Thursday, August 9, 2018

Growing Old(er)


There are several sayings about getting old, and they are both true. Saying #1 - getting old is not for the faint of hear; and #2 my favorite, life's a bitch and then you die.

But, before you are dribbling oatmeal down your chin, are many days, weeks, months and years where you just aren't your "young" self anymore. Some people deal with this better than others. I, for one, am not fighting gray hair, though to be fair, I don't have a lot of it. Not being in the sun too much, means less wrinkles on my face. But, it seems like every day now, but it seems as if there are more "wisdom" spots popping up everyday. And, unless those wisdom spots look problematic, then Medicare won't pay for their removal.

Ladders and step stools tend to be more frightening, or perhaps the right word is challenging. I'm not afraid of falling per se, for I have fallen multiple times this year, with no real damage to my body other than bruises. But, somehow the step stool in the corner, mocks me, and prevents me from putting up a wind chime on the front porch. 

Some people, and I like to think I'm one of those, (but, Jeff may have a completely different opinion), who is aging gracefully. I'm not trying to look like I'm particularly younger, and that's a good thing, because I couldn't pull that off anyway! As they say, it is what it is - so deal with it.

My own personal hell, if you will, is walking. Stacey (DIL) and Benjamin, are very good about being patient with me when I'm walking.  Benjamin always holds my hand, which is very comforting. Frankly, it would be easier and faster if I rode around in my wheelchair or rollator, or even one of those stupid shopping carts. I HATE the beeping sound those carts make when you're backing up.  I'm not a semi for goodness sake. And, people in general, do one or both of these things: they stare at you, almost as if they are trying to decide if you're really handicapped; and the other thing is that for most shoppers, you and your cart, are invisible. Running these people over would be very satisfying, but I know the consequences wouldn't be. 

So, there you have it. My personal spin on all things relating to getting older.



1 comment:

  1. This is great and so true, really funny the way you wrote it.


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