Saturday, September 8, 2018

The Word :"Like"


I admit that I'm old(er), and am no longer "hip", if ever I was. But watching television shows with teenagers these days, I would/should count the number of times these kids use the word "like". 

They mumble hm (I don't know how to really spell that word, but you get the idea.  And, then they start to talk to the camera, and out comes the word like.

They ruin a completely fine sentence, by adding the word "like". It appears to be the new word that young people use.  When you watch Judge Judy, she gets all over people who keep saying the word like. "Um, it's like going to be hard, but we're going to be like ready for the baby". Stuff like that. If they couldn't use that particular word, I don't know if they could actually form a real sentence!

I'm trying, and coming up empty, to remember a word that I and others used, back in the olden days of the 60's.  I think the word cool was used a bit. But, a search of Google, who knows all, says that other words used back then were "bummer dude", and "far out". Some of you will remember these words, and probably used them, as I probably did. I can assure you that people my age, are definitely out of the loop of current music (thank goodness), sayings, clothing, and anything else you can think of that represents now.

So, for example: "I like candy". But, I don't like um you know like candy. Just saying.

In closing, I'm going to say that I like communicating with all of you every day- even when I have nothing much to say!


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