Sunday, September 23, 2018

Anniversary Dinner


Last night, Jeff and I, along with Andrew and Scott et al, went out to "dine".  There is a big difference between eating out and dining out. 

Jeff had made a reservation at Ruth Cris Steak House. When we got to our table, the tablecloth was sprinkled with little hearts along with Happy Anniversary words. A very nice touch. I knew in an instant that we were going to really enjoy ourselves.

Unlike other places that Jeff and I have gone out for dinner, our experience was like no other. We had very attentive service (think Pretty Woman), and really good food. The Bassetts, all ordered steak of one kind or another. We are definitely carnivores, and enjoy a good steak every once in a while.

Elly and Benjamin sat at the far end of the table, across from each other.  Both of them were very interested in their electronic devices. 

The men sat on one side of the table, and we ladies on the other side. When you order sides, they come in dishes that are meant for sharing. We had asparagus, mashed potatoes, and creamed spinach. Stacey ordered, among other veggies, a sweet potato casserole. She let me have a bit and it was heavenly. The waiter even brought the recipe, which was inside a plastic covering. Guess, what dish will be on the tables this winter? If you guessed sweet potatoes, you'd be right.

But, before dinner, I ordered shrimp cocktail (yummy) and Andrew ordered calamari, which I tried and loved it.  Who knew?

There was very little noise in the area where we were sitting. So, nobody had to yell to make themselves heard. Our waiter was quick to notice empty glasses and return with a new glass of coke, tea, etc.

Then, there was the "main" event (for me at least), dessert!  I opted for bread pudding, and it was sooooo very good. Jeff's body doesn't handle sugar very well, but he did take a couple of small bites. Stacey and Wendy did chocolate lava cakes and Scott ordered creme burle.  There was some other dessert dishes. But, all of us came to the agreement that the dinner had been wonderful. 

Getting the family together means a great deal to me. Stacey and Wendy have already decided that Thanksgiving will be at Stacey's house and Christmas with Wendy and Scott.  

Elly made me a beautiful picture that when you opened it up, she had put in a bouncy heart as well as another bouncy surprise for us. That was really very nice of her.  

Once we got home, Benjamin gave me a gold unicorn head that I can put on the wall.  It seems that unicorns are everywhere now!

After everybody left, Jeff and I changed into our comfy clothes and watched a "bit" of television. Once Jeff went up to bed, I tucked myself in my recliner, put on my CPAP mask, and turned off the light by the fireplace. After just a few minutes, I decided that I was also very tired. And, better than that, Jeff, myself and the girls slept in until nearly 10:00! 

Jeff has already gone upstairs to work, and later he'll go out to do the weekly shopping. Since it's raining outside, I told him that I opted to stay home.

Well, there you have it. Our anniversary celebration was wonderful, and I thank all of the "kids" (i.e., the adults) for giving Jeff and I a wonderful time.

Love you all.


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