Friday, August 31, 2018

It's Saurday - No It's Friday


It really does feel like a Saturday. But, in reality it's Friday and a long weekend to boot!

Offices will close early, and/or people have taken this day off to extend their days off.

After breakfast this morning, Jeff and I watched the move "As Good As It Gets" with Jack Nicholson. Pretty nice way to start a day. Okay, watching a movie early in the morning, is a "slough" move.  However, it was fun and relaxing.

I'm not sleeping too well in the recliner, so there is likely a nap in my future! And, after the girls have been outside for their morning safeguard duties, they are also ready to settle down. 

As we move into September, Jeff and I review our annual "contract".  Our anniversary is on the 21st, and it will be our 44th anniversary. This hasn't been our best year, in terms of in sickness and health. I had one eye fixed, some back surgery and last, and I hope it really is the last - a broken wing!
We don't exchange gifts on our anniversary. We really don't need anything. But, wants is in a whole new category!

I know I try Jeff's patience, practically every day. I'm like a dog with a bone.  I have a tendency to pick something to worry about, and then unfortunately, "some" nagging occurs. Jeff will answer my questions, but since I don't remember what he said, I ask the question over and over.

We've had yet another arborist (sp) come out and look at our Pin Oak tree.  Conclusion: the tree is under stress.  I didn't know that trees can suffer  from stress, but apparently they can. And, there are many reasons causing stress.  Jeff and I don't know very much about trees, but it does appear to us that the tree may be dying. We have branches on one side of the tree that are definitely dead. We want to work with a professional, to try and get the tree healthy. To replace a 32 year old oak tree, would cost a looooot of money. So far the two companies who have come to look at the tree agree that the tree is not healthy.  And, yet the only options we have heard about is to fertilize the tree and cut off the dead branches.  Somehow, putting fertilizer around the tree, doesn't seem to me anyway, much of a solution.

I hope all my friends who are still working, get to go home early.

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