Monday, August 6, 2018

Here I Am


The three of us came home yesterday after spending the day in very warm weather, and only two fans to help cool us off.

There were hoses and nozzles, so once the plane was safely back in the hanger, Benjamin and I went outside, and using the nozzle, "rained" on ourselves.  Good fun. I remember doing this by myself after mowing the lawn years ago.  I made sure that Benjamin got really wet, which was fun for him.  Me? More lightly misted and it felt really good.

Lunch was good. Jeff and I brought hamburgers and hot dogs and of course the appropriate buns! Jeff and I have gotten away from eating hamburgers, for instance with bread.  Bread, although one of my favorite foods, isn't good for me, unfortunately!

All of us came home a bit exhausted. Jeff took a quick shower and then took a short snooze in bed. As for myself and Benjamin, we re-hydrated ourselves with water (me) and a liquid yogurt drink (Benjamin).  

Because I'm have a procedure tomorrow for a look see down my esophagus, and probably beyond. I'm hoping that they find something (I'd like it to be a small something), that makes some food hard to swallow. Since I have to be at the hospital at 8:00 am, Stacey is sleeping over tonight. Today, obviously I can't eat anything, but do need to drink at least 46 ounces of clear liquid. I have my big glass measuring cup (overkill I know), and after I drink something, I put an equal amount of the liquid into the cup.  I think (and I maybe the only one), who thinks this is pretty smart.  To be sure, I can drink more than the required 46 ounces, so I'll just see how the day goes.

New gates going into the backyard is being done as I "write".  Jeff, and with many, many thanks is not only having the gates replaced, but the parts of the fence holding the new gates up.  I'm absolutely thrilled. It's all about people working in or out of the house.  It doesn't take too much to make me happy. Yard work, etc., is much better than owning a bigger diamond!  I know that makes me kind of a "weird" woman, but I actually don't care!

This afternoon, Stacey, best daughter-in-law in the world (and this is not an exaggeration, but it doesn't look the right spelling to me). Oh, back to our activity today. Off to the nail place for pedicures and some face waxing. Women reach a certain age, and then hair just begins sprouting. Ugh. Since the doctor tomorrow will be working near my face, I don't want the odd whisker to be on my face. I know that you women understand. You men, not so much.

Benjamin and I are showered and dressed and ready for the day. At the moment, he's watching a cartoon version of "Survivor". It's a good think that I can read and zone out the noise of the show. Watching Benjamin's shows is something that Jeff just can't deal with, and that's okay. This maybe a universal grandma trait!

My kitchen is a disaster zone, and I pride myself in keeping it clean, or as clean as I can get it. It really helps that Ada comes on Wednesday, and  makes the kitchen shine!

After doing my one chore today, which is presently all I can do, I will take myself and a large amount of required liquid, and sit with Benjamin while we watch mindless television!

I hope you're going to have as much fun, as Benjamin and I are!




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