Friday, July 6, 2018

Catching Up


After looking over recent posts, I apologize for the one with a title of "powden" or something.  Clearly, I wasn't feeling well, and probably should have skipped that day too.

So, let's catch up shall we?  We had dinner with Andrew et al on the 3rd for a taco dinner and to watch the fireworks that their little town puts on.  I'm beginning to wonder if I have lost my "wow" factor when it comes to fireworks.  Nothing I saw that night, took my breath away.  

On the 4th, on our way to Scott's house for a late lunch, we had some car trouble. We're in Jeff's car and in the backseat were the dogs and Benjamin.  While we were driving on the beltway (interstate to some of you), Jeff and I heard a flop-flop sound.  Jeff pulled over, thinking we had a flat tire.  Nope, what we had was a plastic trash bag (I assume) that he had driven over.  Jeff tried to pull out the bag, but it was wrapped tightly around the tire and other things as well.  (Jeff would be able to tell you more accurately about the bag).

Now, remember it's the 4th of July.  Jeff went over to the slow lane, and we limped our way off at the next off ramp. We drove (sort of) around one way, and saw nothing.  But, when we returned back, heading hopefully to a gas station, and there it was!  An open Shell station who was doing a brisk business of fixing cars, and getting them back on the road.  A gas station has never looked as good as it did for Jeff and I.

We had been driving with the top down, but once we stopped at the gas station, Jeff put the top up, and started the a/c.  We got in line behind other people in need of a quick fix - I'm only assuming that of course.

When it was our turn, they jacked up the back of the car, and pulled the tire off.  Whatever we had driven over, had actually shredded part of the tire. Crazy I know.  While the car was off the ground, Jeff could see (I'm assuming this) that there was more damage to the car, then just the tire.  Damage that would need to be fixed at a Mercedes dealer.  But, for the moment, the "doughnut" (and everybody hates these) tire was put on.  We drove in the slow lane to Scott's house. The electronics on the car, like ABS brakes (again, my interpretation only).  

After a nice lunch, Wendy's mother and brother were visiting, and I had a very nice visit with her mother.  Jeff had made, as requested, our potato salad as well as the apple cake.  The potato salad wasn't eaten as much as the other casserole options that were also served.  That was okay with us, because it meant we had some leftover for us to eat the next day for lunch. Wendy had made vanilla ice cream as well as ice cream with strawberries mixed in.  I only ate the vanilla ice cream, but it was delicious.  Definitely, a wonderful way to end a delicious meal.

As the evening progressed, and it was beginning to get dark outside, a card game (poker I think) was suggested.  That looked like a good time for us to come home.  The dogs had ran around in Scott's backyard, so they were tired.  Once again, we limped along home, with the girls both sleeping in the backseat.

If, you're keeping track, my car. at the time, was at the body shop getting it's left side repaired, and we were relying on Jeff's car to get us around.  Yesterday, Jeff took the car to the dealer for repairs.  Since one tire was trashed, and we had needed new tires anyway, among other things, we'll get the tires. No sense putting on one new tire, and then have the other three needing to be replaced!  And, yes there was damage done to the wiring (again this is only me talking) that worked the electronics on the dash.

My car, might be ready today.  Jeff's car will be under repairs for I don't know how long, but at least he has a rental car.  In the last week, we have had two insurance claims.  There goes our 5 year good driving discount!

At Scott's house for a late lunch meal, there were 5 children running around with water guns.  We left just as the sparklers were brought out.  Stacey, had read somewhere about using a plastic Solo cup, to hold the sparkler.  You stick the bottom of the unlit sparkler into the cup and your fingers don't get burnt (slightly) while the sparkler burns down.  I'm sure the sparklers were a success, but Jeff and I wanted to go home, with the girls and our "doughnut"!

We'll see what today brings.  Hopefully, more good than bad news.  I think that Jeff and I have had enough bad things happen to us (our cars), so perhaps for now, we'll be given a break.



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