Sunday, September 16, 2018

What's Lurking?


Yesterday, in an attempt to avoid doing other necessary stuff (folding clothes, dishes, etc.), I decided to have a look at two drawers in the kitchen.

What a bunch of junk in there. There were screws that went/go to who knows what. Toss them. Glass lenses? Why on earth would I keep them? No clue what frames they once went to, but I figure if they are in a drawer, they are also tossable (sp). Binder clips - save. Pens were also saved. I could go on for hours.

I eventually turned my attention to the drawers that held measuring cups (sometimes), recipes, also sometimes. I have been on a tear to get rid of most of the plastic measuring cups and spoons. I have figured out that glass anything is easier to keep clean. Plastic - not so much.

While it took some time, I now have a drawer dedicated to only measuring cups and spoons. It is a beautiful sight to see. Unfortunately, before I could get to the next drawer, which is for recipes and booklets to products that we may or may not own! To be on the safe side, I kept the booklets. And, the recipes are definitely for another day. I'm trying to take all of my recipes and save them electronically, resulting in a nearly empty drawer!

What actually amazed me, besides the amount of stuff a drawer can actually hold, was the bits of crumbs in the corners. How did they come to be in a drawer that has never held food? I will chalk this up to another one of those household mysteries - missing sock. and in my case, bowls with no matching lids, and lids with no matching bowls. Gadzooks, I need to try and get all of those things under control! Again, for another day. Do you like how everything is for another day? Apparently, "another day" never seems to come around! Shocking I know.

What's on my agenda for today? I need, actually I want, to put new liners in the drawers that I worked on yesterday. This, in itself, is a challenge for me. I either cut the liner too short or too long and/or the width needed. There's no fear of my becoming a rocket scientist anytime soon.

In keeping with the little or no plastic in the house, several months ago I tossed out the plastic dog dishes, including the water bowl. I replaced all of them with stainless steel, and they are a breeze to keep clean. I feel like "Heloise" there for a minute!

Going to run, the day is fast slipping away from me.

Happy Sunday.




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