Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Missed a few days


I have been off "my game" for the last few days. A busted up shoulder only hurts when I breathe! I am currently living/sleeping in my recliner 24/7. This means that after I take my pain medicine at bedtime, I can watch a television show, until I fall asleep.  Perhaps some of you may remember, when, after I certain time of night, the only thing you could watch was that muli-colored screen.Oh, how times have changed.

Today, I see my shrink, and I have my list of things to talk about.  While my appointment is for an hour, I don't want to waste her/my time with dead sound.  Frankly, I have issues, I always have issues. Sometimes, there are more good things to talk about, than bad things. That will not be the case today. 

I've been looking for a phone that has an SOS button.  Boy, I sure could have used that feature when I fell a week ago. You can only "holler" for so long, before you realize that the cavalry (Jeff) isn't coming, because he can't hear me.  This is a situation that has to be remedied. I'm not stable right now, and am just one step away from falling on my face again. 

We had an arborist (sp) out to give us an estimate for help with our two oak trees, that after 32 years, are diseased. We also intend to cut down all of the Leland Cypress trees, that are too tall and not looking too good either. I don't know how Jeff feels, but I'm not wanting to plant new Cypress trees. On one side of the fence, we don't abut to our neighbor. We could, I suppose, plant an azalea, or gold wisteria, since I don't really need privacy on that side of our yard.  One of our neighbors behind us, has planted trees and bushes on their side of the fence, so no worries there. That just leaves my neighbor on the other side of the yard, and the neighbor directly behind us. We originally planted the Cypress trees for privacy, and that worked for many years. But, then the trees became very tall, and branches were removed. I've somewhat gotten over my phobia of this neighbor waving to me from his kitchen window. The solution is to close my blinds at night.

I took my sling off sometime last night. I hate wearing it, but whenever the sling is off (like right now), the pain level in my left arm increases. I take Aleve (however you spell it) during the day, and I must say it doesn't alleve (again spelling) anything. I get a pain pill at night, so that I can get a better night's sleep. I remember, I think in 2016 or maybe just last year, when I had to stay in the recliner 24/7. While I know that sounds like so much fun - basically just a couch potato - it really isn't. Thank goodness for cooking and reality shows!

Time to close up. Have to get ready to go to the doctor's office.

Happy Wednesday.


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