Saturday, June 30, 2018

A Close The Blinds Saturday!


Weather forecast for today: hot.  So glad that the a/c units are working well.  The dogs do go outside, and I can tell because when they come inside, their coats are warm.  And, like their humans, are spending as much time indoors as possible.

When Jeff and I are watching television, we have two very thin fleece blankets that we usually put on our laps.  I know, I know - if the house wasn't so cold, we wouldn't need "blankies".  Apparently, the word blankie is not in the dictionary.  Oh well. I love making up new words, and for the most part, Jeff doesn't have any trouble understanding the words that I use.

Jeff's car is still at the dealer.  We hope that when we get the car back next week, that the intermittent problem that we're having with the top is fixed.

And, of course my car is at the body shop, but should be ready sometime next week. Driving the car home from the body shop, will be akin to getting back on the horse. I've stopped taking the extra pill that made me a bit loopy, which is a good thing.

I've been trying to walk with my rollator around the circle several times a day.  After I get dressed, I'll go outside and see if I should be "exercising" (by most people's standards, walking around in a circle a few times isn't really exercising). But, it's progress for me.

Our house faces west, so all the blinds and curtains are closed.  I know we need to try and keep out the heat, but with everything closed up, I begin to feel a bit claustrophobic.  

As I type on, you can tell, as well as I can, that I really don't have much to say today.  So, on that note, I'll hope you all have a good day.


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