Saturday, August 11, 2018

Time We're Not Getting Back!


You know what they say about "I'll never get that time back", and that saying is never, ever about something good.  Nope, it's always about time wasted, when you could be doing other things, like binging on a cooking show!  Just saying.

Yesterday, was a trip to see the ophthalmologist, or as I "see" (get the pun?), the eyeball doctor. It turns out that the vision in my left eye isn't what it should be.  Apparently, I have formed some scar tissue, and it needs to be fixed. Of course, it does. I'm just so lucky, that I should buy a lottery ticket, which if I won big money, would cause me to have a heart attack and die! (smiley face here).

On the way back home, I wanted to make a short shopping trip to the only two stores that Jeff believes are in existence, for the most part. If you guessed Costco and WalMart, you are a winner! I, obviously had to ride in the carts, but I ranted about that yesterday, so I'll spare you my thoughts about this.

About the trip from Baltimore to Frederick. Since I wanted to pick up a few things from WalMart, we/I opted to go the "back way". Of course, this was a HUGE mistake. When you are on an off ramp for 2 hours, then you wish you could have a do over. But, once committed, you wait in line wedged in between semi trucks. Actually, the truth is that yes we did have a semi breathing down our "neck" so to speak, but we had an absolute fool in a car in front of us. Periodically, he/she would put their car in reverse, for no reason we could see, and come perilous close to our car. Had we been hit by this car, even if it was just a bump, I think Jeff and I would both get out of our car, and it wouldn't be pretty. Luckily, said driver seemed to eventually pull his/her foot our of their ass, and stayed the course.  

The time spent in Costco, as well as the money spent, it was fast for shopping and less money spent. On to WalMart, which has been refurbished. The only difference I can see is the new floors. But, they have added more self check-out registers, which speeds up the checking out process.

Since we were in Jeff's car, it has a tiny trunk, compared to the back of my car, so we had to be careful about buying too many things. Jeff and I parted ways in the store. He went to the frozen food section and bought us some dinners. I know, without looking at the labels, that those foods are high in sodium. So, thanks to the power of Google (what did we do before Google), I checked out the sodium level on a Stouffer's frozen dinner. Shocker, 420 mg of sodium. Daily recommended dose of sodium is 1500! If you do the math, and I had to use a calculator (and my calculator is a multi-colored jeweled one), that leaves you 1,080 more mg of sodium that you could eat. Now, I can't tell you which foods (actually I could, but it would be boring), would bring you up to the daily recommended maximum, but I'm pretty sure that a person could easily "max" out.  Think pretzels, chips (and why would on earth would you eat pretzels, if chips were in the pantry)! Since I love chips, and who doesn't, I don't even want to know what the sodium and/or calorie count actually is. Chances, are that you don't want to know either. What you don't know, can't hurt you. Actually, in this case, it could, but most of us don't want to think about the consequences. I mean, who wants "died eating too many chips" on their tombstone, or a written note put inside an urn? If, you had a heart attack while running, for instance, people would be shocked and really surprised. If, you are one of the people, who does live a healthy lifestyle, then it seems reasonable that they would live practically forever. Unfortunately, it doesn't always turn out that way.

We had left at 1:00 for my appointment, and didn't get home until 8:00 pm! Jeff did buy a "to go" pizza from Costco for dinner, as well as lunch for today. Okay, I said I wouldn't bore you with more food details, but I just couldn't resist. An everything pizza at Costco has 1,370 mg per slice. That equals up to 57% of the daily value. Let's go back to my calculator: after dividing 420 from the 1,370 leaves you a mere 950 mg of sodium for you to consume. And, people I just know that myself and yourselves too, can easily get the "leftover" amount of sodium consumed in one food or another.

When, we're in the car, Jeff likes to listen to "Willy's Roadhouse". There are a few songs that are played, which I actually enjoy. And, then there are songs played with twangy guitars, and songs like that, just make me cringe. My radio station of choice is the 60's. Jeff and I were both teenagers in the 60's, and I think that in that era, some of the best music was produced. Happily, yesterday, Jeff played the 60's radio station, and I appreciate him doing that for me. If you really listen to what I call "elevator music", you will sometimes recognize a rock 'n roll song being played, minus the lyrics. Will the "music" of today, and I don't even know who the current singers are, or what they sing, will someday be played on an elevator? Um, I'm thinking not so much. We watch Stephen Cobare (or however you spell it), every night and there is always a visiting band is always on. When Jeff and I see the name of the band, we don't even bother to watch/listen! Old fogies anyone?

Time to close. I have the same chores today, as I do every day: laundry and the kitchen. I delay, as long as possible, tackling them. Eventually, you have to address laundry for sure - we don't want to run out of clean under wear!

Enjoy your Saturday.

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