Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Amazon Prime Day


I am a HUGE lover of all things Amazon.  When I think about it, who isn't?  I don't think brick and mortar stores can even compete, with a website that sells virtually anything, all with just a click on your keyboard. And, this can certainly become a PROBLEM for some people.

Yesterday, was Amazon Prime Day, where they offered special deals all day long.  Okay, I went to Amazon to check out some of the deals.  I actually found very little (you're welcome Jeff) that interested me. The only thing that I bought, and that will be useful, is another set of stainless steel measuring cups. I have used plastic products for years for pretty much everything from dog dishes, mixing bowls, food storage and anything else that I can and have thought of.  

When I switched the dogs' watering bowl to metal, I discovered that it was super, super easy to clean. We have also switched to metal food dishes for the dogs - again, so simple to clean.

I checked out fashion deals, but found very little that met my criteria: (a) I had to like the item; and (b) it came in my size.  Jeff, will be happy to know that I didn't find many clothes that met my criteria.  But, I sure do like looking at clothes, shoes, purses, etc.  Clothes in my size - not so much.

Jeff took me for my "head shrinking" appointment yesterday.  When I go to my psychiatrist appointment, I always have a paper where I have written down all the good and bad things I want and/or need to talk about. Yesterday, I'm happy to report that their were more good things on my list than bad ones.  Problem was that the bad ones, unlike the good experiences, needed more time to talk about.

Jeff's trip to Kansas scheduled for Saturday and Sunday has been canceled.  This means, that if Benjamin and I find a movie to see, Jeff can drive us back and forth. Yours truly is not very steady on my feet, and just a day or two ago, fell again. The good news about falling, if there is such a thing, is that my physical therapist had taught me how to get back up.  I remembered the instructions, and they worked, just like I had  practiced.   

The house is being cleaned today, which means that after a quick swipe through the kitchen, I can turn my attention back to going through old documents, and boy do I have a lot of documents to look at.

Have a good Tuesday.


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