Saturday, September 22, 2018

Yesterday and Today


Yesterday, I had my first physical therapy session. Why is it that therapists all seem to be: young, thin, and probably have never needed physical therapy!

The group where I went yesterday, is a bit different, because you get 1 on 1 training. Normally, when I've had physical therapy in the past, the therapist shows me what to do, and then walks away to help somebody else. That kind of therapy feels inadequate to me. So, I've done "x" number of an exercise. Because the therapist is busy elsewhere, you just sit on the table and wait.

After therapy, we drove through Taco Bell to get our dinner. Don't worry, we're celebrating with the family at a rather high scale (i.e., high price) restaurant tonight. Since really good tv doesn't start until next week, we watched a Bruce Willis movie. The movie hit all the right notes: destruction, people chasing and then killing somebody, and on and on. I wouldn't rank this movie very high on the scale of entertainment. 

This morning, I woke up super early, and because I don't want to wake up Jeff and the girls, I quietly made my breakfast, and settled back in my recliner to watch a cooking show.  

Shortly, after Jeff came down, the arborist came to look at the 32 year old Pin Oak in the front yard. He did take note that our neighbor's oak tree also seems to be dying. This was a no pressure fellow. He says we can fertilize the oak tree, but it probably wouldn't help.  He suggests that, in the spring, I guess they'll come out and have to cut down this majestic tree. Something is killing these oak trees, but we don't know why. If the tree comes down, it will be a very sad day. And, to replace that tree, with anything of significant size will be very expensive.

I have a bag that has things inside for Wendy and Stacey. Benjamin's socks, book for Elly, Christmas present for Jeff, and a lovely rain jacket that I ordered and doesn't fit me. I think it will fit Stacey. I actually ordered the correct size, but paid no attention to the fact that the sizes were for Chinese people. They've given me a partial refund, and wrote me that I could keep the jacket.

The therapist did tell me that I could spend sometime without the sling, and do exercises (and I hate exercises). She also told me that a fracture like mine, can sometimes takes not only weeks, but months before it heals!  How lucky am I?

Jeff's suggestion, and it was a good one, that I try and rest today, so that I'll not be tired, and no fun at dinner tonight. Believe me, if there's one thing I'm good at is resting. (insert smiley face here)!

I'm going to start a load of laundry and clean the kitchen, which, thanks to Ada, is already pretty clean. After that, I'll get in my chair, and yes, do the arm exercises, and try to fall asleep during a cooking show!

Happy Saturday everyone.


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