Monday, July 2, 2018

Just Things


Half of the year is over.  It's about time for me to start my Christmas shopping - kidding - not really.  I do start gathering ideas for gifts very early.  I'm not one of those shoppers on Christmas Eve kind of gal.

On Saturday, Scott et al, came to the house for breakfast.  Scott brought the truck, because I wanted the sofa in the den hauled to the dump. It was an older leather sofa, and one that the girls used for teething, and was not sellable. 

Once Scott lifted up the sofa, I was shocked and perhaps even disgusted with all of the "treasures" underneath.  There was, of course, the dust bunnies, but there was also two kitchen towels, chew toys and other items not easily identified.  I know that if we lifted out bed, we'd be in for a shock also.  It's just life I guess.

Wendy's daughter, Elly remained at the house with us, while Scott and Wendy took the sofa to the dump.  After Jeff picked up the large bits of debris, Elly was very helpful by vacuuming that part of the rug.

Mind you, the den now seems very empty, and by removing the sofa, which was a favorite napping spot, the girls don't seem to know where to sleep.  There are two large dog beds in the den, and until I find a used chair or two, they'll just have to be dogs!!

I want to buy a chair or two that isn't very expensive, because I'm buying furniture for dogs.  How sad is that?  I guess you could say that the dogs are spoiled, and I would have to agree with you 100%.  I really don't even care what color the chair(s) are.  I'm not trying to make a fashion statement, just getting something comfy.

Jeff went out to the get the paper, and told me that it was super duper hot outside. No loops around the circle for me today.

I may, depending on my mood, go into one of the spare bedrooms, which have become dumping grounds for lots of stuff, and try to do some organizing.  Or, since I'm really involved in a book I'm reading, I may just sit down and finish it.

On the 4th, I'm taking books to give to Stacey, who will then turn around and give them to her friend.  And, perhaps I'll get some new books to read in return.

Our neighborhood has an online bulletin board, where you can try and sell or give away, things. Obviously, I'm on the look out for a "dog" chair, but while doing so, I was truly amazed at the items people were trying to sell.  A picture frame, minus the glass, plastic shopping bags (really?).  China dinner bells for $1.00 and vases for $5.00.  I did find a very nice leather chair for $25.00.  Unfortunately, the seller tells me that someone is coming out to look at the chair this week. The picture of the chair shows a beautiful comfy chair, that I would buy sight unseen.

Final, post-op visit this week with the ophthalmologist.  I'm seeing so well, and can read most things, except for tiny print, that I'd like to get the right eye fixed now.  We'll see what he says.

Leaving now, folding laundry is next on my list.



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