Wednesday, September 5, 2018



For most of the years that Jeff and I have been married (a long time), I had no interest in reading or watching the news.  When the paper came, I took a cursory look at the front page. After that, the Style section and always the comics.

And now, something has changed. I actually read the paper. Mind you, not everything, but pretty much anything above the fold in our paper. 

I don't talk about politics, and I'm not going to do so now, as it relates to my views. Those views are private.  But, day after day, there is so much happening in the world, or to be politically correct, here at home.  There seems to be a constant struggle between he said, she said.  People have been fired, sometimes within weeks of accepting a position.  It's no wonder that there are several books, that one can read. So, having said all of that, I do read the paper and watch the evening news. My in-laws were crazy about "60 Minutes". They would call us and our conversations were always short, because they needed to watch that show.  For years, Jeff and I said "nay nay" to watching that show, but, suddenly, we do. Turning into old people - yup.

The ruby red slippers have been found and now reside in the Smithsonian. I don't know, but if I owned such a significant item, I think I would donate them, rather than sell them to the highest bidder. It's not like you could have the slippers on display in your home. To be sure, it would be the subject of conversation!

The news today, is for the most part, depressing. People are being shot, buildings are burning down, road rage as well as the "Me Too" movement.  Oh, I wish that we could return to the 60's. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't always good news, but for the most part, the negative news didn't seem to take center stage all the time. And, now, unfortunately, the news does.

Whether you get your news from papers or television, stay positive. (smiley face here).


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