Monday, June 4, 2018

Teaching An Old "Dog" New Tricks


I've been behind the times as far as "Windows" go.  I've been using a 2007 (and Jeff will correct me if I'm wrong) version.  With that version, I was able to move around easily.

Now, I have Windows 2010, and it's a whole new ballgame.  Everything I try to do, takes me time, and sometimes a lot of time.  I become aggravated easily, which is not an asset I assure you, and want and do throw up my hands and cry "Uncle".

Jeff, in all things relating to my life, takes over and shows me how to do things, like view an individual contact, add things to the calendar, etc.  I wish I was a quick learner, but I'm not, and I'm sorry to say, never have been.  

Like a cobbler's wife, who has the cobbler around, to fix her shoes, I'm the wife and mother of "geeks".  My computer always works and works very well.  I think of myself as really blessed.

I had several "to do's) on my list this morning, and I've gotten them all done.  Hurray for me!  Next task, which I can do from my chair, is to pull grapes off their stems, rinse them and then put them in a zippy bag and pop them in the refrigerator.  They make a very good snack. I'm limited to what I can do, because of a gimpy hip, so anything I can do sitting down really helps.

The morning weather looked gloomy, but the sun is out now.  I think we might get rain today, and boy do we not need anymore for a while.  

Duty calls - time to work on the grapes.

Have a good day.


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