Saturday, July 14, 2018

Bella vs. Art Supplies


Yesterday, Jeff and I went to the dealer to pick-up his repaired car.  I was gone for oh let's say 30-40 minutes.  In the big picture, not very long.

When I got home, I could see that someone (Bella) had a good time while we were gone.  She took two DVD's out of the book shelf.  Those DVD's were apparently not "her cup of tea".  I had a bag on the floor and inside were the projects I had bought for Benjamin and I to do this weekend, while Jeff is away. I noticed that the red bag was empty, except for the clay. While Bella didn't take any of the boxes outside, she got them out of the bag, and munched on the cardboard boxes. She did enough damage to each of the boxes, that I had to tape them up! Perhaps, there is something missing in her diet! (insert smiley face here). I also noticed that the shirts I had bought for Jeff, were nowhere to be seen.

I didn't need to be Sherlock Holmes.  I knew exactly where the shirts were.  If, you guessed in the backyard, you're a winner!!  Now that you are feeling lucky, I suggest that you buy a lottery ticket.

I retrieved the shirts, which Bella didn't try to destroy, thank goodness. Jeff and I were very disappointed in her.  The last few times when we have left her alone in the house, she hasn't taken and/or destroyed anything.  So, I don't know what was going on yesterday.

I know that you can't punish a dog after they've been bad, but the urge to do so, was very strong.

Changing subject: I continued my work in the spare bedrooms.  Yesterday, I took out the binder that held our contract from AAA.  I took each piece of paper out, and made two piles.  Any document that had our name on it, went into the burn pile.  Other pages were put in a box going to the garbage.  Unfortunately, I have many more binders and folders to process.  But when I am done, I will feel a lot of satisfaction for a job well done.

Happy Saturday.



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