Monday, June 25, 2018

Outdoors on Sunday


Yesterday, Jeff, myself and the girls went out to Andrew's house to visit, have dinner and mow the "back 40"!  I know Jeff doesn't mind mowing, it's an enclosed, and I think even has air conditioning. (But, I could be wrong about the a/c).

Jeff wanted to get something out of my car, but when we arrived at the body shop, my car, along with other expensive or somewhat expensive cars, was in a locked area.

Before heading out to the country, we stopped at Costco, while Jeff went in and bought some we needed.  He also bought a large package of sparklers for the 4th.  They'll be a big hit with the children.

Once we arrived, the girls were all over them-selves to get out of the car.  Daisy is a bit easier to control, but Bella wants out of the car NOW!  Once the girls were safely in the backyard, then we could put the cold food we had bought at Costco in their freezer, and for me to get out and bring my "things" (Kindle, water, a book and a magnifying glass) inside.  You can see that I don't travel light.  Andrew and Stacey's friends came out for dinner.  While talking to Jen, she told me that she loves reading, and then I suggested that I could bring out books that I have read, and have Stacey give them to her.  And, vice-versa.  Once I've read a book, there's no need for me to keep it around, since I never read a book twice. I told Jen that after she has read one of my books, she is free to pass them on, donate or whatever.

We sat on the deck for dinner.  And, I have to tell you that I wish we could put a deck on our house too.  Problem is, that our house has more frontage and really a very small backyard.  So, any deck, or enclosed porch that we'd be able to have would have to be long and skinny!  But, I'd definitely like to be able to sit in a screened in something or other, drink my coffee and read a book.  What I wish, and what will actually happen are two completely different things.

After dinner, we headed to Frederick for Jeff's weekly shopping.  Jeff left the top down, and while we never have to worry about Daisy jumping around, I do hang onto Bella's leash.  Jeff stopped at McDonald's on the way home, for ice cream cones.  The cones are cheap and the ice cream is good.  Since Bella was half in the front seat, she was treated with a few licks, which she really liked - duh!  I would have shared with Daisy, but once she's curled up in the backseat, she doesn't ever move.

Time to close, and I hope you have a great day.




  1. Hi Patti. That sounded like a lovely way to spend a Sunday! Your summer is off to a great start. Hope you continue to spend relaxing weekends like that. As for me, I'll only be relaxed after we marry off my daughter Samantha on the weekend of July 7th. Yes, the day has finally arrived for our little girl! Susan and I are thrilled beyond words for her. She found her soul mate, and we whole-heartily approve. They have been dating for 5 years, just waiting for her graduation and her securing a job, which she started the week after graduating. Thus a new chapter begins for us Biegels!

    1. The "unknown" follower is Paul Biegel, in case you were wondering.

  2. Paul, thanks for the very nice comment. Congratulations on the upcoming wedding of your daughter. Though our wedding day was many, many years ago, I can still remember standing at the back of the church, and I had jittery nerves, but Dad talked to me and told me to relax.


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Closing Up Shop

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