Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Sun's Gone Away Again!


Jeff hates it when I "organize".  I move things around in the pantry, and then he can't put his finger on the item he's looking for.  I, on the other hand, believe that all brown rice boxes should be with others of it's ilk (notice the use of the fancy word).

I did, in fact, tidy up the pantry.  Where there was chaos before, now that I have moved things around, the pantry is now organized chaos!  

I know that Jeff would like everything to remain where they are, right this very second.  However, this doesn't work for me.  I'm always striving, and not always successful, in finding the perfect spot for things.

The table beside my recliner, was full of stuff.  Books and magazines I wanted to read, my coffee cup, magnifying glass, notebook, pen, and other bits and pieces.  Since going to the book warehouse last week, I needed to find homes for all the books I bought.  I wondered what to do, and then I spied the small bookcase filled to the gills with DVDs. Thanks to premium television channels, we seldom, if ever, watch any of those movies.  I found a sturdy box, and filled it with DVDs, being careful to leave "our friend" Shrek DVDs alone.  Every time Benjamin comes to visit, he always asks me what I want to watch.  As part of our routine, I tell anything but Shrek, and of course, we always watch Shrek!  It's just what MomMom does!

Where was I?  Oh, now I remember, boxing up movies.  Once I had filled the box, there was room on the shelves for books. I also tidied up my table, and put things I need to use in a basket near my chair. The box of movies is heavy, but I'm pretty sure that I can get into the "formal" dining room.  That room, while it does have a very impressive table and buffet, once owned by Jeff's grand-parents, is no longer used as a dining room table. In that room, in one corner, but spilling over just a "tad" is part of Benjamin's toys, Jeff's aviation bag, as well as an assortment of other things, that are seldom needed.  So, the best way to describe that room is basically hodge-podge. My fear is, that if something is taken out of the room, then it doesn't always find it's way back!

And, when I run out of things to move around downstairs, I have two rooms upstairs, that seem to be (actually they are) dumping grounds for clothes, paperwork, and you name it.  But, you know the old saying, okay maybe it's not an old saying, out of sight, out of mind.

I'd love to stay and chat, but duty calls.



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