Monday, July 9, 2018

How I Spent Sunday


Jeff and I always start Sunday mornings slowly. After breakfast, we sit in the den.  Jeff reads the paper and I program the shows we want to watch for the week. And, we might watch something on television and/or Jeff takes a much needed nap.

A bit later in the day, Jeff headed off to Andrew's house with Bella in tow.  Jeff mowed the lawn, while Bella ran around and dispersed a lot of energy. After leaving Andrew's house, Jeff went by our regular stores to pick up a few items.  Before he left, I was very clear about what not to bring home, because we had a small stash of: crackers, cookies, cream of anything soup, sour cream, etc.  My suggestion was that we should try and eat out of the big freezer downstairs and our pantry, simply because both of them are almost filled to overflowing.  In case of a major disaster, the boys should head to our house!

While Jeff was gone, and the garage was empty, I took sometime cleaning, i.e., sweeping the floor.  And, boy was there a lot of crap on the floor. Leaves, boxes that hadn't quite made it to the recycling bin.  A pile of things that I cleaned up were the things that Jeff took out of Wendy's car, when we sold it.  I found a small box, and put everything in there, for sorting out later.  The box went into a cabinet, and likely will remain there for, oh I don't know, maybe forever?

We bought our large television in 2015, and still had the box in the garage.  I'm pretty sure that the television is well past it's warranty date, so I flattened it and intend for it to be recycled this week, (and Jeff don't freak out, it's just something that needed doing).

To get the garage floor really clean, Jeff would need to use a blower to get around the places where a broom won't fit.  Stuff, like cords, tool boxes, and other manly things. When I get into my side of the car, there was very little space to open the door.  I managed to push a bit further back the things that were in the way of my opening up the door fully.  

While Jeff probably and likely, will not appreciate my efforts, I stood in the garage yesterday, and felt real satisfaction of a job well done.  And, it's the first thing, in a long time, since I felt that way.

Now, all I have to do, is get my clothes under control, even though I complain that I have absolutely nothing to wear.  I may start a bag for clothes to donate to a charity.  Notice the word "may"!



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