Monday, August 13, 2018



I know funny topic, right? I may be old, and I am. I may be a prude, and again in certain circumstances I am. What I'm having trouble wrapping my head around, is why there are so many pictures of people with their tongues hanging out.  Why would you want to do this?

Miley Cyress (apologize for the spelling), was one of the first person that I saw in repeated pictures, always hanging out her tongue.  Yuck. Being raised to always be a lady, and I have over the course of my life, think that for the most part, have achieved my goal. So, then I ask you why do I see on Facebook and in other places as well, with the famous as well as ordinary people, being photographed in this way. Not attractive, people.

I'm guessing that most people of the younger generation no longer have photo albums, and some frankly, might not even know what a photo album is. Everything is stored digitally, and then something is done with those pictures. But, yours truly, has no idea what happens to the pictures. I personally don't take any pictures, and both Stacey and Wendy know that I don't really want to be in any pictures. Some people are just photogenic, and others like myself, end up looking more like a lump of mashed potatoes. And, please don't write me and protest my mental image of myself. If I want to know what I look like, I can always use a mirror.  Horrors. I know I never had a body that looked like a gazelle, but over time, look more like Humpty Dumpty. Since I stay home 99.9% of the time, I find myself being tolerant and kind to myself, because it is what it is. 

Since I am seldom in pictures, there is no way that if/when I was in a picture, that I would immortalize myself with my tongue hanging out. I know that sort of picture just wouldn't be lady like!



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