Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Catching Up


If you missed me yesterday, and I hope you did, I had an early appointment for a minor procedure. Stacey took me to the appointment, and Benjamin stayed at the house, eating Pop Tarts and watching binge-worthy television, suit only for himself!

The night before the procedure, I had to drink at least 46 ounces of clear liquids.  I drank a few more ounces than necessary, but I felt like I sloshed all the way to bed.  Interesting enough, all my Monday night were about food! 

Once Stacey and I were free to go, we headed straight for Mickey D's for breakfast. Hash browns never tasted so good. After we had eaten, we went to the nail salon for pedicures and waxing. There is something so very satisfying about pedicures.  And, I know you women know what I'm talking about.

Back at the house, Stacey decided to pull some weeds in the flower beds (if you can call them that). She and Benjamin filled up an entire lawn bag and was starting on the second bag, when I told her it was time to come inside. A few years ago, I had bought crushed white rocks at Lowe's. At the time I bought them, I had no idea what I was going to do with them, just wanted them. After shopping that day, I did manage to get the very heavy bag of rocks over to one of my sad looking flower beds on the side of the house. Stacey was kind enough to open the bag and put the rocks down as a barrier between the lawn and the previously much weeded area. Happy to say that all the super long and ugly weeds have been pulled out. Next mission is to buy some mulch for that area and another bag of rocks to complete the job.

Stacey, if you're reading this, and I hope you are, I can't begin to thank you enough for yesterday. I know you have a very busy schedule, and I appreciate you taking time out for me. It makes me feel very special and loved. I am blessed to have Stacey in my life, she couldn't be kinder or more loving to me.

By the way, the new pieces of fence and gates that Jeff had installed, look MAGNIFICENT!! I'm a lucky gal. Did we need to replace more than just the gates? Apparently, I must have said something about having brand new gates adjoining our 32 year old fence. 

Once the trees are taken down in the backyard - correction the Leland Cypress trees are taken down, then I have to make a decision about what's going to be planted in their place. I think I'm all done with Leland Cypress trees, and want to find something else to plant along portions of the fence. The area adjoining the neighbor on the other side of us, really doesn't need anything planted. But, for consistency, I'm planning on putting in either an azalea bush or perhaps a Burning Bush. We have a Burning Bush in the side yard, and if you don't trim them, they become quite tall and wide. Possibly, could make a good plant to put in. My only real issue is that my kitchen window and the neighbor's kitchen window are across from one another. I don't like seeing them moving around in their kitchen, and for sure I don't want them looking into my kitchen. Oh, how I long for a California 6 foot concrete wall fence!

That's the news from the home front. Correction, that's all the news fit to print!!!



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