Sunday, July 29, 2018

Sunny Sunday


The sun is out for the second day in a row. Wow, a gal could get used to this. But, I fear there is rain in the forecast - good for the grass - but not much good for anything else.

Our beautification of the backyard continues. We have asked our HOA (pain in the butt), for permission to cut down the 32 year old, and dying Leland Cypress trees in the backyard.  Pretty sure I don't need their permission, but in this area, where neighbors can be petty, it's best to be on the safe side. You wouldn't think our neighbors would care, but we've done some other minor things in the backyard, and we were turned into the dreaded "HOA Police"!!!

Now, what to put in their place, is causing us to think about options.  One side of the fence faces nobody close, so I think we're going to just leave that area empty. What we do want is to block our view of the neighbor behind us - our kitchen windows - line up perfectly. This does not make me happy.

And, there's the neighbor on the other side of our house, who hates Jenny the Generator.  But, before installing Jenny, we received permission from the HOA to do so.  Is she ugly? Um, yes. Is she big? Um, yes. Will we need her sometime in the future? Hopefully.  

Said neighbor is building a new deck and is putting up lattice on the side of the deck that faces our backyard.  His house sits higher than ours does, and I can appreciate that for the past two years, he hasn't enjoyed looking out and seeing bits and pieces of things Bella has taken out of the doggy door.  To be sure, this doesn't make me happy either.

I long for the days when we lived in California, and mostly everybody had a 6 foot tall cement block fence.  Sturdy for sure, and allows all the neighbors to live peacefully in their own yard.

Oh, and that neighbor is also replacing the fence around his property. Since we share a common piece of the fence, we have already paid our share. When Daisy was younger, and thinner, she made it a mission to jump into the neighbor's yard. These days, she can't clear a fence, and since she's no longer a puppy, doesn't feel the need to do so. 

Jeff is going to spray weed killer along the fence line, because he discovered that among the weeds, was also something poisonous - ivy or oak. Really doesn't matter, just need it to stop growing.

Jeff went to Scott's house yesterday. I stayed home and watched crappy television. My chest feels like there is a huge weight sitting on it. I hope I get better soon.

Enoy your hopefully sunny Sunday.



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