Friday, August 3, 2018

Men Working Around The House - Yipee!!


Today, is partially new fence day. Our fence, like the house, obviously, is 32 years old.  And, I think the fence has stood the test of time.  When Daisy was a puppy, she went to great lengths to jump this portion of the adjoining fence, landing herself into their yard.  Of course, once she was over there, then she couldn't get back.  In an "attempt", Stacey and I took wrought iron fence pieces and attached them to the fence.  While, I think it was a good effort on our part, what really made the difference was that Daisy grew into a dog, and now was too heavy to jump the fence!  Yeah.

The fence guys are here this morning, and luckily for us, they are tearing down that piece of adjoining fence.  Of course, this means we have to control the girls.  Letting them out into the backyard, with part of the fence missing, would allow them to have a "run about" through the neighborhood.  Not good.

Next weekend, the fence guy is coming to replace our two gates, and then we'll be all good.  Some women want jewels, new cars, etc.  Me? Just have somebody come to the house and work on something. This makes me very happy.

Next up is the removal of the Cypress trees in the backyard.  Surprise - they are also 32 years old, and need to come down. After that, finding some kind of plant/tree to put in their place. When we moved here, we noticed that our kitchen window was directly across from the neighbor's kitchen window. Before we plants the Cypress trees, that neighbor would occasionally wave. So, when it comes to new plantings, a big priority for me, is getting something in the ground that will obscure my view. That makes me sound like a not very nice neighbor.  I try to be a good neighbor, I just don't want or need to see you inside your house.

Today, Jeff will be making macaroni salad to take to the lunch "event" at the airport on Sunday. My responsibility is to cook the macaroni.  This is a job I know I can handle.  I made dinner last night, by using a miss-mash of ingredients. Sadly, it didn't turn out too well.  But, as Jeff said, and it was kind of him, that what I had cooked would keep the "wolf away". 

Bella, in particular, likes looking out windows so that she can see what's going on. I guess today, I'll leave our bedroom door open, so that she can get up on the bed and supervise!

Keeping this blog a bit on the short side today, because like Bella, I want to go outside and check on the progress of the fence building.


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