Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Hot, Hot and Hot


For the moment, it absolutely feels like summer.  High humidity and high temperatures.  So very glad that our a/c units are both working properly.  I don't think fans would do much good at the moment.  Even the girls only go outside when they need to.

Tomorrow, Stacey is coming to take me out for a "play date".  There is a wholesale book warehouse that we're going to go to, so she can buy books for the school year.  I'll poke around and see what novels they might have.

After that, the afternoon is wide open.  Lunch? Shopping mall? Playing the slot machines?  Who knows what we'll do.

Yesterday, after we dropped Jeff's car again for service to the top of his car, we went to WalMart to get, among other things, dog food.  Since we feed the girls a particular brand and type of canned food, which is not always stocked. So now he calls the ordering lady (and, yes Jeff I know that's not her title) and orders four cases at a time. Having cases to scan at the cash register is much easier and less time consuming, then scanning individual cans!

While I was in one of those stupid riding carts, actively trying not to run into a display and knock things over, I saw a teenager riding in a cart, and just going around in circles. Okay, pretty sure this young woman wasn't handicapped, unless "mentally out to lunch" is a thing.  Everywhere you go, there are a limited amount of handicapped parking places as well as those riding carts. If I am honest with myself, I need to use both.  And, knowing that I'm not able to walk even short distances, is maddening. As Jeff and I both say, growing old is not for the faint of heart!

The good news is that when we leave the house, we no longer need to "Bella prove" the house, with the exception of anything paper: plates, cups, napkins, etc. And, when we do take Bella out, and we do as often as we can, she now understands and knows how to get in the car.  Yeah.  While she is initially a pacer, she is also being able to relax, and lay down in the backseat.  Very proud of her.  Since Daisy doesn't have a service dog vest, she has to stay home most of the time.

I suspect that wherever you live, summer time temperatures have arrived.  Stay cool.



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