Wednesday, June 20, 2018



During the course of our marriage, Jeff and I have owned several dogs.  Some dogs really stand out in our memory.  The original Daisy, a yellow lab was smart, very smart.  You could open the front door, in all kinds of weather, and tell her to "take it", and she would retrieve the newspaper!  Pretty handy when it was raining or snowing.

We owned Maggie, also a yellow lab, but not as smart as Daisy.  Our first Westie, Abby and our second Westie, Sam.  Sam was a rescue dog, and about 7 years old when we rescued him.  For some period of time, Sam was meaner than a junkyard dog.  The urge to turn him back in was, pondered more than once.  And, then he became an older dog and mellowed, and was a fine pet to the very end.

New Daisy, is a terrier mix, and during the first two years of living with her, we were tempted to turn in the towel.  But, we persevered.  We put up with jumping the fence when she was a puppy, or crawling under the gate and escaping.  The jumping into the neighbor's yard didn't make them particularly happy!  She and Bella dug holes, stripped trees of bark, chewed on the soft material of the air conditioner conduits, and one or both dogs chewed on pillows, and sofas.

But, here's the reason we keep Daisy.  We love her a great deal.  She isn't a perfect pet.  While she can and sometimes does use the doggy door.  And, then sometimes she doesn't.  Her best quality, hands down, is how lovey she is.  When I sit in my chair, Daisy hops up and snuggles in my lap. And, if I didn't need to move, she would stay on my lap, until I needed to move.  We have never owned a dog that consistently gets in a lap, and burrows in.  Jeff and I both love her for that one quality, and intend to keep her - "warts" (bad behavior) and all.

I think everyone should have a "Daisy" in their life, at one time or another.



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