Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Elvis, Among Other Things


Through the magic of computers, wires, etc., I can now share movies with the boys. Don't ask me how it's done, all I know is that it works. If it was described to me, I still wouldn't get it!

Since my teen years, I have always loved Elvis and so wish that I could have seen him in concert. But my Dad, sat through Elvis movies with me. I know now and even knew then, that Dad didn't much care for the movies. Still, he watched. He was just that kind of a Dad - special!

Personally, I don't own any Elvis movies, but I do now. I went to my favorite store - Amazon, and found several of his movies that I want to be made available to me. Are they great movies? Not really, but the movies I bought are from the years when he was a thin Elvis. This morning, I watched Viva Las Vegas - loved it. Elvis was gorgeously handsome and Ann Margaret was beautiful. The plot was weak at best, but I really only concentrate on Elvis singing and dancing. 

I didn't sleep well, so was up well before Jeff and the girls came downstairs. And, since one of my chores yesterday was to clean up the kitchen, I'm happy to report that I've done that! Clean laundry is upstairs, waiting to be folded. I don't fuss over folding. I make an attempt when doing this chore, but I really just don't care all that much.

Went to Jeff's office yesterday, to move all of the necessary documents (taxes, unemployment, etc.) for 4A (computer company). This is an arduous task. I worked for a long time on this yesterday, and there is still work to be done. Because of the nature of these documents, they need to be kept handy, in case we have to prove that we filed a state or government document.  This is not likely, but it doesn't hurt, and I have room in the filing cabinet, to store these documents as "archive"! Not a lot of fun I can assure you. 

Jeff and I watched the Emmy's last night. A few people received awards that made us happy. Henry Winkler is the only one that comes to mind. We were disappointed that Steven Colbert didn't win an award. We watch his show every night, and love his opening dialogue a lot.

Switching gears now. Ending my blog, and starting my day. It's dreary outside, and I think we're supposed to get rain, but nothing like the people in the south have received.


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