Sunday, September 30, 2018

Them and Us


All of you know that there are basically two categories of people: them, who are rich, uber rich, or richer than Midas. And that leaves the rest of the people (us). People who make a decent wage, have one/two cars, live in nice neighborhoods, etc.

Jeff and I are one of the "us" people. We own a home in a very nice neighborhood, two pets and two cars. Alas, we don't have a white picket fence, but you get the idea.

The Hammacher Schlemmer catalog arrived yesterday. While I'm 99.5% positive that there's nothing in the catalog, that I can afford and/or need. But, still I look. The Robocall Blocker costs $79.95, and that would certainly be a nice device to have. I do get tired of listening to people trying to sell me something; ask me to volunteer my time, etc.  

An indestructible stainless steel hose, which would be very nice - $99.95.  For that price, you could buy multiple hoses, when their lifespan is finished.

A pumpkin light sculpture for $149.95. This is one of those products, really only good for October. And, then is packed up carefully and put away until next year.

Oh, also an LED Lip Rejuvenator, that rejuvenate lips (is that a thing?), and diminish wrinkles around your mouth. 

A 25 pair shoe turn tower, a one acre backyard mosquito trap (now that sounds useful), reader's rotating end table (I would like that), heated and massaging stadium seat, an easy access recliner side table (I would really like that). But, my favorite thing in the catalog is the world's largest illuminated peg mural - cost $15,500.00. You can, of course, buy a small mural for only $10,000.00! Anybody who can afford to pay that much for something that will probably in time, get used less and less, has a LOT of money. At least, that's what I think.

There are a number of things in that catalog that would make me personally happy, or make great gifts for someone in the family. While I have only bought 4 presents for Christmas, I do have a list of things that I want to consider buying. You know me, all gifts bought before the middle of November, hopefully.  And, perhaps I can get help in wrapping, which is chore that I hate almost as much as unloading the dishwasher!

The morning is slipping away, so I'd better get my body in motion.

Happy Sunday.


Saturday, September 29, 2018

Windows Are Open!


Big news. The weather is so nice today, that we have, for the moment opened up some windows. Having the windows open, will allow fresh air to come into the house. Once summer begins, we pretty much use the a/c. I hate being hot, and oh wait, I also hate being cold.  So, basically I'm a 50/50 kind of girl, which means that at any given time, I can be unhappy about the temperature. A diva for sure. (insert smiley face here)!

Yesterday, was basically a do nothing kind of day. It was also a stay in your pajamas kind of day. Putting and taking off shirts and blouses, really causes my left arm to ache. So you can see how justified I am, in dressing as seldom as possible. But, today, I have a very bad case of "bed hair", so a shower and getting dressed is very much in order. I can only be in slug mode, for a day, and sometimes I can stretch it to two days, but that's absolutely my limit. 

Jeff made sausage and white gravy for his breakfast today. We've pushed the bowl, with the remainder of the gravy, far, far away from Bella's reach. At least we think so. Since I don't believe, for a minute, that Bella won't try to "steal" food from the counter. The last time that Jeff made gravy, Bella enjoyed the leftovers very much. Today, because I can't really trust her, I have put up a gate that won't allow her in the kitchen. Once I'm back downstairs, I'll take the gate down. Counter surfing, oh and taking things, like shoes, is her worst trait. Daisy, on the other hand, has really only one bad habit - where she should go potty. Still prefers the basement, and heaven knows we have scrubbed that floor over and over again. Obviously, keeping the basement door closed for several hours, and then following her outside, is probably the only way we'll have success with her. My problem is that I really don't like going down stairs. For some reason, I have a fear of falling. An irrational fear I know, but a fear nonetheless.

Today, would be a most excellent day to take the convertible out and wander around.  Destination? Who cares. It's rained so much lately, that a day in the sunshine would be good for all of us.

Just ordered a dog harness for Daisy. When you put a leash on her, she is able to slip out of her collar, and have a "run about".  While, I know she enjoys these outings, I have a fear of her being hit by a car, especially if she runs around in the dark, because she is prominently a black dog.

I promised myself that I had to be "put together" by noon, or I would turn into an old hag. Time is marching on, so I'd better run upstairs.

Happy Saturday.



Friday, September 28, 2018

Play Date!


Yesterday, my daughter-in-law, Stacey and her Mother Pat, invited me to go with them to do some shopping.  I was thrilled. I don't get out of the house very much anymore, and I haven't been in an actual MALL in more years than I can remember.

First stop: lunch. We went to a place called "Corner Bakery". I ordered a tuna salad sandwich (that sounds healthy right?), and sliding down to the not so good - chips and a caramel drizzle on top.

While I walked with my rollator, I stopped frequently to peer into the stores. So many stores: several of them selling only bathing bubbles, face scrubs, and any other kind of product made for the skin imaginable. I bought nothing. IF, I had found a hand cream, that had a wonderful smell, I might have bought that.  I sniffed a lot of bottles, and the scent was too strong, or the product was too expensive!

We went to a lingerie store. I asked the clerk if they had any bras in a larger size. Men feel free to not read this paragraph.   😆 Okay, so the sales lady took me back to a fitting room, and it was no deal for me. Apparently, if you are in need of a "over the shoulder boulder holder" bra, a lingerie place is not for you. Disappointed a little, but knew going in, that based on the little "bits" of underwear and bras, I saw, there would be nothing for me. And, I was right.

Peeked inside a few more stores, and I had walked quite a distance, and finally asked Stacey if she would just push me, and she happily did so.

Before heading home, a quick stop at Cold Stone ice cream. You don't want your sugar level to plummet! Fat chance that would happen to me. My favor choice was an ice cream flavor, that had bits of chocolate and caramel mixed in. Delicious. The problem with their ice cream is that it's so rich, you really need to eat only half, and when you get home, stick the remainder in the freezer. I did that, and it was a delightful treat after dinner.

Once I came home, it was time for Jeff to drive me to physical therapy. I hadn't seen this therapist before, but she really, really worked my left arm. We're trying to avoid a frozen shoulder. But, after an hour of therapy, my left arm was in a lot of pain.

Today is a lazy day for me. And, unless later today, Jeff and I decide to take his car out for a spin, with the top down, I see no reason to get out of my pajamas. It's not likely that anybody is going to stop by.

I recorded all of yesterday's events, so that I can watch the parts that I find interesting, and skip all of the talking heads.

So, there was my yesterday in a nutshell.  Have a good Friday.


Thursday, September 27, 2018

Current News


Unless you have been living under a rock, then you know that today will be a big news events.  Dr. Ford is going to be questioned and heard about the event that happened to her, years ago. 

I'm not going to go all political on you today, because as most of you know, I don't write about politics. And, for years didn't read or watch anything regarding news. But, for the past few years, the news has gotten very interesting. Today, will be no different. I applaud Dr. Ford for coming forward, even though I know in my heart, that it will be a difficult day for her.

With the beauty of our Tivo, I can record all of the days' events, and when I've got down time, can watch and/or fast forward through the commenters, i.e., talking heads. 

Jeff and I sat through President Trump's Press Conference yesterday, so I should be able to spend at least the same amount of time watching the hearings.

I know deep down, in my heart, that her allegations will be challenged and she will be "put through the wringer". 

For all of the tens of thousands of women, who have at one time or another, been mistreated by men (generally a boss), such as myself, I hope that today's hearings, will give women a voice, and the courage to come forward, if and/or when they want to. Our voices have for too long been unheard. 

Okay, climbing off my soap box now. I hope I haven't offended anyone today.  If I have, then I apologize.  You know that I don't normally offer up much of an opinion on anything, but I sincerely feel that the events of today will be worth the time I spend in front of the television.

Again apologies in advance. Tomorrow, I'll be back to writing about mundane things!


Wednesday, September 26, 2018

A Rare Sighting - The Sun!


After several days of gray and gloomy weather, Mr. Sun decided to make an appearance today. And, I'm really glad. As we make our way to fall and then winter, my mood begins to shift. And, unfortunately not for the better.  It's been this way for years, I suffer from "Seasonal Affective Disorder" or as it's better known - "SAD".

I will try and take myself outside today, and with the use of the rollator and one good arm, make some loops around the circle, in front of the house. This small form of exercise will be good for both my body as well as my mood.

I am for perhaps the first time in my adult life, are reading and watching the current news. There's so much happening right now, how could I not?

Received my 2019 Medicare handbook. The government has now made some changes to coverage for prescriptions. And, this is very good news. Medicare is doing away with the horrible "donut hole". With all of the medicines I take, it doesn't take long for us to be in that hole. With the new budget, requiring some drug companies to bear more of the cost when an individual (meaning me), Individuals (me) will only pay 25% for brand name prescriptions. So, in 2019 some drug companies will have to pay 70% of the cost of drugs. 

Oh, there is more good news for next year. I'm getting a "raise" (my monthly pay, if you will). The raise won't be staggering, but every little penny, is helpful to retirees. I'm looking forward to this.

Now, I know that for all of you, that are not near retirement age, all of the above doesn't matter to you. So, I apologize for devoting most of this blog to "old people" news!

I've been doing my arm exercises, and after I've done them, my arm really begins to hurt. But, I'm trying to avoid the dreaded frozen shoulder. Therapy tomorrow and a follow-up with the bone doctor next week. I'm hoping that I'll be given good news.  I'm really tired of wearing that stupid sling, which makes doing pretty much anything very difficult. 

I'd take Bella with me while I walk, but I have this real fear of falling. Bella is good on the leash, but I'm still not ready to walk with her.

I hope it's sunny where you are. Happy Hump Day!



Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Still Gloomy!


I just happened to notice that yesterday's title was "Gloony" day.  Apologies for the misspelling. Every now and then, my fingers seem to move too far to the left and/or right!

Stacey and I had scheduled a trifecta of services at the nail salon for today.  But, Benjamin is sick, so we'll have to reschedule for another day. My nails don't look too bad, toes in serious need of assistance. And, then there's my beard. Dark haired ladies, get - you guessed it - dark facial hair. From a yard away, you wouldn't notice my chiny-chiny (sp) hairs. Actually, the spelling is right, but the definition really doesn't mean hairs growing on your face. According to the dictionary (do people still use those), a word used to describe someone who is high off marijuana. The word comes from the common occurrence of your eyes becoming more closed when one is high! Who knew? Anyway, back to facial hair. I always dread going to the dentist or the eyeball doctor, if I haven't waxed off my hairs! In reality, I doubt that mine or anybody's for that matter, doesn't even register for the doctor.  So, it's pretty much all about my wanting to have a "smooth" face! I do agree that in some ways, I can be vain.

Today, I simply must fold up the laundry. Wrinkles be damned. And, I have a compulsion to go into Jeff's office and continue my purge and filing of papers. Not a wanted task, but one that definitely needs doing.  The binder for the boys' computer business, is so full that it can't handle another piece of paper. And, that's where I come in. Take out some older business related documents, and move them to another binder, that will be labeled "retention". Jeff's working, but I think I would work faster, and perhaps even happier, if I was listening to some 60's music. Since the music of my generation has become elevator music, I can only wonder how some of the music popular today, will actually be able to become elevator music! It's more than possible that I'm stuck in a time warp, and I'm okay with that.

I hope you all have a great day.


Monday, September 24, 2018

Gloony Gus Day


Well, the day is starting off dark, raining and an all around stay in the house day. Unfortunately, Jeff and I have to venture out to get my "head shrunk". After that, it'll be stay at home time.

Yesterday, Jeff went out by himself to get the weekly essentials. He also, went off script, and bought other things as well. I suggested that he leave Bella at home, because nobody likes the smell of wet fur!

On the back of our house, which faces west, we have a lot of windows. Years ago, we had new windows put in, with the mini blinds encased in the windows. Since I have never liked dusting blinds, these windows are a true life saver! During the summer, only one window is open, to help keep the house cool. But, today I opened up more blinds, because otherwise the house seems pretty dark to me - and I'm not a mole!

When we were out to dinner on Saturday, Stacey ordered a sweet potato casserole. I took a bite of it, and oh my goodness it was so good. I have scoured the internet, and found a copycat recipe, which I'm printing below. Trust me, if you make it, folks will love it. We're planning on having this definitely at Thanksgiving.

 2 large cooked sweet potatoes (about 3 cups), mashed
  • 1 tbs maple syrup (see NOTES)
  • 2 tbs heavy cream
  • 1 tsp grated orange zest (see NOTES)
  • 2 tbs melted butter
  • ½ tsp salt
  • pinch of pepper
  • Topping:
  • ½ cup brown sugar
  • 1 tsp cinnamon (see NOTES)
  • ¼ cup flour
  • ½ cup chopped pecans
  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Spray a 1 - 1.5 quart casserole.
  2. Mix sweet potatoes, maple syrup, cream, orange zest, butter, salt and pepper in a large bowl.
  3. Place sweet potato mixture in prepared baking dish.
  4. Mix all the topping ingredients and spread evenly across the top.
  5. Bake for 30-35 minutes, or until topping is browned and bubbling.
Maple syrup, orange zest and cinnamon may be eliminated without any other changes to the recipe.
Prep time: 10 minutes. 

I definitely hope it's sunny and bright where you are. If it continues to rain here, Jeff and I will need a boat, to get around in the backyard!


Sunday, September 23, 2018

Anniversary Dinner


Last night, Jeff and I, along with Andrew and Scott et al, went out to "dine".  There is a big difference between eating out and dining out. 

Jeff had made a reservation at Ruth Cris Steak House. When we got to our table, the tablecloth was sprinkled with little hearts along with Happy Anniversary words. A very nice touch. I knew in an instant that we were going to really enjoy ourselves.

Unlike other places that Jeff and I have gone out for dinner, our experience was like no other. We had very attentive service (think Pretty Woman), and really good food. The Bassetts, all ordered steak of one kind or another. We are definitely carnivores, and enjoy a good steak every once in a while.

Elly and Benjamin sat at the far end of the table, across from each other.  Both of them were very interested in their electronic devices. 

The men sat on one side of the table, and we ladies on the other side. When you order sides, they come in dishes that are meant for sharing. We had asparagus, mashed potatoes, and creamed spinach. Stacey ordered, among other veggies, a sweet potato casserole. She let me have a bit and it was heavenly. The waiter even brought the recipe, which was inside a plastic covering. Guess, what dish will be on the tables this winter? If you guessed sweet potatoes, you'd be right.

But, before dinner, I ordered shrimp cocktail (yummy) and Andrew ordered calamari, which I tried and loved it.  Who knew?

There was very little noise in the area where we were sitting. So, nobody had to yell to make themselves heard. Our waiter was quick to notice empty glasses and return with a new glass of coke, tea, etc.

Then, there was the "main" event (for me at least), dessert!  I opted for bread pudding, and it was sooooo very good. Jeff's body doesn't handle sugar very well, but he did take a couple of small bites. Stacey and Wendy did chocolate lava cakes and Scott ordered creme burle.  There was some other dessert dishes. But, all of us came to the agreement that the dinner had been wonderful. 

Getting the family together means a great deal to me. Stacey and Wendy have already decided that Thanksgiving will be at Stacey's house and Christmas with Wendy and Scott.  

Elly made me a beautiful picture that when you opened it up, she had put in a bouncy heart as well as another bouncy surprise for us. That was really very nice of her.  

Once we got home, Benjamin gave me a gold unicorn head that I can put on the wall.  It seems that unicorns are everywhere now!

After everybody left, Jeff and I changed into our comfy clothes and watched a "bit" of television. Once Jeff went up to bed, I tucked myself in my recliner, put on my CPAP mask, and turned off the light by the fireplace. After just a few minutes, I decided that I was also very tired. And, better than that, Jeff, myself and the girls slept in until nearly 10:00! 

Jeff has already gone upstairs to work, and later he'll go out to do the weekly shopping. Since it's raining outside, I told him that I opted to stay home.

Well, there you have it. Our anniversary celebration was wonderful, and I thank all of the "kids" (i.e., the adults) for giving Jeff and I a wonderful time.

Love you all.


Saturday, September 22, 2018

Yesterday and Today


Yesterday, I had my first physical therapy session. Why is it that therapists all seem to be: young, thin, and probably have never needed physical therapy!

The group where I went yesterday, is a bit different, because you get 1 on 1 training. Normally, when I've had physical therapy in the past, the therapist shows me what to do, and then walks away to help somebody else. That kind of therapy feels inadequate to me. So, I've done "x" number of an exercise. Because the therapist is busy elsewhere, you just sit on the table and wait.

After therapy, we drove through Taco Bell to get our dinner. Don't worry, we're celebrating with the family at a rather high scale (i.e., high price) restaurant tonight. Since really good tv doesn't start until next week, we watched a Bruce Willis movie. The movie hit all the right notes: destruction, people chasing and then killing somebody, and on and on. I wouldn't rank this movie very high on the scale of entertainment. 

This morning, I woke up super early, and because I don't want to wake up Jeff and the girls, I quietly made my breakfast, and settled back in my recliner to watch a cooking show.  

Shortly, after Jeff came down, the arborist came to look at the 32 year old Pin Oak in the front yard. He did take note that our neighbor's oak tree also seems to be dying. This was a no pressure fellow. He says we can fertilize the oak tree, but it probably wouldn't help.  He suggests that, in the spring, I guess they'll come out and have to cut down this majestic tree. Something is killing these oak trees, but we don't know why. If the tree comes down, it will be a very sad day. And, to replace that tree, with anything of significant size will be very expensive.

I have a bag that has things inside for Wendy and Stacey. Benjamin's socks, book for Elly, Christmas present for Jeff, and a lovely rain jacket that I ordered and doesn't fit me. I think it will fit Stacey. I actually ordered the correct size, but paid no attention to the fact that the sizes were for Chinese people. They've given me a partial refund, and wrote me that I could keep the jacket.

The therapist did tell me that I could spend sometime without the sling, and do exercises (and I hate exercises). She also told me that a fracture like mine, can sometimes takes not only weeks, but months before it heals!  How lucky am I?

Jeff's suggestion, and it was a good one, that I try and rest today, so that I'll not be tired, and no fun at dinner tonight. Believe me, if there's one thing I'm good at is resting. (insert smiley face here)!

I'm going to start a load of laundry and clean the kitchen, which, thanks to Ada, is already pretty clean. After that, I'll get in my chair, and yes, do the arm exercises, and try to fall asleep during a cooking show!

Happy Saturday everyone.


Friday, September 21, 2018



Today, Jeff and I celebrate, our 44th anniversary. To confess, I actually had to use the calculator to see how many years we've been married! When you've been married this many years, the actual number of those years, doesn't always stay put in your brain. Okay, it didn't stick in my brain. 

You know those vows you take: richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. I have definitely tested the sickness part of the vow. I've been "mental" for more years than I can remember. But, after 2013, my short term memory is shot - and unfortunately, it's not coming back. I don't have dementia or alzheimers, and there are times I wish I did. Instead, I struggle to keep hold of the things I'm supposed to remember. And, sadly, I lose this battle on a daily basis.

Jeff is my best friend, my lifetime partner and the rock that helps me stay grounded. He has, over the past few years, been the one to explain to me, over and over again, what he's already told me. When I write down what I'm supposed to do, I forget where the paper is!  Truly sad.

As we celebrate today, and with the whole family on Saturday, I wish I had been/was a better partner to him. Jeff deserves somebody in the rowboat (an analogy that we've always used, about two people in the boat, rowing in the same direction), who can help row. 

Jeff has a huge personality, and has never met a stranger. He will help anybody, do anything, whenever he's needed.  And, thanks to learning from his Grandfather, Jeff can basically fix anything: electricity, plumbing, and once even built a garage. The boys continue to ask for his opinion and/or help with a project, and he's happy to help or listen.

So, for better or worse, we're still going strong, and hanging in there. Years of living, through ups and downs, help contribute to the adult person you become. Jeff and I have survived many of our down times, and enjoyed all the happy times. 

With the help of planning a get together, Stacey and Wendy have come through like champions.  They have already made plans for Thanksgiving and Christmas! Jeff and I are fortunate to have these two beautiful women in our lives. And, there is no way to describe how proud we both are of Scott and Andrew.  Benjamin, of course, is the cherry on top! 

On Saturday, we'll make a toast to our many years together as well as the years to come.

I love you Jeff, and wish that I could be a better partner for you. I look back fondly, on the years we've spent together. Correction: I look back fondly, on the good times. And, I look back at the bad times, and appreciate our perseverance. At bad times, I'm still in the rowboat, and we'll get that sucker to shore, I assure you.

Love, P 

Thursday, September 20, 2018



I'm not feeling up to snuff today, so I don't feel able to write my blog. Perhaps tomorrow will be a better day. Thanks for your understanding.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018



Who would have thought that straws would come to be a big deal? Certainly not me. But, for the purpose of being eco-friendly, straws have come under fire.

I don't know about you, but I still use a straw when I'm in a restaurant and have ordered tea or soda. Do I need a straw? Actually no. But, it's hard to break a habit that has been going on for years.

I personally don't care if the straw is plastic or that paper-like one. I just want a straw. Since our den has become my new "bedroom", I always have water, with a straw, on the table beside me. Why? Because it's far easier to drink water with a straw, because I don't have to take my CPAP mask off to do so.

So, to that end, I did buy a box of plastic straws. But, I use the same straw over and over again. Perhaps I should put the box of straws in my hope chest, as a reminder in the future, of what we used in the "olden" times!

I would think folks would be more worked up about the styrofoam containers our fast food or restaurant leftovers are served in. 

  • Here's some little know facts about recycling: "According to  research the following is the estimated time for some everyday items that are all around us to decompose in landfill sites:
  • Plastic bottles: 70-450 years 
  • Plastic bag: 500-1000 years 
  • Tin can: around 50 years 
  • Leather shoes: 25-40 years 
  • Thread: 3-4 months 
  • Cotton: 1-5 months 
  • Rope: 3-14 months 
  • Cigarette: 1-12 years 
  • Milk packet (tetra) covers and drink packets: 5 years 
  • Nylon clothes: 30-40 years 
  • Sanitary napkins & children diapers: 500-800 years 
  • Glass bottles: 1,000,000 years
  • Hairspray bottle: 200-500 years 
  • Fishing line: 600 years. 
  • Glass bottle; 1-2 million years 
  • Aluminum can: 200 years
 Who would have thought that straws would come to be a big deal? Certainly not me. But, for the purpose of being eco-friendly, straws have come under fire.

 Million Year Lifespan:

 Styrofoam is commonly used in disposable products that are only used once. These products can persist in the environment for more than a million years, however, since polystyrene is not biodegradable. Though it is slow to break down chemically, Styrofoam does however fragment into small pieces, choking animals that ingest it, clogging their digestive systems. Styrofoam and other plastics currently make up about 30 percent of the landfill volume in the United States. A million years? Wow. We're certainly not going to be around that long! 

But, just in reading about how long it takes to recycle everyday items, does give you pause.


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Elvis, Among Other Things


Through the magic of computers, wires, etc., I can now share movies with the boys. Don't ask me how it's done, all I know is that it works. If it was described to me, I still wouldn't get it!

Since my teen years, I have always loved Elvis and so wish that I could have seen him in concert. But my Dad, sat through Elvis movies with me. I know now and even knew then, that Dad didn't much care for the movies. Still, he watched. He was just that kind of a Dad - special!

Personally, I don't own any Elvis movies, but I do now. I went to my favorite store - Amazon, and found several of his movies that I want to be made available to me. Are they great movies? Not really, but the movies I bought are from the years when he was a thin Elvis. This morning, I watched Viva Las Vegas - loved it. Elvis was gorgeously handsome and Ann Margaret was beautiful. The plot was weak at best, but I really only concentrate on Elvis singing and dancing. 

I didn't sleep well, so was up well before Jeff and the girls came downstairs. And, since one of my chores yesterday was to clean up the kitchen, I'm happy to report that I've done that! Clean laundry is upstairs, waiting to be folded. I don't fuss over folding. I make an attempt when doing this chore, but I really just don't care all that much.

Went to Jeff's office yesterday, to move all of the necessary documents (taxes, unemployment, etc.) for 4A (computer company). This is an arduous task. I worked for a long time on this yesterday, and there is still work to be done. Because of the nature of these documents, they need to be kept handy, in case we have to prove that we filed a state or government document.  This is not likely, but it doesn't hurt, and I have room in the filing cabinet, to store these documents as "archive"! Not a lot of fun I can assure you. 

Jeff and I watched the Emmy's last night. A few people received awards that made us happy. Henry Winkler is the only one that comes to mind. We were disappointed that Steven Colbert didn't win an award. We watch his show every night, and love his opening dialogue a lot.

Switching gears now. Ending my blog, and starting my day. It's dreary outside, and I think we're supposed to get rain, but nothing like the people in the south have received.


Monday, September 17, 2018

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?


For most families, there is nothing more to dread than having your in-laws visit.  At least, that's how I felt. Since we lived on opposite sides of the country, there were no unexpected visits. But, when you live close to your children, there are unscheduled "drop in" visits.

Yesterday, we called ahead, and invited ourselves over for dinner. We brought pizza, and you can't really go wrong with pizza.  The girls, Bella really, loves to run around in their backyard, which is huge. Daisy not so much. The biggest problem I have is my inability to relax while we're there. I'm constantly on edge when the girls come inside the house.  Where are they? What are they doing? Did one of the dogs pee in the house. Stuff like that.

I didn't like what my Mother became as she got older. I didn't see her often, which was good as far as I was concerned. Living 3,000 miles away was a good thing for me. How she felt about it, is anybodies guess. As I became an adult, I had very little contact with her. When I called, my Mother always answered. But, what I really wanted was to just talk to Dad. 

Now as a mother-in-law, I respect my boundaries, at least I think I do. We visit to see Andrew and Stacey, but also Benjamin. Benjamin is growing up way too fast - at least too fast for me. Yesterday, he was wearing some kind of necklace with what I think were little plastic shoes attached. Oh, how I miss the baby and toddler years. But, just as I continue to age, so does Benjamin. It's just the facts of life.

While we munched on pizza, we watched a show called "Battle Bots", at least I think was the name of the show. Very expensive remote control "bots", out to destroy their opponent. I'm sure that the manufacture of these "bots" is really expensive. So, it's a fight to the finish. Bots flip over, tires come off, and major damage is done by the ramming into one another. 

For example, a lightweight bot costs around $2,000, and a heavyweight bot costs around $6,000. For me, if I invested that kind of money in the building of a bot, then I would be very disappointed when my bot is injured beyond repair. But, people do seem to enjoy this show. I found it interesting, but have some doubt whether I would actually record this show for future watching.  

As always, a very quiet ride home. The girls were exhausted. Once home, Jeff and I watched "60 Minutes", and then he was off to bed. I got myself prepared for bed in my recliner. I put on my CPAP machine, and watched one of my recorded shows.

It's icky outside today. No sunshine, just gray skies. To help my mood, I have turned on my SAD light, while I'm using my computer.



Sunday, September 16, 2018

What's Lurking?


Yesterday, in an attempt to avoid doing other necessary stuff (folding clothes, dishes, etc.), I decided to have a look at two drawers in the kitchen.

What a bunch of junk in there. There were screws that went/go to who knows what. Toss them. Glass lenses? Why on earth would I keep them? No clue what frames they once went to, but I figure if they are in a drawer, they are also tossable (sp). Binder clips - save. Pens were also saved. I could go on for hours.

I eventually turned my attention to the drawers that held measuring cups (sometimes), recipes, also sometimes. I have been on a tear to get rid of most of the plastic measuring cups and spoons. I have figured out that glass anything is easier to keep clean. Plastic - not so much.

While it took some time, I now have a drawer dedicated to only measuring cups and spoons. It is a beautiful sight to see. Unfortunately, before I could get to the next drawer, which is for recipes and booklets to products that we may or may not own! To be on the safe side, I kept the booklets. And, the recipes are definitely for another day. I'm trying to take all of my recipes and save them electronically, resulting in a nearly empty drawer!

What actually amazed me, besides the amount of stuff a drawer can actually hold, was the bits of crumbs in the corners. How did they come to be in a drawer that has never held food? I will chalk this up to another one of those household mysteries - missing sock. and in my case, bowls with no matching lids, and lids with no matching bowls. Gadzooks, I need to try and get all of those things under control! Again, for another day. Do you like how everything is for another day? Apparently, "another day" never seems to come around! Shocking I know.

What's on my agenda for today? I need, actually I want, to put new liners in the drawers that I worked on yesterday. This, in itself, is a challenge for me. I either cut the liner too short or too long and/or the width needed. There's no fear of my becoming a rocket scientist anytime soon.

In keeping with the little or no plastic in the house, several months ago I tossed out the plastic dog dishes, including the water bowl. I replaced all of them with stainless steel, and they are a breeze to keep clean. I feel like "Heloise" there for a minute!

Going to run, the day is fast slipping away from me.

Happy Sunday.




Saturday, September 15, 2018



In the paper this week, clothing designers are showing "prairie" dresses. Ah, but this is not the first time that women wore this style of dress. A similar dress was worn by me, and my classmates, in the 60's. And, everybody had to have one of these long, generally gingham dresses. My dress was pink and white squares and back then I thought I looked really good.  Thinking back on it, we girls probably just looked old!

But now, designers are making prairie dresses, and so this design is now new again. It may be new, but I won't be participating in this new fashion trend. It might have been a tolerable look for me, but the trend came and went very quickly.

Today's prairie dresses by fashion designers are making these dresses to be modest, with their high necked collars and reveal little skin. So now, we have fashionable dresses that show a lot of skin, versus these that don't show much skin. You as a consumer, have to decide for yourself on how you want to look. While I don't want to wear what I now consider a "granny" dress, I also don't want to show off my body - because folks - it ain't so pretty right now! Forget that I'm not a size 12 (not even close to that size), but as you age, these "wisdom" spots begin to pop up on your skin. I don't know how much good those "wisdom" spots are doing on my back, and I don't know how they even showed up.  

The next fashion fad might be bell bottom pants again. This fad also came and went pretty quickly. To be sure, retailers are selling pants with a slightly flared bottom now, but nothing like the old pants of my youth.

Mother didn't much care for my wearing pants. There was a dress code when I was in high school, and there were no torn jeans or short little shirts. And, girls wore dresses and/or skirts, pants were now allowed in school.  I got my first pair of jeans, when a friend of mine took me shopping. Oh, I felt liberated. Fortunately for me, Mother didn't make much of a fuss about them. I've never had a "jean" bottom, even when I was a teenager. But, certainly not today. When I buy clothes, I avoid anything that has spandex as part of the clothing item. Spandex is not my friend, never has been and I won't buy any piece of clothing that isn't 100% cotton. I wear what is considered by most women old "foggy" (did I spell that right?) clothes. Since I seldom leave the house, it really doesn't matter what I wear. I can even wear clothes that don't match or go together - how liberating!

To be sure, if Jeff and I are going to some kind of event, I have appropriate clothes to wear. But, as we all know, jeans appear now to be de rigueur, and can be worn to theater performances, etc.

For me, I'm going to stick with my "old lady" pants (elastic waist), and cotton shirts. Definitely not a fashion statement.


Friday, September 14, 2018

Friday Again


It's Friday morning and I honestly don't know where the week went. This blog, like yesterday's, is late. I'm not sleeping too well in the recliner, but after breakfast, have a restful snooze.  Maybe, I'm just hungry during the night!😋

I wish I had big plans for today, unfortunately I don't. I'm pretty sure that laundry and cleaning the kitchen are not "woohoo" (sp perhaps?) events that would make somebody jump up and get super excited.  Those two chores are never ending. You put clothes in the washer and dryer, fold them (maybe), and put them away - again another maybe!

The kitchen would stay clean if Jeff and I wouldn't eat ever again.  Okay, that's impossible, so I'm on clean up duty. Very boring and I receive little satisfaction from doing so.

Hurricane Florence is making a name for herself, particularly in the Carolina's. We used to vacation in September in the Outer Banks, and in doing so, always knew that the weather was a gamble. We had to leave the Outer Banks at least one time that I can recall. Before you can go, you have to "clean" up the house, load up the remaining groceries, and get everyone, including the dog, into the car. After all of that, get to the rental office to turn in the key. Then, you can get on the road, keeping your fingers crossed that traffic might be "light". 

Jeff and I have luck, but it's mostly the bad kind. We're the couple that buy lottery tickets, and can't even win back the cost of the ticket. A couple of years ago, there was a plane (yes, actually a real plane) event in the Bahamas.  Jeff and I flew down, and the hotel we stayed at was fantastic. A beautiful beach, great food, and fun. However, that bit of paradise was cut short due to an incoming storm. Little planes don't or shouldn't fly if there is lightening in the sky. The pilots got together to weigh their options - go or stay. Jeff opted for us to leave the island early. I can't remember, but I'm sure it was the right decision.

Checking the current weather, looks like we're going to get rain today through part of next week. We can deal with rain, though it does turn our backyard into a mini lake. Luckily, thanks to our yard people, the backyard is now covered with some grass, and a whole lot of weeds.  But that's much better than having muddy spots, I think.

I hope that none of my readers are in harm's way of the hurricane.

Happy Friday.



Thursday, September 13, 2018

It's 11:30 (more or less)


Well, it's 11:30 in the morning, and people I have already had my first nap! In my defense, and heaven knows I need one, I'm not sleeping very well in my recliner.  What's the difference you ask? I think when I go to "bed", my body. and more importantly, my mind do eventually go to sleep. But, it's just not a restful sleep - I don't know why.

After breakfast this morning, - toast and coffee, which has been my "go to" breakfast as long as I can remember, I put myself back in the recliner. And, I'm sure you already know, but I slept very well for a few hours.  

Daisy has become somewhat of an extension of me. If I'm in my recliner, 99% of the time, she's laying on my lap. When I'm asleep, I hardly notice when she gets up or down. 

Today, I noticed, probably not for the first time, that I'm beginning to have "crepey" (and that's the correct spelling I believe), skin. So, in addition to having "old" spots appear on my arms and hands, I have what I will call old lady skin!  I suppose there is some kind of procedure for the spots, but I'm sure it's expensive. Oh, and I know that Medicare wouldn't pay for a "vanity" procedure! 

Lately, I've been in Jeff's car with the top down, and believe it or not got myself a tan! And, now the tan is peeling off, all of this from just riding in a car with the top down! Jeff now shaves his head, and he always wears a hat while he's driving. 

Jeff and I are working our way down to our anniversary.  It's kind of sad, when you can't actually remember how many years you've been married. But, I used a calculator, and this anniversary will be our 44th one! We haven't started our "contract" negotiations yet, which is just "re-upping" for another year. And, I generally want to have a steak dinner as our celebration.

Okay, I went on Google, to check and see what gem is associated with the 44th anniversary. Apparently, it's turquoise.  Google also says that the 44th anniversary is called a gourmet or grocery anniversary, and is definitely symbolized by food. See - back to steak again! How did I know this? Just smart I guess. Everybody knows that with age, comes wisdom. Of course, the older you get, the less likely you'll remember all those "pearls" of wisdom!

I'd love to stick around and continue to chat, but even people with a busted wing, has some chores that need doing.




Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Catching Up


Well, here's some updates on "stuff".  I know that sentence alone peaks your interest in what is to follow!  So, here we go.

Busted Wing:

Saw the bone doctor yesterday, x-rays were taken, and unfortunately my "wing" has not yet healed. I have to wear the sling for another 3-4 weeks.  Argh. I'm supposed to schedule physical therapy in a week. My prior experience with physical therapy, has not made a positive impression on me. The therapist (only one), is working with multiple patients. If, the therapist starts you on an exercise, then they walk away to help somebody else. Last time I had therapy, I wasn't exactly impressed.  I spent a lot of time sitting on the table, waiting for my next exercise. I'm hoping that I will have a better experience this time around.

While we were at the doctor's office, we left Bella in the house. If we just leave Daisy, there's no problem, but Bella is a different kind of dog altogether. The visit wasn't long, but when we got home, it didn't appear that Bella had gotten into anything. That was definitely good news!
Hurricane Florence:

Well, as all of you know, our girl Florence is moving ever closer to the North/South Carolinas (not actually sure that's a word, but you get the idea). We used to vacation in September in the Outer Banks, and twice we had to leave early because of an impending hurricane/storm. While, Jeff and I agree that it's not likely our girl Florence will do much damage to our house. But, having said that, we did go and do some shopping yesterday. The boys know that our pantry, fridge and freezer are filled to the top with food. 

What I did notice when we went to Costco, was the amount of bottled water people were buying. Jeff and I take our empty bottles, fill them up at the sink, and put them in the fridge. Because our water is so good here, we don't need to buy bottled water.  We took Bella with us, of course, and she was once again absolutely perfect. At the register, Jeff told her to sit and stay - and she did. When she's wearing her vest, I believe that she knows she's working.

I had made a short list of things to buy at WalMart, so we breezed through the store. We believe, and maybe it's just us, but we don't want to run short of toilet paper, milk and eggs. Happy to report, that we're all stocked up. Actually, if the storm becomes more of a problem, we're only expecting rain, Jeff and I could feed Andrew and Scott et al. Some times I'm a bit embarrassed when someone opens up the pantry door! 

We have a weekly test on the generator, so "Jenny" will be ready to go, if we need her. Since buying "Jenny", we have only lost power for a few minutes. Perhaps, the purchase of a whole house generator is good for the neighborhood! 


Last year, we waited until the weather turned cold, and in doing so, it was several weeks before the technician could come out. But, have no fear, "Girl Scout Patti) was aware that if we had the fireplace serviced in the summer, there was a discount (small).  I called for an appointment, and the technician came out the next day.  


Okay, don't hate me, but I have already bought three Christmas presents. I see no reason to not buy a present, if you see something and it would make a good gift. 

Bachelor in Paradise television show. I watched the finale last night, and out of all the people that were originally on the beach, only three couples made it to the end. There was two proposals, and that made everyone in the audience go "ah". One couple, that had been very close through the season (I guess I can call it that), when the woman came on to the stage, and she professed how much she loved her partner.  

Shocker, when he sat down beside her, he told her that he wasn't feeling "it", and that he didn't see a future with her.  You can imagine, that the tears came and she walked off the stage. I couldn't help but feel that he could have probably told her before the finale. After he spoke, the entire population watching the show, were devastated. I know I was. I feel bad for this young woman, who was sure that he would propose, and then he didn't. 

Now that the Bachelor is over, I'll have to find some other show to take it's place. If you know me, and most of you do, you also know that finding something new to watch, won't be much of a problem for me.

Well, that's all the news that's fit for publication. Ada is coming today to clean, so you know that I, and all other women, do some amount of cleaning before hand!


Tuesday, September 11, 2018



I see the bone doctor today, and I'm hoping that my arm has mended, at least a little bit. I'm tired of wearing the sling, it just makes doing chores difficult.  Not to mention getting dressed. 

Unfortunately, I am not pain free, but based on where I was three weeks ago, feel good about my progress. Here's hoping that the doctor will feel the same way.

This afternoon, the repair man is coming out to service our gas fireplace. Last year, I waited until the temperature was low enough that we needed the fireplace.  We waited for weeks to have someone come out. This year, "Efficient Patti", got right on this chore.  I'm so proud of me.

Today, while we are at the doctor's office, we are going to let Bella stay home, and we'll keep our fingers crossed, that the damage, if any, is small. 

When we go shopping this afternoon, Bella will go with us. Based on Hurricane Florence, which will make landfall sometime soon, it's possible that the trifecta of products: toilet paper, milk and ice cream, will be in short supply. Everybody, always laughs when they look at our pantry, which is well and truly stocked, and our toilet paper and ice cream stash is under control too. There are a few things that we need, but nothing that will have an extreme effect on us, if there aren't any of the canned foods, and salad that we are hoping to buy today.

As I write this just now, a doe came into our yard, and went to the box woods, in front of our porch, and was having breakfast.  Her fawns were not with her, but I'm sure they're close to her. Having a deer in your front yard, is a wonderful thing to see. Oh, if only had a real camera!

Time to go and get dressed, and I guess I'll wear my sling, because that's what I'm supposed to be doing. Truth be told, I'm a terrible patient, and went all day yesterday without the sling until bedtime. Pain? Hmm, a bit, but nowhere as painful as my arm was three weeks ago.  Wish me luck!


Monday, September 10, 2018

Another One Bites The Dust!


Front page of the paper today, shows once again a man, in a powerful position, being accused of sexually misconduct allegations.  These allegations caused to join the "ranks" of the unemployed. Powerful men, seem to think it's okay to indulge in non-appropriate sexual behavior.

I wonder how the conversation went when he got home yesterday.  "Honey, I've been fired from my job".  "We're probably going to have to tighten up our budget!  Not.

He received an exit deal of $180 Million dollars. In 2017, his salary was $69.3 Million dollars. It's hard to work up any sympathy for this executive.  He, like all the others, make a lot of money, and they can throw that money around to defend himself. And, sometimes this behavior costs them their job.

The network and the executive will donate $20 Million dollars to one or more organizations that support the #metoo movement. Perhaps, by throwing money, that he can well afford, perhaps thinks by donating money, will make him a good guy again.  Wrong. You can't take back actions or words, and these men who have been accused should remember that. 

I'm glad that women have found a voice and forum to make unwanted sexual behaviors unacceptable.  Unfortunately, like myself and other women of my age, we lived with behavior that would be unacceptable today. We had no voice, and I'm pretty sure that if you did raise an accusation, it would likely have cost your job.
I mean in those days (early 70'), secretaries were a dime a dozen.

My experiences during my working years, don't even begin to measure up to what's happening today. But, I had misconduct, if you will, during those years.  I had to ask to go to the bathroom. A stapler was thrown at me (luckily, it didn't hit me in the head). Drunk or absent bosses. Comments on my breasts, and other things along those lines. I, sucked it up. So, why put up with it? I needed those jobs, so I made no waves. If you did make waves, you were quickly shown the door. Sexual innuendos from some executives was the norm. We women expected some form of harassment, and we let it just happen. 

So, hurrah to all those women, who have been brave enough to make their voices heard. It is about time.


Sunday, September 9, 2018

Just Stuff


When I say I'm writing about stuff, that literally means I actually don't have a subject/something to write about. But, for those of you who follow me daily most of the time, I don't want to let you down. (smiley face here).

It's raining here today, and we have a small lake forming in the backyard.  While some rain is a good thing, but a lot of rain can cause damage, particularly if strong winds are involved.  Fortunately, for the moment, just gray skies and steady rain. Rain equates to muddy paws in the house - at least for Bella. Daisy is a completely different dog all together. She has a love for concrete, rather than the yard.  Argh. 

I'm still spending most of my "free" time, and I have a lot of that, sitting in my recliner. It seems that Daisy understands when I recline my chair even a little bit, that's her cue to get in my lap.

Next week, I see the bone doctor, and I hope he has good news for me regarding my left arm. I am wearing the sling 90% of the time, and the arm is still painful. I've never had a broken bone before, and I highly recommend that you avoid breaking something in your body.  I think I'm going into week three, and I was foolishly thinking that I'd be "cured" by now.  Alas, that is not the case.

My neighbor "Aunty Kim" came to visit me yesterday. I don't get a lot of company, and I don't get out of the house very much either. It's a really good thing that I'm comfortable and, for the most part, content being in the house. I know that for some/most people, being stuck in the house drives them up the wall.  I'm just not one of those people. My house represents a comfortable and safe place for me. I'm pretty unsteady these days, so I won't venture to walk around the circle in our street, without Jeff. 

I sometimes feel that I'm "dying", or perhaps more accurately aging quickly.  That sounds drastic, but when I add up what's wrong with me, it kind of makes sense. My right foot is still numb, and I suppose it will remain so. The hip is painful, my arm (though temporary), and the biggie is my mental health. That last part of me, is very likely going to follow me until the end of my days. I hate thinking negative, but I have learned to accept what I can or can not fix. Just stating the facts, as I seem them.

Time for me to get my body in motion, which means doing something/anything before I can go back to my chair. Moving around is important, and I need to do better about walking.

I hope the sky is sunny where you are.



Saturday, September 8, 2018

The Word :"Like"


I admit that I'm old(er), and am no longer "hip", if ever I was. But watching television shows with teenagers these days, I would/should count the number of times these kids use the word "like". 

They mumble hm (I don't know how to really spell that word, but you get the idea.  And, then they start to talk to the camera, and out comes the word like.

They ruin a completely fine sentence, by adding the word "like". It appears to be the new word that young people use.  When you watch Judge Judy, she gets all over people who keep saying the word like. "Um, it's like going to be hard, but we're going to be like ready for the baby". Stuff like that. If they couldn't use that particular word, I don't know if they could actually form a real sentence!

I'm trying, and coming up empty, to remember a word that I and others used, back in the olden days of the 60's.  I think the word cool was used a bit. But, a search of Google, who knows all, says that other words used back then were "bummer dude", and "far out". Some of you will remember these words, and probably used them, as I probably did. I can assure you that people my age, are definitely out of the loop of current music (thank goodness), sayings, clothing, and anything else you can think of that represents now.

So, for example: "I like candy". But, I don't like um you know like candy. Just saying.

In closing, I'm going to say that I like communicating with all of you every day- even when I have nothing much to say!


Friday, September 7, 2018

A "year" spent at Hopkins!


Yesterday, Jeff, Bella and myself, made the trek to Baltimore for eye exams.My left eye, which was the one that had a cataract removed, now shows my vision at 20/25!.  This is a really big deal for me.  Perhaps after having the right eye worked on, I will no longer need lenses as thick as coke bottles!

There is a long wait to see the doctor.  App scheduled for 3:45, wasn't seen until around 5:30. Good thing that Jeff and I bring the appropriate electronic devices to use while we waited.

We raised home, because Jeff was supposed to be on a conference call.  He was a few minutes late, but quickly up to speed.  Tomorrow is one of his "required" days off.  Like that will actually happen. 

I woke up early this morning, had my bagel and coffee. I was out of the kitchen before Jeff started making breakfast for the girls, as well as his own. 

I am wearing my new whistle, and hope I never have to use it. It's comforting to know that I have some kind of device that I can use if I need help. Of course, I actually feel like " Clarabelle" (a cow)!

I'm hoping that there is a nap in my future today. I didn't sleep well, had to get up 3 times during the night.  I am pretty well medicated at night, so even when I get up, or Daisy decides to get up on my lap, I find that I can get right back to sleep.

Periodically today, I will get up, move around and actually get something done.


Thursday, September 6, 2018



Have you noticed a pattern here?  Well, there is generally so much to talk about when it comes to the girls.

They are both 2 years old, and you would think that their shenanigans would be over. At times, that's true. But alas, that's not completely true. We still don't, and perhaps never will, leave paper anything (cups, plates, napkins, etc.), where Bella can get to them! It would be one thing if she took these items, and destroyed them inside the house. Nope, she goes out the doggy door and creates quite a mess in the yard.

Daisy, has started peeing in the house.  I thought we had gotten rid of that behavior a long time ago. Um, maybe not.  We decided that before we got all worked up about this, we'd take her to the vet to make sure there wasn't anything wrong with her. No physical problems, which was a relief, and $163.00 later, we hopped back in the car and headed to WalMart.  Since Daisy can't go in a store, she and I hung out in the car. Jeff turned the a/c on and I adjusted the radio to 60's music. I quickly realized that I had left my Kindle at home! So, I engaged in people watching, which is always fun.

While we were at the vet, Daisy was pulling and almost managed to get out of her collar. Answer? A harness for her, for when we have to take her out somewhere. She doesn't get to go out often, and that's partly our fault. Perhaps when she is in a harness, it will be easier to take her out for a walk.

Okay, next problem, which is nasty. Daisy, prefers the concrete floor in the basement like a "litter box"! She will actually pee about 6 inches away from the doggy door.  I've thought about diapers, but I know (not from experience), that using them would be a daunting task, to say the least.

All household products we used, failed to keep her from using the floor. I have now bought a product, that I used only one part of the floor, and I'm pretty satisfied with the result.

Jeff and I have appointments at Hopkins today. Bella will go with us, and Daisy will have to stay home. If Bella is staying home, we have to "Bella proof" the house. That actually means the dogs have to go in the basement.

It's amazing how much we do for our pets. When Jeff and I got married, so many years ago, we thought that $25.00 or so, was the maximum we would spend on a dog visit to the vet.  Obviously, we always spent more than $25.00, but once you know what's wrong with your pet, you have to weigh your options.  Could old Sam be treated somehow, which would have stopped him taking two steps and then peeing.  Because Sam was 15, we opted to put him to sleep.

Now in 2018, we spend considerably more for a vet visit. Even a limit of $200.00 turns out to be just a number. And, a number that we have increased over time, for the girls!

So, here's to puppies and dogs - you irritate us some of the time, but we love you anyway.



Wednesday, September 5, 2018



For most of the years that Jeff and I have been married (a long time), I had no interest in reading or watching the news.  When the paper came, I took a cursory look at the front page. After that, the Style section and always the comics.

And now, something has changed. I actually read the paper. Mind you, not everything, but pretty much anything above the fold in our paper. 

I don't talk about politics, and I'm not going to do so now, as it relates to my views. Those views are private.  But, day after day, there is so much happening in the world, or to be politically correct, here at home.  There seems to be a constant struggle between he said, she said.  People have been fired, sometimes within weeks of accepting a position.  It's no wonder that there are several books, that one can read. So, having said all of that, I do read the paper and watch the evening news. My in-laws were crazy about "60 Minutes". They would call us and our conversations were always short, because they needed to watch that show.  For years, Jeff and I said "nay nay" to watching that show, but, suddenly, we do. Turning into old people - yup.

The ruby red slippers have been found and now reside in the Smithsonian. I don't know, but if I owned such a significant item, I think I would donate them, rather than sell them to the highest bidder. It's not like you could have the slippers on display in your home. To be sure, it would be the subject of conversation!

The news today, is for the most part, depressing. People are being shot, buildings are burning down, road rage as well as the "Me Too" movement.  Oh, I wish that we could return to the 60's. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't always good news, but for the most part, the negative news didn't seem to take center stage all the time. And, now, unfortunately, the news does.

Whether you get your news from papers or television, stay positive. (smiley face here).


Tuesday, September 4, 2018



Gadzooks, we're in September already, and school has started. This means that "unofficially", it's the end of summer.

As I made my coffee this morning, using our Keurig machine, I thought back to the times when the smell of coffee brewing in the morning, wafted throughout the house. this smell alone, meant that somebody was up in the house.

When we visited my Grandmother, she and my mother would get up early and have coffee.  This was their opportunity to just talk to each other. I'm pretty sure that this time was special for both of them.

Oh, back to coffee.  With the Keurig, which is a delight to use, just doesn't produce a coffee smell, unless you are basically on top of the machine.

Thinking about coffee, for all of our marriage, I have been the "nose".  Something smelling off? I'm your gal. I probably was a blood hound in my past life?

I have hand lotion that I bought in Hawaii, and every time I use it, I am transported mentally back to Hawaii.

Baking cinnamon rolls, always brings me back to the years and year of Christmas. While presents mayhem was occurring, the rolls were cooking. Maybe that remembrance has more to do with the actual event, rather than the aroma.

And, of course, last but not least, is Chloe perfume. The company doesn't make the original Chloe any longer. When I found this out, I was depressed. I have used Chloe perfume and powder for more years than I can count. I never spray on too much perfume because I don't want the "smell" of me to enter the door before me! Knowing that I could no longer buy the original Chloe, led me to Ebay, where I buy used bottles. The bottles may only have an inch or so left, but that doesn't matter to me. Getting the perfume is just that important to me. I think mentally it defines me. I haven't used another perfume since first discovering Chloe. You know the saying: "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". That's Chloe to me!

I don't like scented soaps, whether it be in the washing machine, or just hand soap. Jeff and I pretty much always buy unscented soaps. We are devote users of Neutrogena (sp?) soap. There is a very, very mild scent, but nothing that "smacks" you in the face.  To say, that Jeff and I are in a rut, would be an understatement. But, we like what we like, what we like, and that's it. Both of us, dread knowing that a product we like and use, has been discontinued. But, hey that's just us.


Monday, September 3, 2018



Because of the extra day, Jeff and I spent part of yesterday watching the series "Jack Ryan". I think you call it binge watching! But popcorn was not included.

Jeff called Andrew to see if he and Stacey were up for company.  Turns out they were. We went to Costco first, to get pizza to take with us, and vanilla ice cream. Stacey made peach pie and it was delicious.  The pie with ice cream on top - heaven! While Jeff was in Costco, he bought me my first cordless mouse (wonderful) and a new light for my desk, that also has a built-in fan.  Also wonderful. 

After eating the pie, the four of us settled in their den, and watched the movie "Smokey and The Bandit".  We hadn't seen it in years, so it was like seeing it for the first time for us. After the movie, we put two very tired dogs in the car, and they were both asleep before we left the driveway. Obviously, we had the top down, and I kept my window down, so that I could feel the breeze. Once we got home, Jeff and the girls went to bed. I stayed up to watch one show, and then I too went to "bed" in my recliner. 

This morning, we watched a show/movie, at least I'm pretty sure we did. Of course, I can't remember the name!  Shocker.

Between Andrew's house, Scott's house and ours we somehow can pick out a movie to watch. And, there is a very large selection - and  I enjoy this very much.

A little concerned about Daisy. While she isn't completely potty trained, unless you count the concrete in the basement! But, all of a sudden, she's peeing in the house, and she hasn't done this for a very long time. She peed on a stair (I don't know how you manage that), in the hallway and the dining room.  I'm beginning to wonder if she has a bladder infection.

Have to run. I'm way past my lunch time.


Sunday, September 2, 2018

Just Things!


Yesterday, Scott and Wendy came to the house for a visit.  It wasn't a long visit, but I enjoyed their company.

Last night I woke up with a great idea for today'a blog. Alas, it didn't stick around, which is the case with most things I'm supposed to remember!

I see the doctor this week to see if my broken bone has healed.  I worry that I'll have to continue wearing a sling.  This hunt and peck typing is maddening.  I don't know how people can stand to type this way.

Today actually feels like a Sunday. I got up at 6:30 this morning.  I had my breakfast, then I cleaned up the kitchen, and "mostly" emptied the dishwasher.  

I'm very disappointment that I can't remember what I wanted to"talk" about today.  If I remember, I'll write it down!


Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...