Wednesday, August 22, 2018

All The News Fit To Print


Image result for picture of soap box 
 With the insertion of a soap box, you can figure out for yourselves that I have something to say. By watching and reading the current news, makes me envy, somewhat what the rich and powerful people get away with.

Us regular people, would be clapped in irons (hand cuffs) and would be "escorted" to the nearest jail. Some, or most of us, wouldn't have a personal lawyer standing in the wings to take over and battle for our innocence.  

And, there are the rich folks, who seem to at every turn get away with shenanigans of all sorts. Whether it's sexual harassment, a claim that is always vehemently denied. 

Paul Manafort was found guilty of financial tax bank fraud, and failure to disclose a foreign bank account.  I feel confident that if does see jail time, it will only be for a minor amount of time.

You, and I, on the other hand, would likely be found guilty and serve some "real time" for our crime. One of my bosses (lawyer) told me that in defending someone, the best lawyer wins. I don't know if that's true, but seems likely.

I once worked for a wealthy man. I would order, on his behave, different items that he wanted. Once the package arrived, he determined that he didn't like the color, the size, the material, etc. I became quite efficient in sending back those items.

There is, no doubt, a different standard for us regular folk, and the rich and/or famous people. I don't believe that anyone's life and/or job, should allow them to be treated differently.  PLEASE do not send me hate mail. I'm just stating my opinion, for what it's worth. Frankly, Scarlett, for the most part, give a damn. I used to tell my older son, "if you do the crime, you do the time."  And once, long ago, he broke into people's homes and stole things. He was found guilty and went to jail. His pleas to help get him out of jail, fell on deaf ears. Parenting is a tough job. You do what you believe is right and best, and literally hope that a child will learn from his mistakes.  Unfortunately, this son, who made it clear that he wanted to have nothing to do with Jeff and I, is still, at least I think so, always just one step away from doing something stupid. 

Climbing off my soap box now, but sometimes it feels good to just rant about something. At least, that's how I feel.


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