Tuesday, August 14, 2018

They Don't Call Me Grace For Nothing


Yesterday I gave you my thoughts on tongues hanging out.  Today's message is about falling, in particular my falling.

I went into the backyard yesterday to supervise Daisy, to see if she would go potty while I was outside. Things were going along swimmingly, until Daisy tried to go through the doggy door. I was in a plastic chair, and when I abruptly stood up, the chair broke, and I fell on my left shoulder and arm. The left shoulder was useless at that point. So, I did what ever other rational person would do, I laid there and felt sorry for myself. Trying to make lemonade out of lemons, while I laid there, I did some weeding! For the life of me I couldn't get my one foot out of the chair, for the longest time. I used the pulled weeds as a "cushion" of sorts for my badly injured body. 

I finally was able, with much effort, to free myself from the chair. But, in doing so, lost my sandals and shorts! I couldn't pull myself up, since I had an injured wing". So, I used my shorts and some weeds as my cushion (and it really wasn't very effective) so that I could crawl on my hands and knees to get inside the house. This exercise took me more than a half hour.  Once inside, I was able to find something sturdy, so that I could pull my right side up, and then follow with my left. It worked. Before going outside, I had worked on cleaning the basement floor - that was a bonus I can assure you.

Once inside, I was able to call Jeff to come downstairs. He put me in my recliner, with blankets underneath and over me. With the help of Aleve and eventually a pain pill, I became a little bit more comfortable. I had asked Jeff not to yell at me for being stupid, I already knew that I was.

Jeff gave me an ice pack for my shoulder, which helped me some. After a very bad night, I am up and doing NOTHING.  I suppose that since the shoulder is still very painful today, and I am currently typing with only my right hand, I'll have to go to ER to see if I am suffering from more than a sprain. As they say: stupid is as stupid does!This is all i can manage for today,



  1. You were not stupid! The chair gave way. You made your way to the house, ingenious thinking to pull weeds and use them and your shorts as padding. Hope you don't have any breaks. Sprains can be more painful than breaks. Take care! Ruthie

  2. Thanks Ruthie. Yes, doing some weeding while crying is very therapeutic. Went to emergency care last night and I have a fracture of my humeral head. Seeing the ortho guy tomorrow.


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