Friday, June 15, 2018



Apologies for not blogging yesterday.  I do have an excuse though, I truly wasn't feeling well at all.  While I absolute hate going to the dentist, I had to cancel my appointment at the last minute.  I know, some people will do almost anything to avoid a dentist! (Insert relieved face here).

Feeling better in the afternoon, I took my rollator out and did two laps around the circle.  Certainly not setting any kind of world record, it's a huge moment for me.  Today, perhaps I can do three laps!  The nice part about the rollator is, that when I do get tired, I merely put on the brakes, and sit my hinny (however you spell it) and sit.

The lawn man came, and Jeff told him what we/he wanted done now.  Apparently, we have poison ivy near the fence, so an application of Round Up is needed. Neither of us want to become affected.  Years ago, when loading firewood, we managed to pick up a rash from poison oak.  Mind you, there was no sign of the plant, but it was just enough that the logs had been in contact!  Boy, did we suffer through all of that.

This morning, I was rewarded by seeing a male cardinal on the porch swing.  The males are so colorful, and the females are drab colored.  I suspect the reason is, that once the female is sitting on eggs, the better she blends into the tree, is the best thing for her and the eggs.

In the coming days/weeks (I don't know when), the yard people will be back out working in the backyard.  And, then at some point, part of our fence will be replaced with a new fence.  When the fence is coming up and down, we still have the orange net in the backyard, that we used to keep the girls from treading on the new grass.  We will be able to reuse that net, to keep the girls contained (hopefully) from escaping from the yard.  When they do manage to escape, they always come home, but knowing that their out running through the streets, makes me very anxious.  Come to think of it, there are a lot of things that make me anxious.  😟

It's not particularly warm outside today, but hot weather is on it's way.  I think we have actually been pretty lucky in the weather department.  We've had enough rain to allow our new boxwoods and the new grass to grow.  This is a good thing.

Signing off for now.  Have a good weekend.


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