Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Still Gloomy!


I just happened to notice that yesterday's title was "Gloony" day.  Apologies for the misspelling. Every now and then, my fingers seem to move too far to the left and/or right!

Stacey and I had scheduled a trifecta of services at the nail salon for today.  But, Benjamin is sick, so we'll have to reschedule for another day. My nails don't look too bad, toes in serious need of assistance. And, then there's my beard. Dark haired ladies, get - you guessed it - dark facial hair. From a yard away, you wouldn't notice my chiny-chiny (sp) hairs. Actually, the spelling is right, but the definition really doesn't mean hairs growing on your face. According to the dictionary (do people still use those), a word used to describe someone who is high off marijuana. The word comes from the common occurrence of your eyes becoming more closed when one is high! Who knew? Anyway, back to facial hair. I always dread going to the dentist or the eyeball doctor, if I haven't waxed off my hairs! In reality, I doubt that mine or anybody's for that matter, doesn't even register for the doctor.  So, it's pretty much all about my wanting to have a "smooth" face! I do agree that in some ways, I can be vain.

Today, I simply must fold up the laundry. Wrinkles be damned. And, I have a compulsion to go into Jeff's office and continue my purge and filing of papers. Not a wanted task, but one that definitely needs doing.  The binder for the boys' computer business, is so full that it can't handle another piece of paper. And, that's where I come in. Take out some older business related documents, and move them to another binder, that will be labeled "retention". Jeff's working, but I think I would work faster, and perhaps even happier, if I was listening to some 60's music. Since the music of my generation has become elevator music, I can only wonder how some of the music popular today, will actually be able to become elevator music! It's more than possible that I'm stuck in a time warp, and I'm okay with that.

I hope you all have a great day.


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