Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Christmas Letter


Oh, stop rolling your eyes, because I can see you!
Over the years, I may have sent out those letters, pretty much because I'm lazy! True confession. 

The letters we receive are a wonderful glimpse into our friends' world. Cousin Boo, now known as Dr. Boo, thank you very much. Graduates top of her class, and is now practicing medicine in California.  So proud.

On the other hand, Billy has been sent back to jail, and now has the distinction of being arrested three times. In California, I think the third time is the charm, and they basically toss away the keys to your cell.  Just kidding, but only by just a smidge. The letters talk about fantastic vacations, promotions, successfully invented something or another, and receiving a U.S.Patent.

Then I thought about what I would put in a letter that sums up our year in review.  Good news is that both Scott and Andrew are doing very well in their careers.  Jeff and I are very proud.

Our news, in no particular order:
  • had back surgery
  • foot is still numb - but have given up trying to find a solution
  • Am in the process of having three dental implants (big bucks here)
  • I drove my car, while in reverse, and hit a building. The building is fine, my car not so much, but it's amazing what $5,000 can do for a mishap
  • On the 4th of July, on our way to Scott's house, Jeff drove over a plastic bag. We heard the thumb, thumb, and Jeff pulled over. We had run over the plastic bag, but he wan't able to pull the bag out. Limped to the nearest off ramp and found a gas station that was open. You wouldn't have thought so, but there actually was a line of cars waiting to be serviced. When it was our turn, they jacked the car up and were able to remove the plastic bag, and it's contents. The incident shredded the back tire and we drove to Scott's house on the doughnut. Jeff drove in the slow lane, and he never does that, but we knew that slow and steady would eventually get us home.
  • Next day, a trip to the Mercedes dealer, where we elected to put on all new tires. The plastic bag had done so damage to wiring under the car, as well as some damage to the car. Again, thousands of dollars were spent.
  • I had my first cataract removed and a cornea transplant put in - successful so far!
  • Bit down on an almond and actually broke a tooth - I'm in the initial process of an implant, and we're spending money like we had it! At the moment, I have three holes in my mouth, and I assure you it's not a nice look. I have no desire to smile at this point!
  • Fell two weeks outside, while trying to corral Daisy from going into the basement, which is her preferred potty space. I was in a plastic chair that broke, catching one foot in the chair. When I fell, I landed my right shoulder on crushed rock, and yes I fractured a bone. Jeff was upstairs, so he wouldn't hear me. While I lay in the rock and feeling very sorry for myself, I noticed that there were some weeds growing between the two air conditioners. Since I had nothing but time, I did some weeding. And, you're thinking I'm crazy. 
It was super difficult to crawl out of my tight spot, and then I had to get my foot out of the chair. Once I was free of the chair, I realized that my right shoulder was in bad shape. Of course, by now, I have lost my shoes as well as my shorts. At least I was wearing underwear. I grabbed up the weeds that I pulled, and put them under one knee, and used my shorts for the left knee. I crawled on my hands and knees, using my "protective" gear until I made it inside the basement. I had just washed the floor, so luckily the floor was mostly clean. I found a plastic stool nearby, and managed to pull myself up by using my right leg and arm. Somehow, got my left leg and arm upright and went up the stairs and inside the house. Okay, I'm a brave buckaroo, so bit down on a bullet (kidding) and made it through the night.

Next day, Jeff took me to urgent care, where an x-ray confirmed that I had indeed damaged my shoulder. A fracture of the hemrus (spelled wrong, but you get the idea) bone. Say an ortho doc the next day, and said that unfortunately, they can't put a cast on a shoulder.  Bummer. So, I'm wearing a sling, and am supposed to use my left arm as little as possible. I'm finding this to be very difficult, but I have been ordered to my recliner 24/7. 

To help myself, in the event of another fall, and somehow that seems likely since I'm pretty unstable, I have bought an alarm button you (me) wear around my neck. The alarm isn't associated with a company, that charges you a monthly fee.  Nope, this one, I merely pull out a pin to activate the alarm, and push the pin back in to stop the alarm. I hope the alarm is loud enough for Jeff or a neighbor can hear.

For inside the house, I bought a steel cowbell, which I know Jeff will be able to hear. I think I have all my bases covered.

Now having said all of that, here's what would likely go into a Christmas letter. Scott and Andrew are very successful in their careers. Andrew, at long last, got himself hired by Microsoft, a long dream of his.

Jeff is a contractor to a contractor to IBM. He works remote, which he likes very much, and is a bonus for me. The girls like having him home, and there are two beds in his office, and that's where they spend most of their time.

Bella, is a service dog in training, and she behaves and performs perfectly when we take her out. If, we leave her home, we have to "Bella Proof" the house. She literally can't leave things alone. 

Jeff traveled to Tennessee (I forgot what city) in October (I think), where he will spend several days talking "pilot"!

I'm doing well, except for a few medical issues, which have now been properly addressed.  Turning 68 this December, and I don't know how I got this old!

We celebrated our 44th wedding anniversary in September.  Seems just like yesterday, when we started out are life with each other.

Benjamin is 10 and a lovely little boy.  He dances and sings very well, so when he stays with us, he does both of these things, while "watching" television.  Grandchildren are the cherry on the top of life.

That pretty much sums up our year. Since I've already hit on the high points of our year, and no sense paying too much attention to the negative things, I'll be able to send out our cards, with minimal "late entry" news!



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