Monday, July 16, 2018

Monday Stuff


It's Monday (duh) and everyone I know is going to work.  Jeff may work remote, but even he is upstairs, in his chair and doing what he gets paid for (I actually don't know what he does, but I know he does it well).

Scott came up with the truck yesterday, and thankfully the leather chair that I had seen on the neighborhood bulletin board, was still for sale. The seller's house is on the market, and he was only asking $25.00; but, the chair when we went to pick it up, was too big for an SUV.  Of course, as soon as we left the house, it started to rain.  It wasn't a downpour, but just enough to have to use the wipers.  When we picked up the chair, the seller asked if we wanted to put a tarp around the chair.  We were only going about 7 miles to the house, and once we got it home, a quick rub down with a towel, and the chair was as good as new! I'm very, very pleased with this purchase.  What I didn't want, was to put a sofa or loveseat back in the den.

Saturday afternoon, Jeff and I went to Costco and WalMart.  And, yes if you're wondering, I rode around in those stupid little electric carts. It was a quick shop, as we really didn't need that much. We did buy a pizza from Costco, and it made a most excellent dinner.

Today, is Andrew's first day of his new job with Microsoft. He'll get his badge, orientation and then he'll do other things, I just don't remember what they are.  Stacey is flying out to Seattle, I think tomorrow, and will do some touristy things. I think she, and perhaps Andrew, are going to take a whale watching boat ride. But, I could be wrong about the boat ride.

The forecast for this afternoon is thunderstorms. I'm getting my head "shrunk" at noon, so chances are that Jeff and I will be back home, before it starts raining.

I might work in one of the spare bedrooms. I'm taking most of the battery business paperwork, and have put them in a box for either commercial shredding, which would be super easy, or continue to take boxes of paper out to Andrew's house for the fire pit.  Because I don't want to throw out any piece of paper that identifies the battery business.  Naturally, this type of sorting takes time. Oh, I remember know that I have lots of free time!

Well, my friends I have to get things done around the house.  Being retired doesn't actually mean that you get to sit around and do nothing.  Nope, there is still laundry and dishes to do.  And, after nearly 40 years, I've become quite good at doing!



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