Saturday, August 25, 2018

A Wonderful Friday


Yesterday, Jeff took the afternoon off, something he really needed.  What did we do? If you guessed going out in the convertible, you would be right.

We loaded up Bella, and made our first stop to get fresh tomatoes. Then, off to the hangar where Jeff dropped off some plane supplies.

Lunch was at a Mom and Pop restaurant, where I enjoyed the most fabulous tasting hamburger. as well as wonderful french fries, which Bella was able to enjoy with us as well.  

There is something so freeing, about having the top down, going 60 miles per hour, and closing your eyes (mine only), and let my hair blow every which way.  Our destination wasn't important, just mindless wandering, which is good for the mind.

Before coming home, Jeff stopped at McDonald's for ice cream cones. Bella enjoys the ice cream, and I think she would eat the entire cone if we let her, which I don't.

By the time we got home, it was around 6:00, and since we had a late lunch, not interested in dinner. Jeff went to his computer, since he had had several phone calls and messages while we were out. Me? I reclined in the recliner, and watched some funny movies. It wasn't long before it was time for my night time pills, and I fell asleep watching something, which I can't recall.

Today is also a beautiful day. Perhaps I can get Jeff to put a lawn chair out in the sunshine for me. 

I never knew how painful a fracture of a bone can be. But, I can certainly tell you that my left arm starts to hurt, even when I'm just flipping pages of a magazine!  Hence, television watching is preferred. I have bought an alarm for the shower (it's water proof) so that I can pull the alarm if I'm in trouble. Of course, it's difficult for Jeff to pull me up when I'm dry. It's a much different story if I'm wet, basically really difficult. Think beached whale!!

Better go, I've pretty much wasted the morning. And, I would like to feel I've accomplished something by dinner time.

Enjoy your Saturday.



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