Saturday, August 18, 2018

Here I Am Again!


Wearing a sling, is truly a bummer. Ever tried to do dishes using only one hand? It's challenging at best. 

Come to think about it, almost everything is a challenge for me right now. Although I am getting better using my left hand for typing. So, that's a good thing.

I talked to Verizon yesterday about a cell phone that basically can only be used as a phone. I don't need or want to text anybody. Nobody knows my cell phone number, and nobody will. You know that I don't talk on the phone - okay almost never.
I talked to the Verizon representative yesterday, and she steered me to a phone that only has number keys and can take pictures. I want/need a phone to call somebody, and for the most part, I will use it to call Jeff if I'm in trouble. Although I have been banned from the backyard, and truth be told the basement as well. So, I went for it. I don't want to use a smart phone anymore. Before Bella ate my iPhone, I was still only using it to call Metro Access for a ride, and/or Jeff when Metro Access didn't come to pick me up. Relatively speaking, this phone is quite cheap, and should arrive today. Now all I have to do is remember to carry it with me ALWAYS. I'm not steady on my feet, so another fall is not out of the question. Obviously, I do try not to fall, because for one thing, I hate that horrible feeling of hitting the ground. You know it's coming, but you can't do a damn thing about it. And, after the fall, the damage to your body. Up until my fall on Monday, my previous falls have only left me black and blue. I will have to be more careful, and watch closely for dog "bones and chews" scattered around the house.

Jeff made sausage gravy this morning. It's a dish that he really likes. Unfortunately, he left the dish on the dining room table, within reach of Bella. Well, I'm sure you can guess the rest. There is no gravy in the bowl now. And, it's so clean that there is almost no need to run it through the dishwasher!

Jeff is heading to the bank this morning, and he might go out to Andrew's house. I'm sure their yard needs mowing. If he goes, I'm undecided if I want to go.

Enjoy your day.


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