Sunday, September 9, 2018

Just Stuff


When I say I'm writing about stuff, that literally means I actually don't have a subject/something to write about. But, for those of you who follow me daily most of the time, I don't want to let you down. (smiley face here).

It's raining here today, and we have a small lake forming in the backyard.  While some rain is a good thing, but a lot of rain can cause damage, particularly if strong winds are involved.  Fortunately, for the moment, just gray skies and steady rain. Rain equates to muddy paws in the house - at least for Bella. Daisy is a completely different dog all together. She has a love for concrete, rather than the yard.  Argh. 

I'm still spending most of my "free" time, and I have a lot of that, sitting in my recliner. It seems that Daisy understands when I recline my chair even a little bit, that's her cue to get in my lap.

Next week, I see the bone doctor, and I hope he has good news for me regarding my left arm. I am wearing the sling 90% of the time, and the arm is still painful. I've never had a broken bone before, and I highly recommend that you avoid breaking something in your body.  I think I'm going into week three, and I was foolishly thinking that I'd be "cured" by now.  Alas, that is not the case.

My neighbor "Aunty Kim" came to visit me yesterday. I don't get a lot of company, and I don't get out of the house very much either. It's a really good thing that I'm comfortable and, for the most part, content being in the house. I know that for some/most people, being stuck in the house drives them up the wall.  I'm just not one of those people. My house represents a comfortable and safe place for me. I'm pretty unsteady these days, so I won't venture to walk around the circle in our street, without Jeff. 

I sometimes feel that I'm "dying", or perhaps more accurately aging quickly.  That sounds drastic, but when I add up what's wrong with me, it kind of makes sense. My right foot is still numb, and I suppose it will remain so. The hip is painful, my arm (though temporary), and the biggie is my mental health. That last part of me, is very likely going to follow me until the end of my days. I hate thinking negative, but I have learned to accept what I can or can not fix. Just stating the facts, as I seem them.

Time for me to get my body in motion, which means doing something/anything before I can go back to my chair. Moving around is important, and I need to do better about walking.

I hope the sky is sunny where you are.



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