cars, and getting them back on the road.  A gas station has never looked as good as it did for Jeff and I.

We had been driving with the top down, but once we stopped at the gas station, Jeff put the top up, and started the a/c.  We got in line behind other people in need of a quick fix - I'm only assuming that of course.

When it was our turn, they jacked up the back of the car, and pulled the tire off.  Whatever we had driven over, had actually shredded part of the tire. Crazy I know.  While the car was off the ground, Jeff could see (I'm assuming this) that there was more damage to the car, then just the tire.  Damage that would need to be fixed at a Mercedes dealer.  But, for the moment, the "doughnut" (and everybody hates these) tire was put on.  We drove in the slow lane to Scott's house. The electronics on the car, like ABS brakes (again, my interpretation only).  

After a nice lunch, Wendy's mother and brother were visiting, and I had a very nice visit with her mother.  Jeff had made, as requested, our potato salad as well as the apple cake.  The potato salad wasn't eaten as much as the other casserole options that were also served.  That was okay with us, because it meant we had some leftover for us to eat the next day for lunch. Wendy had made vanilla ice cream as well as ice cream with strawberries mixed in.  I only ate the vanilla ice cream, but it was delicious.  Definitely, a wonderful way to end a delicious meal.

As the evening progressed, and it was beginning to get dark outside, a card game (poker I think) was suggested.  That looked like a good time for us to come home.  The dogs had ran around in Scott's backyard, so they were tired.  Once again, we limped along home, with the girls both sleeping in the backseat.

If, you're keeping track, my car. at the time, was at the body shop getting it's left side repaired, and we were relying on Jeff's car to get us around.  Yesterday, Jeff took the car to the dealer for repairs.  Since one tire was trashed, and we had needed new tires anyway, among other things, we'll get the tires. No sense putting on one new tire, and then have the other three needing to be replaced!  And, yes there was damage done to the wiring (again this is only me talking) that worked the electronics on the dash.

My car, might be ready today.  Jeff's car will be under repairs for I don't know how long, but at least he has a rental car.  In the last week, we have had two insurance claims.  There goes our 5 year good driving discount!

At Scott's house for a late lunch meal, there were 5 children running around with water guns.  We left just as the sparklers were brought out.  Stacey, had read somewhere about using a plastic Solo cup, to hold the sparkler.  You stick the bottom of the unlit sparkler into the cup and your fingers don't get burnt (slightly) while the sparkler burns down.  I'm sure the sparklers were a success, but Jeff and I wanted to go home, with the girls and our "doughnut"!

We'll see what today brings.  Hopefully, more good than bad news.  I think that Jeff and I have had enough bad things happen to us (our cars), so perhaps for now, we'll be given a break.



Thursday, July 5, 2018

..No Blog today


I apologize for the lack of a "real" blog, but I'm not feeling well today.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Cooking and Baking


While Ada comes today and cleans the house, I and/or Jeff (but primarily Jeff) will be making potato salad and apple dump it cake for tomorrow.

When it comes to baking, I seem to have lost my "mojo".  I don't read the recipe right, or I leave out an ingredient, "minor" stuff like that.  (Insert smiley face here).  So, when it comes to the "heavy lifting" of baking and/or cooking, unfortunately that job seems to now be in Jeff's wheelhouse.

Jeff cooked the potatoes last night.  My job today is to cut them into smaller pieces, chop celery using my handy slice and dice device.  I can also cut up the eggs.  After that, Jeff will add the pickle relish and mayo, and then voila we'll have potato salad. 

The dump it cake is super easy.  Two cups of this, two cups of that, apple pie filling and bake.  Jeff may make the cake tonight, or he'll have time tomorrow.

Yesterday, in a burst of energy (shocking I know), I went into one of the spare rooms, and began picking up random toys and putting them in the toy box.  Filing some papers and tossing others. You can actually walk through the room, without breaking your leg!  This is progress people. I also went through my books, and some of them I'll take out to Andrew's house tonight. Stacey will give those books to her friend, and hopefully I will in time get some books in return.

I "may" tackle the other spare room today.  That room is sort of a dumping ground for my clothes.  These are clothes that generally don't fit, because they are too small.  (Grumpy face here).

This is the bedroom where Benjamin sleeps.  I need to pick up all the bits and pieces, so that there is actually room to walk around the bed.   

Tonight, we're going to watch fireworks with Andrew et al.  Tomorrow, lunch/dinner at Scott's house.  Since when we go to Scott's house, it is generally a long visit, we'll be taking the girls with us.

Even though it's super sunny outside, I have turned on my "SAD" light.  With the back of the house, which faces west, the blinds are closed.  Being in the "dark", is not good for me mentally, and heaven knows I can use all the help I can get!

If you don't see a blog from me tomorrow, don't panic, I'll for sure be back on the 5th.



Monday, July 2, 2018

Just Things


Half of the year is over.  It's about time for me to start my Christmas shopping - kidding - not really.  I do start gathering ideas for gifts very early.  I'm not one of those shoppers on Christmas Eve kind of gal.

On Saturday, Scott et al, came to the house for breakfast.  Scott brought the truck, because I wanted the sofa in the den hauled to the dump. It was an older leather sofa, and one that the girls used for teething, and was not sellable. 

Once Scott lifted up the sofa, I was shocked and perhaps even disgusted with all of the "treasures" underneath.  There was, of course, the dust bunnies, but there was also two kitchen towels, chew toys and other items not easily identified.  I know that if we lifted out bed, we'd be in for a shock also.  It's just life I guess.

Wendy's daughter, Elly remained at the house with us, while Scott and Wendy took the sofa to the dump.  After Jeff picked up the large bits of debris, Elly was very helpful by vacuuming that part of the rug.

Mind you, the den now seems very empty, and by removing the sofa, which was a favorite napping spot, the girls don't seem to know where to sleep.  There are two large dog beds in the den, and until I find a used chair or two, they'll just have to be dogs!!

I want to buy a chair or two that isn't very expensive, because I'm buying furniture for dogs.  How sad is that?  I guess you could say that the dogs are spoiled, and I would have to agree with you 100%.  I really don't even care what color the chair(s) are.  I'm not trying to make a fashion statement, just getting something comfy.

Jeff went out to the get the paper, and told me that it was super duper hot outside. No loops around the circle for me today.

I may, depending on my mood, go into one of the spare bedrooms, which have become dumping grounds for lots of stuff, and try to do some organizing.  Or, since I'm really involved in a book I'm reading, I may just sit down and finish it.

On the 4th, I'm taking books to give to Stacey, who will then turn around and give them to her friend.  And, perhaps I'll get some new books to read in return.

Our neighborhood has an online bulletin board, where you can try and sell or give away, things. Obviously, I'm on the look out for a "dog" chair, but while doing so, I was truly amazed at the items people were trying to sell.  A picture frame, minus the glass, plastic shopping bags (really?).  China dinner bells for $1.00 and vases for $5.00.  I did find a very nice leather chair for $25.00.  Unfortunately, the seller tells me that someone is coming out to look at the chair this week. The picture of the chair shows a beautiful comfy chair, that I would buy sight unseen.

Final, post-op visit this week with the ophthalmologist.  I'm seeing so well, and can read most things, except for tiny print, that I'd like to get the right eye fixed now.  We'll see what he says.

Leaving now, folding laundry is next on my list.



Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...