Thursday, September 27, 2018

Current News


Unless you have been living under a rock, then you know that today will be a big news events.  Dr. Ford is going to be questioned and heard about the event that happened to her, years ago. 

I'm not going to go all political on you today, because as most of you know, I don't write about politics. And, for years didn't read or watch anything regarding news. But, for the past few years, the news has gotten very interesting. Today, will be no different. I applaud Dr. Ford for coming forward, even though I know in my heart, that it will be a difficult day for her.

With the beauty of our Tivo, I can record all of the days' events, and when I've got down time, can watch and/or fast forward through the commenters, i.e., talking heads. 

Jeff and I sat through President Trump's Press Conference yesterday, so I should be able to spend at least the same amount of time watching the hearings.

I know deep down, in my heart, that her allegations will be challenged and she will be "put through the wringer". 

For all of the tens of thousands of women, who have at one time or another, been mistreated by men (generally a boss), such as myself, I hope that today's hearings, will give women a voice, and the courage to come forward, if and/or when they want to. Our voices have for too long been unheard. 

Okay, climbing off my soap box now. I hope I haven't offended anyone today.  If I have, then I apologize.  You know that I don't normally offer up much of an opinion on anything, but I sincerely feel that the events of today will be worth the time I spend in front of the television.

Again apologies in advance. Tomorrow, I'll be back to writing about mundane things!


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